What is a good Jennifer Connelly film?
What is a good Jennifer Connelly film?
they're all decent but she's the one actress ill watch whatever she's in just for her
and claudia cardinale
Once Upon a Time in America
Requiem for a Dream
Little Children (incredibly underrated)
There's some okayish stuff like Shelter, A Beautiful Mind, Reservation Road, Noah, The Heart of Justice, The Rocketeer (nostalgic favorite for many (although not for me)), Out There (I might be the only person who likes this movie since it's actually quite awful. Also, she's only in it for 36 frames (yes) and the movie is essentially impossible to find)) or Blood Diamond. If you're feeling adventurous you could watch the very rarely seen Waking the Dead (the film with Billy Crudup, not one of the other movies and tv shows with the same name).
She's also been a few misguided indie films (Aloft, Virginia, Far Harbor) that should be avoided.
Most of her movies aren't that good, although she's good in almost everything from the mid 90s on.
Dark City wasnt bad
ees to ees
>Dark Water
>The weight of water
>Warm water under a red bridge
>The water hole
>living water
>Don't drink the water
Connelly is in a lot of pisskino
Creepers aka Phenomenon
it's a great psych/horror/giallo from italy
She has the best traits from Irish and Jewish with none of the bad traits from either race.
Great. I have to be at work in twenty minutes now I have to fap
Fap on the way there.
The Hot Spot
its not really a very good film, but Jen shows off her body of work quite well.
She was really popular in Japan.
What happened to all the
>Connelly has a piss fetish memes?
I can't even find the article where she talks about her husband peeing on her or the "Pissey" video.
Has JC successfully removed a meme from the internet?
I want Connelly to give me a salivary French kiss and then piss in my mouth.
No such article exists. It's based on a rumor about the father of her first son being into piss and watersports.
Pissey got purged as part of a police investigation (another video of the channel was a reupload (and then only active upload) of a very disturbing video originally uploaded by some guy from cripplechan who had been convicted for stalking Becky Lynch (WWE Diva) (and got beaten up by Triple H) who was then stalking the actress who played Quiet the Sniper from Metal Gear and to get her attention tried to stab his parents and neighbors). The entire channel got purged.
was it that beach.webm?
2 many brackets.
last night i saw Last seduction (1994). Not J.Connelly though, but a very similar looking qt (Linda Fiorentino) played a sociopath seductve bitch. i fell in love
The Hot Spot (1990)
What a Woman.........
I love how obsessed the Japanese were with her for a bit. Commercial kino...
Not Dark Water, that movie blows and i've seen it 4 times.
Great movie. Theres another Fiorentino movie called Jade from a similar vintage was also really good. David Caruso in it I think.
Does that mean I'm not crazy when I think that women in animated jap kino in the 90's kind of resembles Connelly?
Her first one, Labyrinth.
The chick from Clock Tower is literally modeled after her character in Phenomena.
I admire your dedication.
Where do you rank Hot Spot? I love everything about it but the ending.
Is russel crowe gay?
ass to ass
Your comparison aside; Phenomena Connelly is arguably best Connelly along with Requiem For a Dream, Hulk, Dark City, The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Dark City Connelly is God Tier.
best connelly
i was about to say before reading this,
she looks irish as fuck
Not this one.
God that movie is such.
wtf was John Hughes thinking?
need some news articles about this