Does anybody know how to commit suicide just by using a wooden board?

Does anybody know how to commit suicide just by using a wooden board?
It's all I have, it weighs around 5 pounds.
I'm not even sure if it's real wood, but it might do the trick

Swallow it

it is very easy just take the board shove it up your ass and make it come out your nose

Call this 18002738255

Didn't work.

how the fuck is that all you have

i dont think they are going to tell him how to an hero with wooden board

eyes, put it through eyeholes

Put a pencil in your nose and headbutt the board. That's the japanese way.

Do it OP

Too big.
Not gonna work

all you have to do is scream at the top of your lungs "FFUCK ME DADDY" and then the devil will appear and rape you with your board

Throw the board in the air and catch it with your head. Repeat as many times as necessary.

go jump off a building or in front of a truck you piss drinking fuck log

just kill yourself

I love Sup Forums, giving me great laughs in my last moments (that is if I can get it to work)
Repeated that numerous times, affects me yeah but doesn't do enough.
Not in a position where I can do that.

smack yourself in the temple with it as hard as you can
no pussying out, channel your primal fury

OP is a fag and a giant pussy

How are you browsing Sup Forums on a wooden board?

You don't?

>huhuhuhhu lol I'm so randumb hehe I already did that XD
fuck off, you're not funny


Fuck no, I upgraded to a stone block ages ago.
Didn't know wood could even get online.

suck my big fat fucking doge cock

Welp the only way i see you killing yourself with a wooden board is if you bash yourself over the head with it as hard as you can.

I tried that already, guess I'll try some more.


fuck this im bored ive been on Sup Forums for at least 3 hours im going to fucking kill myself seeya Sup Forums

work smarter, not harder
hit yourself in the throat with it as hard as you can to crush your windpipe

Stand up straight and fall forward onto the board length wise up. It will be painful, there is no way to do it painlessly with a fucking board

Take the wooden board, bring it close to your face, take a deep breath, close your eyes and then jump off of a building.

For fuck's sake OP - you can't even think laterally. You probably SHOULD kill yourself.

This is easy.

Can you an hero with the board? Unlikely. You're probably super weak, and unable to smash your skull in with it.

Even you are probably capable of managing to choke though.

Smash the board into splinters. Just swallow a bunch of the splinters until you choke to death. Easy. You're welcome.

start attacking people in the subway with it and get shot

attach it and die

just jump from a cliff

fashion it into a noose

Take the board to a lake and swim with it for as long as you have energy making sure to never swim back to shore

Sharpen the board on the sidewalk and stab your self. Your going to have grind off a tone of it though

You really wanna feel the pain?

Just put your head on a train track or something and just let the train do the work next.