Daily reminder that if you were born male you failed the genetic lottery
Daily reminder that if you were born male you failed the genetic lottery
Other urls found in this thread:
>Lunatic difficulty is manlet
Life is only as hard as you make it user.
>Bleeding once a month out of your genital
>Be weak and raped in 2/3 of the world
>Literally have the need to bitch 24/7
Not thanks OP, no thanks.
>implying there's only 2 genders
Oh cool then, spread your legs and see if the world gets handed to you on a golden platter.
If youre american, then youre correct.
Women in other countries have it harder though. I woukdnt want to be a sand nigger woman or an ugly chink woman
Depends if hot or not.
Pregnancy is more painful than anything you've felt or will ever feal
Yeah sure the perks are great but the stat limit is shit
when i see a h0t girl my dick gets set on the hardest difficulty
upboate me!
Where's queer-trigender apache attack helicopter?
this is what betas actually believe
Life is terrible in itself
Class is the primary determiner of life's difficulty.
Tfw challenge accepted
depends on your location in the world.
When's the last time you've seen a woman happy or content for over 5 minutes straight?
if you live in Brazil, sure
The amount of drugs/epidurals women get, it's virtually painless.
Is it more painfull than being burnt by white phosphor? Or getting beheaded by ISIS or burnt alive, dissipaited in acid?
Go be equal! Become a miner, a frontline soldier, a garbage woman!
This is only true in 1st world nations such as america.
Europe soon will get a taste of muslim enrichment and their dumb women will feel what real oppression is like.
Oh Holland you troublemaker
I'm transitioning in the hopes that it will take away some of the pain.
It's not even bad without that stuff.
Women are just weak and like to whine.
>be German
>use Hitler meme
you literally can't make this up
burnt by WP is worst
then burnt alive
beheaded by ISIS is best, and I also heard that dissipation in acid is pretty painless due to shock and the fact your nerves are gone quickly, that could be bullshit though
>Is it more painfull than being burnt by white phosphor? Or getting beheaded by ISIS or burnt alive, dissipaited in acid?
This applies to being with nards between their legs stupid
>make $100k a year
>actually understand reality
>not a slave to pop culture, media, peers
>don't menstruate
>don't have mood swings
>don't lose my glow at 25 and become undesirable
>don't have to constantly lie and remember those lies to survive
>can truly survive independently
>failed the genetic lottery
What's up thread, many people pretending being female is harder yet?
I don't completely agree with what the image is trying to covey.
If you are a girl who is ugly and dumb, you are even more worthless than a guy who has those same qualities.
If you're a guy, you at least have more muscle strength which could land you a blue collar job.
Now, if you're a pretty girl, you've hit the jackpot. You can marry a rich man and live a very prosperous life.
You're just a beta waste of space. Being a man is so much better
>>actually understand reality
This can't be overstated
Western women have life on tutorial mode with cheats enabled. Men are abused in western society so women have it easy. Men are expected to adhere to feminism and chivalry simultaneously, never disagree with women, and never hold them accountable for anything. Women are considered oppressed if Chad doesn't approach them.
That's how it works in the western world. In the rest of the world, it's a different story. But yeah, men in western society have it very hard. Of course, the femanon losers on Sup Forums will not like me saying this.
>>make $100k a year
even if you are serious, being a prostitute has way less work involved and pays like what, 200 freedum buks a fuck?
>being a fuckslut is somehow preferable than making 100k as something like a project managers
Fuck off back to r9k
Like holy shit shut the fuck up and stop crying like a bunch of babies. I gurantee my life has been 10x as hard as anyone else here and yet you will NEVER here me complaining about it like a fucking cry baby.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
>less work involved
>needing to pay a pimp for protection
>needing to pay the police to stay out of jail
>needing to pay a lawyer if i go to jail
>needing to worry about stds, rape, not being paid
>may need to buy my own insurance
>have no retirement plan
>living such a meaningless existence
>emotionally coping with all of this
>He actually chose it the absolute madman
Struggle is a good thing, it makes me a better man.
Stop complaining and comparing yourself to women unless you like being a cuck.
i can guarantee my dick is 10x as hard as yours m8
>literally one of the first images that came up when searching montenegro
>dick is 10x as hard as yours m8
right now? probably i just fapped a few hours ago im limp right now
When I fucked your mum.
Sorry, "mom".
