Watching The Punisher (2004)

Watching The Punisher (2004)

What sort of homo has Rebecca Romijn hitting on him and turns her down?

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He's not a big guy

The kind bent on vengeance and dealing with the death of his entire family.

Plus at the time he preferred booze of pussy, something you probably wouldn't understand.

Frank isn't gay or straight, he's Frank

lel what a fucking manlet

he still loved his dead wife, m8, it was too soon for him

It's Rebecca fucking Romijn tho

His dick cums napalm and his balls are smoke grenades. She couldn't handle it.

I wanna eat that butt

punisher fucking rando whores is canon though

Best capeshit desu. Completely underrated kino.

>you now remember this scene

Yeah, but at least a decade after his family was killed with Frank already deep-in in war only, no room for sentimentality mode.

He wasn't actually called the punisher, his dong was.

>he drinks a whole bottle of whiskey like it's water
He fucking dead after that


Dope scene


he had the whiskey dick, knew he couldn't get wood

fucking based singer.

enough people helped him get what he wanted, so he let us get what we wanted.

best punisher coming through

One of my fav top 3 along with Kick-Ass 1.

Because they both do this butterfly knife shit?

if he tapped that he'd probably just marry her and forget about punishing

Good, that' what everyone else does.

Cum in a hotty and move on. Rather than worship your dead wife and offer blood sacrifices in her memory

>wife and child brutally killed by a mobster
>meh, I'll just let this slide and move on


At the end of the movie he's already killed John Travolta and his remaining son. Revenge has been achieved. Killing random murderers and rapists isnt going to bring her back.

And lets be clear on just WHO he is turning down

>dumb nigger goy has no self control and can only think about sex, despite not getting any.

You're a weak cuck.

Dude it's just a movie, no one is turning no one down.



Ptsd is a motherfucker

He is punishing the last person he hasn't punished - himself


The girl in this shot is 6' and the guy is 5'11
Really makes you think



Because he's not over his wife who just got run over by a truck you fuckholes. How is this a mystery to anyone? Are you all retarded or just pretending?


Best punisher. Why didn't he continue the role? Was he not a big enough guy?

I masturbated so hard to SI Swimsuit Editions. They were the greatest faps of my teens.

I could start a Mars colony with the genetic material this woman ordered up from my balls.

>I could start a Mars colony with the genetic material this woman ordered up from my balls.
That's quite poetic user

>make kid sexy in a movie
>complain people are "sexualizing" the girl

God that is so cringy
Could they have been any more in your face about how SMART and TALENTED the girl is?

don't forget sexy, user

Everybody forgets she was in Punisher and Austin Powers.

Punisher: War Zone was better. Ray Stevenson was perfect.