This show has become retarded...

This show has become retarded. Why are those workers suddenly following Maeve's every command instead of shutting her down. Because she has nice boobs? fuck this shit.

she's also black which is another thing

>Has a charm setting of 18
>they're beta's
>Chink was curious anyway and would have gone along with anything

ez pz
The walking her through the floors thing was retarded though. That guy clearly doesn't have the authorization to be doing that.

he was lucky that Elsie was busy

>Because she has nice boobs? fuck this shit.
Did u really actually watch it ? Because they do explain why they do her bidding.

please elaborate, cause I missed that part

This is true

Literally babbys first sci fi.

The butchers are ROBOTS you fucking casual. They are following their inner program designed by arnold to help mauve

Apparently there isn't any kind of surveillance in those rooms either. I imagine the Westworld facilities are purposely set up like nobody gives a shit so the higher ups can do all the shady stuff they want.

fucking watch the show before you make dumb threads and maybe think about it ?

holy shit i swear u kids get dumber every single day.