Can someone pay pal me 7 bucks? Im behind on rent and my landlord is gonna kick me out because of it

Can someone pay pal me 7 bucks? Im behind on rent and my landlord is gonna kick me out because of it...
kolerini at gmail dot com















Anyone even here? Should I keep posting?


Keep going

What do I get in return? Where I come from we usually work for our money.

You can get $7 for sucking dick even in the smallest city, faggot.

I have a job. Just blew it all on medical bills




well maybe you shouldnt be so addicted to medical

Suck many dicks or something but keep posting them babes

I'll send you 1000 internets and no more.

You're behind on your rent by $7?? Or you're hoping that's a low enough amount for enough people to help? If the former, you should totally murder your landlord for being a giant bag of aids infested dicks. If the latter, ok, I get it.

Im behind by 7. Thats all Im asking for. Landlord is huge piece of shit. Trust me I have thought about killing him.


ill pay you 7 if you post the rest of you're pics

timestamp + tits


Deal. Ill keep posting til they delete the thread for begging

The least I can do for you


fuck sorry op my fucking paypal got denied shit

You deserve to be homeless

Suck his dick


Kik beastmode907 ill see what i can do

You in Alaska dude? same here

Kik qaz7890 pls

Alright guys thanks
Im moving on trying something else. I am stressed out as shit and I already felt like shit before starting this thread and I knew going on Sup Forums with this shit youre bound to get shit on. I get it. But I legit feel like crap right now so if all you gonna do is shit on me and tell me to go homeless and suck dick etc I'm gonna go try something else. Kek Lol whatever not in the mood, Im just tryna not get kicked out

Peace out

I was gonna help but guess ypu dont want it

the words of a pre-homeless man

What a fag


Whats funny is that faggot op will end up sucking dick long term if he/she doesn't do it once, right now

>Goes onto Sup Forums for advice/begging
>Expects to get trolled
>Gets trolled
>Gets triggered

If you can't figure out a way out of this you deserve whatever unfortunate shit is coming your way

Not triggered, just fucking depressed that I am stressing over 7 bucks

Instead of feeling like a piece of shit you should post some more

>Peace out
>Gets accused of being triggered
>Sticks around to read/respond replies after melodramatic exit

Why are you even bothering with Sup Forums?
Fucking do something useful
Go sell something at a pawn shop for the money you supposedly so desperately need
Stop doing drugs
Manage your money like a fucking adult and not a manchild

Life isn't that hard to figure out you dipshit mouthbreather

This pays the rent

fantastic stuff never stop

Your welcome