Why are Trump supporters all "YEAH BUILD WALL MAGA BEANERS GO HOME" on social media...

Why are Trump supporters all "YEAH BUILD WALL MAGA BEANERS GO HOME" on social media, but when it comes to an actual fight, they run like bitches

In this video, we see a large White Trump supporter getting tackled to the ground by a skinny black muslim, of all people...

Are Trump supporters just betas?


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Drumpf is the alpha and his followers are betas.

1) If they fight back they are the bad guys

2) disadvantage in numbers


That's the thing with crackers, they are all tough until shit goes down.

Lack of a strong father figure.

Yes. The redpill is that Alpha's don't care about politics they care about acquiring power no matter how.

Beta's want to put someone in power who will give them some crumbs and who vaguely matches their own values.


Because they are just regular citizens, not thugs. Violence is anathema to democracy, and for all their whining about our so called failed democracy, Berniefags with their willingness to use physical force are the least democratic of all. I was not and still dont support trump, but after san jose, I intend to vote for him.


Really makes you think

Sup Forums in a nutshell.


Trump supporter look physically superior to Bernie ones:
>More handsome

Why don't they fight back?.

Glad to see leftist actually acknowledging the violence against trump supporters now.

Non-whites always attack in groups. Is there anything more cowardly than that?


to be fair the guy basically just pushed him over and walked away. wasn't exactly a tackle. still reprehensible and unacceptable chimpery

Because they're cucks.

It's regional. This only happens in certain parts of the country. Chicago, California. Notice how this shit didn't happen when Trump was touring the South. When he was campaigning in the South, the narrative was reversed -- agitators were getting their shit pushed in by Trump supporters on a weekly basis.

It's just that Mexicans run California outright, and niggers run Chicago. California is simply not culturally part of the United States. They're just legally part of the United States.

'if they fight back the media will tag them as the bad guy and bullies, just imagine a white straight male beating a poor weak mexican with a mexican flag or a transexual vegan gender fluid bernie supporter? that would be a disaster, i think is a good idea not to fight them, because thats what they want.

Maybe because they are not complete brutes that cant control themselfes.

because assaulting people in the street makes you a nigger, you will be enslaved by the american government and shipped off to prison with the other niggers in no time


>1 person vs pack of wild nig
what would you do

Maybe they just support law and order.

If you defend yourself you go to prison because niggers are a defended people. Same with mudslimes. You of all people should know this, since you live in a country where defending yourself from murderers and thieves regularly puts people in prison.

Because it's a single person being chased by over 20 people at a time?
It's just common sense.

And you think liberals have strong father figures? Literal faggots and whores who go running to black men because they have more testosterone than white "men"? Absolutely laughable.

>Fight back
>Breaking news: Trump aggressor stirs violence, assaults innocent protestor

>Wow what a coward

Really makes you think.

>let them into your country and elect one of them as your capital's mayor ;^)

are you trying to say new zealanders are tough guys. top kek, go smoke a bowl you fucking loser.

Lol what a pussy excuse. Coward bitch.

It's a terrible idea to start a fight with a violent mob. The spics doing the fighting are not worthy adversaries and have nothing to lose...

People with something to protect don't pick every battle they're offered. Certainly not wjen they're outnumbered 100:1 by a mob who may be armed.

These people were verified unarmed by security going in... the rioters knew they'd be unarmed coming out.

In other news, I just discovered that pressing G auto expands images.

>Why are Trump supporters all "YEAH BUILD WALL MAGA BEANERS GO HOME"

Gee, it's almost as if the vast majority of Trump supporters aren't like that at all but rather civilized, regular middle class folk who aren't living up to how the media falsely portrayed them.

Meanwhile libshits seem to have every single negative quality they say Trump supporters have. Violent, racist, fascist, anti-free speech, intolerant and bigoted.


>an actual fight

to a commie an actual fight is hitting someone in the head with blunt objects from behind

to a nationalist an actual fight is a .308 slug passing through commies at 2500 feet per second

>don't fight back
>ha pussies
>fight back or potentially pull out a gun for self defence

why should anybody give a single fuck about what spin the media might put on things if they react "incorrectly"?

