>His blood be on our hands and the hands of all our descendants
Holy shit, how did Gibson get away with this?
>His blood be on our hands and the hands of all our descendants
Holy shit, how did Gibson get away with this?
Damn, Mel is truly based as fuck.
The funny thing is, that when this came out, everyone accused him of anti-semitism, and his response was basically "who? moi? no wayyyy....."
Fast forward, a couple of years, we sugar-tis and the-jews-cause-all-the-wars
Oy vey ban this anti Semitic bible
What are the best films of Jesus?
>and they killed you for that ?? jews are terrible jesus !
It's literally gospel you dipstick, all Christians know and believe that the jews were responsible for Jesus's death.
Recently watched it to prepare myself for newest Gibson film and I was shocked how uninspired this movie was. Everything was done by the book, Jesus was so fucking perfect here, and the emphasis on iconic moments was just disturbing (slow-motion, theatrical performances). The only original thing about it was its violence.
Your help in this matter won't go unrewarded
We'll pay you in silver, cash on the nail.
>Jesus was so fucking perfect here
That's the point friend.
>how did Gibson get away with this?
But he didn't :^)
Last Days in the Desert
I'm giving this a shot. Seems promising.
He did. Passion of the Christ made so much money that Gibson could do what the fuck he wanted with the studio dollars after that. If he only kept his drunken mouth shut, he would've made half a dozen heavy hitters by now. But he's back on his feet with Hacksaw Ridge which is great.
debuting at #3 of the box office is spun as a success now?
It's a good movie made on a small budget. I was saying the movie is great, not that the box-office numbers are doing great.
White Protestants are now the #3 demographic so it was still successful in that regard
The fact that this info "leaked" about his drunken antics is enough to tell you he didn't get away with it. Do you know how many celebrities get drunk and act like idiots that we don't hear about? The minute he reminded everyone how deceiving the Jews were, suddenly he's a drunk, crazy person. He literally went from America's golden boy to crazy Mel over night. That's not a coincidence, that's the Jews control over what the public perceives.
Are you fucking retarded?
He had to finance it himself.
It's a successfully good movie. And it cost literally a third of the two movies above it.
I remember watching this movie with a youth group when it first came out. After it was over we went to discuss the movie and what it mean.
I shit you not, my one friend said in the middle of a church group verbatim, "After watching this you can kinda understand why Hitler did what he did."
Good rebuttal.
It wasn't a rebuttal, but a genuine question.
Good question.
this is so fucking retarded, did he ever read the bible? I mean its 90% "Jews suck! They always fail at everything!" You dont even need the new testament for that.
Yeah man I was disappointed is didn't have modern lingo, wasent set in Florida and didn't have a phat hip hop sound track too. How unoriginal amirite?
>muh originality
Originality doesn't make things good.