Which one is Sup Forums?

Which one is Sup Forums?

Just saw stellaris wiki for the first time (never played the game).

The one and only regime is the science directorate oligarchy, in other words, the rule of the skillfull technocrats. This is the regime that all should have and all others are more flawed.

In my humble oppinion ofc. I have no idea what effects this have on eventual "powergaming aspects".

Sounds totalitarian to me.
I like Military Democracy.
Citizenship should be earned.

Whichever one China is, is good.

It's the only one that's red-pilled enough to wreck islamic trouble makers.

Kinda, but at least its not based on charismatic figures alone like in most forms of single leader dictatorship or even democracy, but on people with actual scientific knowledge.

Anyway, are the bonuses any good? (out of curiosity)

What do any of those words mean?!?

It's alright, but if I was playing a Materialist civilization I'd switch to Despotic Hegemony for the research speed bonus, seems better.

I've only started playing two weeks ago though.

Is the game any worth buying?

It needs some tweaking but all Paradox games do when they just come out.

If you are a scifi fan I'd say yes.
It's pretty fun and addictive.


Absolutely disgusting.

Spiritual and Military governments are superior.

Getting back to op's question, most of Sup Forums are either plain despotic (NatSoc or fascism) or in favor of a plutocratic oligarchy (libertarians and anarcho-capitalists).
Communism is also heavily despotic.

In other words, cancer.

Plutocratic Oligarchy

Nah, it's broken as fuck and boring.
Good thing I pirated it and didn't waste any money. Deleted after 3 hours.

Spiritual? lol
Theocracies are literally the most retarded forms of government. Its like fucking ISIS or post revolution Iran.

But a science directorate oligarchy would mean if you grew up to be a common civilian, you would only have access to limited generalized technology - plus, the value of human life vs progress comes into question.

Like in Deus Ex, those in power would be able to ascend to something far greater than a Human - Transhumanism, Human A.I., Bio Engineering, DNA modification

It's highly doubtful that they would allow the rest of the populous to have the same power as them.

There are no perfect societies where everyone is equal and Utopias are unrealistic ideologies.
We are jealous, flawed beings.

The best example I can give is two people being in love with the same person, and that person only likes one of them back.

>not to spend money on research and developement, but on more fineness way to kill other people
This is what Sup Forums actually believe.

Tricky.... I assume they rule with the well being of the populace in mind and that they dont take such elitist stances regarding technlogical access.

Yes, there would be an high chance that they too would fall to corruption and somehow stop the potential rising of others. But hey, at least they are not some bunch of snobbish aristocrats or a bolshevik committee.
They are also not military, so at least they wont have that much control over everyone's lives.

>Anyway, its just a game....

That's not what it means.

Keep playing games, goy. This is the redpill, don't look for the redpill elsewhere because this is it goy. Just keep playing games.

Military Junta.
The capable survive.

>only the basic government types

>Not including the xenophobic/xenophilic dichotomy

Also Star Empire that is Militarist/Xenophobic/Materialist.

> fanatics aren't just next to one another, they're overlaying one another
> democracy gets 3 slots
> republic gets 2 slots
> oligarchy gets 2 slots
> divine mandate and any kind of monarchy not being the same fucking thing
> chart layout is just plain shit

yup that's a videogame design.

>that feel when you conquer an entire nation, and go through their planets purging all pops

Fanatic xenophile
Collectivist fanatic

total cucks

Military dictatorship of course

>insidious xeno plots
By the manly manperor

.t spaniard in s. amerikkka

I know that feel.
No feel beats the feel of conquer.

>Anything other than Military Republic
Civilians detected

Fanatic Materialist + Collectivist Science Directorate

Don't buy it. Wait for one year and consider again.
But pirate it by all means.


I don't know, but Plutocratic Oligarchy is the best form of government

Despotic Empire