>Why are Trump supporters all "YEAH BUILD WALL MAGA BEANERS GO HOME"

Gee I don't know, maybe because your pic is related

Leave it to a shackledragger to extol the virtues of 'law of the jungle' brute savagery.

I don't understand this myself. But cucks keep telling me it matters.

The media will always, always, in every circumstance, at every opportunity, no matter what, paint us in a bad light. And yet this particular bad light is a bridge too far? Makes no sense. Especially when you remember that according to polls the public has completely lost its faith in the media.

Might as well fight back.

When niglets attack and beat the fuck out of white men, its peaceful protest. When white man touches one of assailants, its hate crime and he will face 20 years in jail. In this rigged system of "its always white's fault" defending oneself is worst option unless there's very high chance that they are going to outright murder you.

Because it's in a mob against 1 person?

New Zealander clearly doesn't know shit about fighting. Only an idiot would try to take on multiple people like that, especially a pack of niggers known to do every dirty shit in the book.

Funny thing is I gaurantee every one of those liberal fags wouldn't even try shit outside of a mob.

Because they have morals and are not just thugs who have nothing better to do,
Honestly I love what these trump protesters are doing, Trump says all illegal Mexicans are criminals so they counter that by acting like criminals fucking genius

He was 15 and in a crowd of 100 beaners and niggers, dont act like you could take them.

This guy was the best of us.

Lmao love Internet tough guys who talk like they will shoot people.

You are absolutely full of shit and we all know it.

It's literally the opposite... this isn't 'shit going down'. When the air raid sirens go off, find yourself some white people fast, the only you'll survive any actual shit going down.

I feel bad for legit legal Spanjolos, they will most likely all be blamed for the actions of these illegal thugs.

If they actually fight back in any capacity they will have their lives destroyed. They know this. The media's just waiting for it.

>never seen a gun irl before
that's literally what they're made for and the reason we buy them you massive cuck

Clinton News Network will pain them as violent thugs the same way they splice Trump quotes to mean the opposite of what he meant

>ugly people have your opinions
>good looking people have my opinions

Does this trick work on anybody outside of reddit?

>being outnumbered and get sucker punched
>"when it comes to an actual fight, they run like bitches"

why do leftist protesters quickly resort to violence?

3/10 - made me post

Alot of them are going to rallys armed now

We don't want to dishonor the God-Emperor by engaging in a heretical crusade. We have to build up our moral high ground against the xeno scum so someday we might have the brotherhood of the Feral Worlds.

I heard he chucked a bag of rocks at him

fleeing Mexico instead of Making Mexico Great Again

not only that, but if you look closely at the hands, the """Sup Forumstard""" is not the one holding the confederate flag. For all we know, he's holding a rainbow flag with Bernie's face on it. shit-tier bait image anyway

I would posit that the people that would show up to attend a political rally are a fundamentally different type than the people that would show up at said rally to disrupt it and attack the attendees.

Plus, these are niggers and spics so they are genetically predisposed to vicious, animalistic attacks on others and not towards the sort of co-operation innate to the more evolved and civilized people.

Because they know that the media screech-game is rigged in the favour of the leftists and that the cameras are rolling at all times. The beaners and kebabs aren't worth losing employment and reputation over for punching back; indeed, they'll be rounded up and dumped elsewhere soon enough. We'll have the last laugh.

>complain Trump supporters are violent racists
>turns out the left is what they claim to hate
enjoy losing the election faggots

"Hahah Trump supporters are susceptible to violent political suppression! What a bunch of pussies for being victims of violence!"


Go back to Africa, nigger. Here in the West, we don't resort to wanton violence just because someone else does. When purging undesirables from society, we use graceful methods such as deportation and gas.

>fleeing Mexico instead of Making Mexico Great Again
FUCKING THIS. too retarded/cucked to fix their hellhole, so they wanna come up here and fuck our shit up to get taken care of for free.

literally one of the weakest peoples on the planet.

the punishment of nonwhites is a problematic social construct

t. Diversity Studies major

99.9% of Trump supporters =/= Sup Forumstards. They're just normal people that don't chimp out about white genocide, JOOZ, etc.

why bait? on fucking Sup Forums? what's the fucking point

and why respond in earnest, what the fuck

>Australia Lite
literally this combined with the fact that these niggers/halfniggers only attack with 10:1 odds. And if the white guy punches back, all surrounding wetbacks come in for a sucker punch.

tomato pickers are so beta it's unbelievable.

