He's directed 7 (SEVEN) movies

And you're still naive enough to think Justice League will be his first good one...? bahahahahahahahahaha

JL will be 7th good one

No one thinks JL will be his first good film
It will be his 8th

I unironically love all his movies.

Only Marvel nu-males hate Zack. Go back to sucking Feige's SJW cock.

Dawn of the Dead was good

Snyder is redpilled as fuck.
Go vote for Hillary fuckface.

Nope. It will be shit just like all these 7.

>Why isn't he Feige's little bitch like all those Marvel directors ugh
Reddit is down the hall to the left.

>his first good one...?

dawn of the dead - good
300 - great
watchmen - outstanding
sucker punch - ok
man of steel - 50/50
BvS - 50/50

It won't be his first good one.

It won't be his eight good one.

I won't even be his eighth movie.

It'll be his eighth KINO

>unite the 7

Dawn of the Dead: 6.6/10

300: 7.8/10

Watchmen: 8.8/10

Sucker Punch: 5.5/10

Man of Steel: 7.5/10

BvS: 7.0/10

Why is everyone leaving out Legends of the Guardians?

Snyder is the last Christian Conservative auteur in Hollywood

Go back to R.eddit Marvelfag

>dawn of the dead
havent seen it
garbage film for edgy little boys
boring and overlong
>sucker punch
pathetic, i shit on this crap
>man of steel
dont get me started
dont get me started

>Legends of the Guardian
pathetic, i shit on this crap

Hey, buddy, I think you got the wrong site.

Reddit is two bookmarks down.

i dont get it can you explain the reference?

>boring and overlong
You must have watched the extended version. It has terrible pacing issues. The theatrical release is superior.

Reddit still can't grasp the magnitude of this director? I pity you. You'll find the solace you need in the morally bankrupt Marvel capeshit.

ive seen that movie like 3 times i dont ever need to see it again but thank you

id like to revisit the book pretty soon though, it was very good.

i just wish snyder had done a better job adapting it, it's like he used to exact same framing and dialogue from the book and translated it to film. i didnt think it was very creative.

Dawn of the Dead was okay.

you have to be at least 12 to post on Sup Forums

His only bad one was Sucker Punch, you tards.

Then why are you here?