Any other user with fordyce spots?

Any other user with fordyce spots?

I was about to get some head from this girl and I had to explain what it was when she thought I had herpes or some shit. This stuff is the worst.

You fucking a virgin? What type of dumb bitch thinks those are herpes

holyl shit I thought those were normal, I've had those on my dick my entire life and thought they were just hair follicles that were new or something.

I have them.
Kill that stupid slut.

its common i have it too, what a dumb bitch tbh

Sup buddy, I have the same condition but I thought it was because I was jerking off with pizza grease. Nothing gets me more in the mood when the buff looking dudes delivers the pizza to the girl in those goofy movies on the interweb. It's just something about that pizza grease that makes my mind go crazy. I've inspected my body to see if it's them government implants because I keep tripping and falling with my dick landing in to the old pooch without fail every time. On the other hand, don't bother checking webmd, they'll just tell you that you have some super gonorrhea cancer that you can only get in the southern-most part of Thailand.

semi professional doc here
shit is completely normal
just some sebaceous glands, no treatment required.

Have em too

She still gave me head, it's just annoying that I always have to explain it whenever I do anything with a new girl. It's just a littl embarrassing haha

I'm disgusted but aroused

bitches love my cougar spots

oh shit lol is that what those things are? yeh i got em. really small but i got em

just tell her it's ribbed for her pleasure

It's for sure not normal to have them, I don't have any of those bumps on mine

Moisturize your penis. Those only appear when your skin is not in optimal health - if regular moisturizing doesn't work alone start using a BHA as well. Just because the skin isn't white and dry to the touch doesn't mean it's in good health. Overactive oil generation usually means *something* is wrong.

Using an aloe bha skin toner as a daily or nightly regimen on nights you aren't fucking or when you start off the day will help considerably. It's worth noting that you might have to hold out the skin like a tarp, particularly on the ballsack to make sure you're getting full coverage.

Actually, when overactive oil generation occurs, particularly due to dry skin using oils is recommended as certain oils help protect the skin while it recovers. It's a similar concept to applying petroleum jelly/vaseline to dry, cracked hands, except the oils also help moisturize the skin.

Though, if you're beating your meat with grease from cheese and meats, probably not going to do a whole lot.

>The spots, also called Fordyce granules or Fordyce glands, are enlarged oil glands. They are completely normal, harmless, and painless. They occur in 70 to 80 percent of adults

you must be a retarded freak

Stop smoking

Yeah, this is a common occurrence in people with autism. Harmless, but just more of a sign that you may be on the spectrum.

I got the same. No one ever asked what it is or was confused, so dont worry. But I got HPV too - THIS is worse.

i have small ones on the corner of my mouth it fucking sucks

Pffft I've had that shit on my shaft for like forever. The girls I fuck just haven't noticed it I guess

What about PPP?

Retard spotted

i have then, but they're small.

Yeah, I thought the same. I'm a hairy mother fucker so I never thought much if it.

I just looked some up and it says Coconut Oil could potentially help, should I buy that?

Starting tomorrow I'm also completely cutting out all pop and other drinks and only drink 2 liters of water a day.

I'm gonna try to do it for at least 2 weeks. I have a pretty shit diet so I'm hoping that even if I don't see changes for this I at least see some other changes for me and if I notice anything I'll do it for longer.

I don't have it, but its better than trying to explain Hidradenitis suppurativa.