Fuck, this movie really hits home
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it's a remake of a remake. The colombian one has a negro qt, and the spanish one has a milf qt. This one has neither
>hits home
Not me. 5'6"
>being a manlet
>a different height every frame
tfw 5'8" high schooler gf can lift you up and carry you around
he constantly shifts from what seems to be about 5'6 to 4 foot tall
I loathe these movies.
It pretends to be possible but in this world The Edge of Tomorrow is a more realistic movie than this one.
Amazons are a lame sexual fetish, but Lovely Complex is GOAT romantic comedy.
Is this the Angel-A remake?
What height is he supposed to be?
>mfw friends tall gf and me used to flirt before they were serious
>mfw she's six foot tall
>I'm 6'3''
>mfw friend is 5'6
Don't worry manlets, you'll be fine.
this seems to be about an actual short man, not what Sup Forums thinks short is.
>tfw 5'7
>tfw growing up wanted to have beard and be tall
>tfw not tall and no beard
>tfw married and have two children of my own with a solid 8/10
mad manlet detected
>I flirted with a girl and my friend now fucks her but I'm le smug pepe about this encounter
I think you have your logic about this situation backwards. What is there for you to be satisfied about
>tfw tall kid
>thought I could grow to Hagrid levels if height
>Just make it to 6ft tall
>Jean Dujardin
>Height: 5' 11¾"
Now I know why trannies are always complaining about non-trannies playing them in movies.
Its one of my favorite anime of all time and i don't even like romance animes
Least you're not a manlet, son. Automatically makes you a winner.
>so beta a manlet get your girl
6 is manlet
Maybe if you live at the top of the giant beanstalk, motherfucker.
6' feels pretty tall until you walk past a school and see all the super growth 15 year old lads who are all 6'5 for some fucking reason
6' was ok a few years ago, now i'm just another manlet.
Only in Netherlands
im 6'4 and oftentimes i feel like a manlet stretching my neck.
it's gotta be the shoes ppl wear these days..
>self reported
This. It's fucking crazy how all those Gen Z 14 year old millenial dick sucking skinny jeans wearing sons of whore faggots are all 6'3+.
There is something extremely fucking fishy going on.
Shoes are a big thing, heels just on running shoes seem to get bigger every year.
ITT people with body dysmorphia
When will OP learn?
For me its this one
If you were thinking about losing weight and getting fit, know that it doesn't change anything.
>they will never learn
and yet the manlets are the real heroes here
it's from Argentina, not Spain
I am 5'10, am I a manlet?
the trailer from the original from Argentina if anyone's curious
of course
Nobody points out that she is wearing like what 3-4 inch heels?
actual 6 foot without shoes here
at my college of 15k people in the Pacific northwest, I am taller than 95% of the people there
cutoff is 5'9
GUYS, I have a fetish of a normal guy fucking a tall woman( woman must be like 6'2 to 6'5) but when I look for porn all I find is tall strong women picking guys up and THAT IS IT. All they do is pick up the guy and turn him around
there is literally no sex what the fuck