Is there a viable successor to What.CD? Somewhere that hosts a lot of lossless torrents

Is there a viable successor to What.CD? Somewhere that hosts a lot of lossless torrents.

your only options now are Redacted, Apollo, and Waffles

Yeah, I was looking at Redacted. The impression I was getting was that the lossy library is much bigger than the lossless one. Might be wrong cause I wasn't on What back in the day but the impression I got was that it was very audiophile centric. Lots of lossless with almost no lossy.
I presume that community has migrated somewhere?


Yeah Red is probably the closest replacement for I'm not on Apollo but I hear bad things about it (I think it had open reg at the beginning and a lot of retards got in) and Waffles has just never been big enough.

SLSK is bae and why I wasn't on What back when it was up. I'm scapping my mp3 library and starting fresh with FLAC tho and so it's easier if I can just torrent shit. Means I can just download the torrents and let them sit in my client and I don't need to worry about people logging off before a download is finished.
Thanks for the info user. Probs gonna go for Red so. The standard can't be that bad looking at the interview criteria. Reminds me a lot of why I didn't want to use What in the first place.

Just finished uploading 3 personal rips of obscure albums onto RED right now, maybe you could check em out

thanks! first you just gotta invite me

They're not logging off, they're banning you because you're either not sharing files or you're sharing something that offends their sensibilities. You could always try Usenet or FTP.

There's nothing wrong with Apollo, they had some issues staying online before but it's all been sorted out. All the freeloaders that got in through public reg got banned a long time ago.
It's very much worth having access to Red and APL, each has stuff the other doesn't.

Lots of FLAC discographies with logs, no ratio requirement. Great for high quality movies too.
I always look on there before adding to my download ratio on a private tracker.

>no ratio requirement
this does not mean don't be a non-seeding piece of shit

Well yeah, but it makes a lot more sense to download from a place with no requirement if it's an option as opposed to hurting your ratio on a tracker where there's not necessarily a great chance you'll ever earn it back.

Really? Redacted's main problem right now (besides the lack of library size and the ratio hoarding) is that too many lossless torrents aren't getting transcoded to lossy formats. There's definitely more lossless-but-no-lossy torrents than lossy-but-no-lossless

yeah I hear you, I'm not denying that. I'm happy with how solid of a community and selection there is on rutracker. point is for any site, if you keep seeding, others will too.

Probably the latter if that's the case. I had a pretty big library up there.
Am I wrong in thinking one needs to actually be connected to the network for p2p sharing? And that if they're no connected to wifi, they're also disconnecting from SLSK? I figured that was equivalent to selecting the option in Soulseek to make yourself unavailable. How I thought it worked was that you're not uploading your library when you share a folder, you're just allowing those files to come up in searches when people are looking for stuff and then if they download the files, you start uploading them then. Otherwise they're not actually on SLSK in any permanent capacity.
Iirc, there's like a little "files not shared" message that comes up which I thought meant they'd banned you. Don't tend to see it that often though.

Redacted is objectively the superior successor to WCD and the one that will eventually surpass WCD in size. But this early on, it's good to have back-up alternatives like Apollo, NWCD, etc, so just get into whichever one you can.

Yeah, Rutracker is the other main thing I use. It's what I've mostly been using to rebuild my library. Fucking great resource but there's a lot of jazz stuff in particular it's kinda meh for and sometimes you get poor quality vinyl rips on it.

^this. The "lossless-but-no-lossy" scenario is quite a bit more common on Red
APL has bots that automatically snatch and transcode most things and it works rather well. There's just less unique releases on APL overall as they started their tracker and userbase from scratch while Red has lineage in other older trackers and has a lot of snobby "elite" scene people that were top dogs on What.
It still is definitely worth being part of both. It's a little easier to seed on APL too

you should invite me, fampai

I thought I'd read a sentence when I was skimming through the interview prep stuff that implied mp3 was the most common format. Went back to find it, turns out I misread for you guys looking for lossy but I'm happier to just make the effort to get onto Red now with that clarified.

I'm not sure I'm allowed to do that on a public forum and I'm not willing to risk this for a filthy weeb lmao

>Showing uploaded amount, downloaded amount, required ratio, and invite number
Congratulations. You've been /marked/. We'll find your account soon enough. Expect consequences


There is also NWCD, which strongly emphasizes perfect FLAC with proof of CD ownership and encourages uploading with scans, but it's only got a couple thousand members.

Got invited to Apollo recently, surprised that I could upload so many things that were missing, probably already on Red.
Someone on Red send me an invite please

yeah you shouldn't but I could give you my and talk from there

this is the funniest thing i've ever read thank you