Trying speed for the first time for my 21st...

Trying speed for the first time for my 21st. It's been over half an hour since ingesting 2 lines worth according to my mom who's been doing it for years. All I feel is very slightly more energized, but nothing out of the ordinary. Any tips or advice?

you're mom is a fuckin junkie

speed retards

I've genuinely had stronger effects from an early morning cigarette so I can't really say she's a junkie. Unless it's very weak speed.

One full hour later and still nothing except a tiny bit of energy I could get from 2 coffees.

that's shit speed..

I guess so. I'm just surprised because my mom said it kept her up for days.

Dont be a faggot, put the shit down and do psychedelics instead. Theres nothing great about speed/meth beside it literally hacking and wrecking your reward system. Things will be more pleasurable for a short amount of time and then youll need speed to make them normal amounts of pleasureable again. Its not productive, its not exactly fun. Just stick to some shrooms or acid if you plan on wrecking your shit with speed

Nigger it's my 21st and was offered to me. I really don't plan on doing it again. I've hallucinated before (withdrawals from alcohol and weed) and that was far from fun, just scary as shit.

>Any tips or advice?
Yeah don't do drugs with your tweaker mom, user.

Wait an hour for it to kick in, it takes an hour... also EAT MEALS U HABE TO EAT EVERY 3-4 hours stuff that fucking food no matter how much you hate it, it’ll avoid the worse crash to come

Lol you fucking pleb. First of all, you saying withdrawals from weed makes you look like a total fucking idiot. Second of all, alcohol withdrawal hallucinations are nothing compared to a good shroom trip. You can feel one with the universe, which is very euphoric. You can merge with objects, feel like youre other people. Even animals. Its a great experience like no other and it feels really good, especially afterword. Like.. this feeling of accompmishment of knowing more about yourself and life. Do some fucking research you 21 year old man child. has a shitload of peoples experiences from every drug youve ever heard of and more. Learn about shit before you take it, fucktard.

I only Get mildly irratable for a day or two after smoking weed. Doesn't matter of its been a year or a week between uses. Don't know if that's some lingering effect from withdrawal or just a longer phase of the high.

Not sure if this is bait, but if it's not you're a pretentious little faggot. I have nothing against hallucinogens, but I did 100% hallucinate from weed/alcohol withdrawals. Might not have been the weed, but who knows because I was hammering both for years before I quit cold turkey.
>alcohol withdrawal hallucinations are nothing compared to a good shroom trip
And if I had a bad experience from something that minor, I'd obviously have a much worse one by taking acid or shrooms.

see I was overdoing it, and alcohol too. 70cl bottles of whisky and bong hits for breakfast.

Lol wow you are such a fucking retard. Hope you get addicted to meth you ignorant fuck

I won't touch meth :^)

Doing speed for your 21st birthday??

Literally the most boring drug out there. Barely any euphoria, annoying rigid feeling, the constant need to fidget and for me, an unbearable hornyness that is so strong it feels like I'm being eaten up from the inside

Molly is infinitely better

You're either really stupid or a pussy if you hallucinated from weed withdrawal

Lol okay good job, keep showing how much you DONT know about drugs

I do notice the horniness but I'm always irritable so I guess it's just good for wanting a hard wank. I've fapped for 10 hours straight before while completely sober.

How would it make me stupid or a pussy though?

>na na na na naaa I know more about drugs than you :^)
How childish of you.

Youre the one being childish and ignorant lol

How am I being childish and ignorant?

Found the underage high schooler who did shrooms that one time.

You have the entire internet to your disposal and you dont use it to learn about drugs before you take them,
Thats ignorance

You think alcohol withdrawals are anything near comparable to psychedics, which literally effect your brain in a completely different way and are not willing to go learn this on your own
Thats ignorance

You are mocking somebody with more experience than you trying to give you good advice, thats childish

From somebody who has never done shrooms

>You have the entire internet to your disposal and you dont use it to learn about drugs before you take them,
I already knew these things though. I've researched plenty before, and listened to countless people discuss it. But I figured it's not for me because if I have a bad trip I'll end up fucked for life since the very minor hallucinations I had from withdrawals fucked me up for weeks. It's not worth the risk. Guess I'm just a pussy compared to the alpha chad you are. What a hardcore motherfucker you must be to do shrooms.

Post mom's pussy

Nah having a bad trip on shrooms isnt very likely if youre in the right setting. Like I said though, psychedelics physically effect your brain differently. Even some people that have had "bad trips" enjoyed the majority of it or even didnt mind the bad part, were just uncomfortable for a minute.

>does shrooms with mommy
>says hes horny

My mom said she's done shrooms and acid. Liked the shrooms but acid fucked her up completely. She's done everything except heroin and opium, and probably some lesser known drugs.

She's not here so it's okay to be horny. I live alone. Plus
>not wanting to pork your own momma

heroin is one of the substances in opium

No nigger, opiates are one of the substances in heroin. Smoking pure opium isn't the same as heroin. Might have the same effect though. Not sure since I'll never do either.

Get a new mom

>I won't touch meth :^)

so you snort lines of speed. Lol ok.

Meth is much worse than speed my dude. Besides it's been 2 hours and the very slight buzz I had is already gone.

I love my mom. She gave me my first joint when I was 11.

Get a new mom


Smoke that shit

>according to my mom
You’re from Indiana, aren’t you?

England. I just prefer saying mom over mam or mum. Sounds less chavvy.