That's not how it works in America anymore OP
It's 2016
Being born a woman is like being born retarded. Sure, people will take care of you, you'll be in a privileged social group and you'll be happy, but at the end of the day you'll still be retarded.
that's my secret, im always hard
ACTUALLY life as pretty GIRL isn't all that great even though I don't want to give the impression that it is TERRIBLE either. You constantly have to deal with ATTENTION from males that DISGUST you on both a PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL level. Would you like to be desired by a BALDING and SHORT male who MASTURBATES to PORNOGRAPHY on a daily basis? It is DEGENERATE and DISGUSTING. There is constantly SEXUAL TENSION below the surface of any interaction that you have to make up having a BOYFRIEND even if you don't have one right now. And when you have a BOYFRIEND you realize that they will never be as PERCEPTIVE and SENSITIVE as you are and you have to ask yourself if there is SOMETHING BETTER, but you can't look around too often or people will think you're a SLUT. If you were actually BORN a GIRL and that is all you ever KNEW then you wouldn't say it's the best thing EVER just because people want to give you THINGS because in the back of their MINDS they think they will get ACCESS to your VAGINA if they DO.
Really makes you THINK.
>NEVER here me complaining about it like a fucking cry baby.
Oh yeah anonymous that guy we all know and love
Well would you rather be happy and too retarded to know you're retarded, or some self-aware beta manlet alcoholic Wizardchan browsing Touhou fag, who has to work in a dingy mine to provide the rare earths necessary to make iPhones so that women can take selfies of themselves.
What's bad about people giving you things so they can fuck you?
You literally get more of everything you already want and no danger of children because of contraceptives.
im not really a guy tho.
Sorry xir
i dont care what pronouns you use but im not really a guy
>Daily reminder that if you were born male you failed the genetic lottery
(And born in kike-subverted america.)
I know....
>life is only as hard as JEWS make it
It's also a choice.
ugly manlet - Impossible
>5' 8"
eh, not that bad.
>mfw I'm 5'7"
>would you rather be retarded or retarded
>Pregnancy is more painful than anything you've felt or will ever feal
Yeah.... no.
mfw 5'11
An average looking girl can get by pretty well these days. Even Ugly land whales got "mah feminism" card to use.
you need to take Race into account
form easy to hard it would be
White Women
Black Women
All other Women
Refugee male
Black male
Other Males
White Male
I also chose the poor slav trait. Why would I play the game on easy? It would be boring as fuck.
This way I can have the true dark souls experience irl.
>You literally can't make this up
Double entendre?
What about the other 60+ genders?
I feel you, friendo.
>Just tall enough to make it work.
being a woman sucks
its like being born to feel misery and pain your whole life
that is what being a woman is like
which is why i dont want to be around them for very long
the were born to suffer and given the tools to spread this suffering to others
sorry leaf, not happenin'
I was born as a manlet. Women don't know misery and pain.
Being 6' and not having a gf must mean something
Stop complaing like a bitch and be a man
>A woman going into a male space and telling guys to man up
Very typical. Has Chad asked you out yet?
you're too young to remember anything
t. cut pengus man
>Has Chad asked you out yet?
any day now...
>37% for me at 6'7"
Contrast, my friend. I may have to toil, but it makes periods of pleasure and rest that much more enjoyable.
But they dont have souls either. They are already hollow.
is this the kind of thing kiwis get busted for having on their computers
Being a manlet is hardly a hindrance, the problem is it might make you unconfident which is a much bigger hindrance.
In other words, stop being autistic
>not playing on the hardest difficulty for that gold trophy/chevoo
I'm 5'3"
im a trap but nice try ;)
and no, my life isnt hard just because of my mental ilness. Dealing with gender dysphoria is like a 1/10 compared to the things iv had to deal with.
>More logical
You have a strange definition of failed op.
>you chose lunatic
>unconfident which is a much bigger hindrance.
This is right. Only pussies play on easy.
>Never whine about anything
>My life is ten times harder
it's much bigger than you think, mindset has a huge effect on how successful you are
Female is shit mode you whiny faggot
Can get laid more easily only because sex isn't as enjoyable to her and thus the market value for it adjusts accordingly
Completely irrelevant past the age of 30
>Not having periods
>Can have easy orgasms
>Generally make more cash
>Stronger / taller than other sex
>Less likely to get raped
Yeah Im gonna count this as a win.
>>Never whine about anything
>>My life is ten times harder
im not here to whine tho. Have you heard me go into a single detail about why my life was hard? I think not ;)
> You constantly have to deal with ATTENTION from males that DISGUST you on both a PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL level
Translation: "I am an arrogant cunt who sees men as so beneath me I cannot even handle them viewing me in a positive light". Oh boo fucking hoo. Someone found you attractive and you didn't find them attractive back.
That is such a first world problem it deserves it's own special category of first world problems among first world problems. It is literally getting something beneficial but being too stupid to realize it.
Dumb cunt statements like that are just proof that women are in easymode. The fact that anyone could even think for a second that such a total non problem somehow makes their life hard just shows how spoiled they really are.