> being chased by hoard of degenerates
> Fighting

You can't take big brother australias shitposting title that easy.

>Why are Trump supporters all "YEAH BUILD WALL MAGA BEANERS GO HOME" on social media, but when it comes to an actual fight, they run like bitches

u aussies and dem abbos tho

>implying right-wing political cartoons are any better
>implying any political cartoon is at all worth anything

I swear the people that get harassed by these children and don't snap and start taking the fuckers out have the temperament of gods. I don't think I could last 2 seconds before snapping at the fuckers

with self defense
"Trump supports are incredibly violent and evil, they are the instigators of violence! we are peaceful"

without self defense
"haha why are Trump shitters so weak and beta? they don't even fight back"


Winning fights is bad publicity for Trump supporters atm. Whites have far more to loose, shit will be very different when that isn't the case anymore.

This is fucking TEXTBOOK behavior.
mexicans attack the old, the young or weaker, women.

They succeed in sucker punching a few.

Then they post here with some half assed bravado, acting like they beat the entire white race.

NORMAL, CIVILIZED people don't need to constantly prove that they don't secretly suck cock, by attacking people.

But please, by all means continue with your bravado, you just bring more supporters to Trump by proving his point.


They're just a bunch of autists falling for the okie-doke

>haha i beat you in a fight so that means my point is right and yours is not!

>lost a war to birds
>still have abbos bullying them

not only that, but "without self defense" gives the MSM nothing to go on. The only people who go
>hurr y r drumpfies so beta? XDDD
are the shills on this board. Literally no one irl unironically thinks that

Maybe because trump supporters are not violent cry babies that turns physical if someone says something they don't like. These protestors are fascists and the people defending them deluded. The mayor and police chef needs to replaced after they gave the signal to stand down and having the police stand by when this happens.

You ever see a video of a girl hitting a guy. They do it because they think, and may get away with it, but the second the guy lays his hands on her.. everyone flips. Or when he does, its lights out girl.

I think the leftists feel and act the same way, if you hit them its uncalled for. But they will punch and kick, when the tables turn on them, its lights out.

like this?

>Be Trump supporter
>Retaliate against attacks from minorities/women
>Get labeled racist/sexist/xenophobic/etc
You'd lose your livelihood.

Only beta males like you can project so much. Bet you're feeling alpha calling people Drumpf and shit. Go fuck yourself.


At the Trump rally in Pittsburgh this little fucker grabbed my friends glasses and broke them. My friend punched him in the face extremely hard, smashing his over his face. He fell to the ground, then got up a few seconds later, and started running down the street screaming "I hope you die!" He looked like a vile little rat. Sorta like aids skrillex. Then a bunch of niggers came over to fight and we were ready (the entire time you are in fight or flight) but a cop showed up.

It's unwise for Trump supporters to attack.
They uphold the law like good citizens who contribute to society.
Not these useless drug addled fucksticks.


Basically if a leftist beats a Trump supporter the media goes "lol instant karma" but if a trump supporter fights back of God forbid throws the first punch it's "oh my god nazi racist hate crimes."

It's bad when Bernie supporters do it:


But it's totally okay if BLM does it: pic related.

actually it is the other way around

>soarta like aids skrillex

... then he wub'd away

wub-le wub-le

Trump is a narcissist which is worse than a fascist because it's more flexible in unhealthy ways. He has a personality disorder, and that says a lot about his supporters.

People, least of all Breitbart, shouldn't be propagating that photo of that woman. It does her no justice. She stood there bravely facing the spic mob, defiantly smiling at them, throughout most of the ordeal.

Thanks, now I'm a #CruzMissile

Defending yourself isn't an attack. If I punched you in the face, would you fight back or would you run away? Besides, like the one user said, the media will paint us in a bad light no matter what. It's what they do. They are Jewish Bolsheviks, not """"reporters"""". If you fight back, they will portray you badly. If you don't fight back, they will portray you badly.

You might as well fight back. There really is nothing to lose.

This x1000