Hey B i need Advice
pic related
So i was using my laptop a few weeks back after my older sister had borrowed it while i was at school she left her fb on with a conversation left open with some explicit language right ther of a sexual nature.
Now at this point i was ready to log off and check my own fb kinda flagging it of but before i did i scrolled up on the chat and found she has been talking to this guy for months always about the same things and trading pictures back and fourth and not g rated ones i dont know why but i saved them in a hidden folder on my laptop incase i needed any dirt on her if she ever tryed to nark on me for anything but then here in lies my problem
I got given a new laptop for my b day 3 days ago and the only condition on having it was she got my old one so now she has the laptop shes put a new password on it so i cant get on to delete them
i had them saved to imgur too but if she finds them on the laptop im uber fucked
the only thing iv thought to do is tell her i found them and to keep quite or ill show them to our parents and or post them online what do u think b?
Hey B i need Advice
Just take the hard drive out or destroy the laptop you stupid fuck
You look like my ex. Go die in a fire.
You know the fucking rules.
>imgur filename
he's obviously posted a picture of the chick friend
cant then would have to explain why i have destroyed laptop and or hard drive
if io get any real advice worth reading i will post the pics up
Install Linux on to a USB flash. Liveboot. Access files.
You were stupid for not deleting that shit before you gave up the laptop. She's probably too stupid to find them so don't worry about it. Also once she has the laptop for a while you can claim you had nothing to do w it.
She won't confront you unless it makes sense to do so
This man
will look into this ty
as promised a few of the pics
This is the only way.
Best answer, or just claim she uploaded them herself. Pleade ignorance
Gee OP, I guess you're a special kind of moron.
If you use windows, there are programms to bypass the password, just google it
Take her hard drive and get the folder and put it back in her laptop DONE
If it's windows 7 or below use kanboot
get her laptops hard drive if you don't have a screw driver to get or what ever buy one of amazon
ty to all who gave real advice heres another
Tell her you forgot some files on it and need to borrow it. Or use some software and get past the password and delete/take the files
Geek Squad can remove a password for $40 if you absolutely need to
ok so i got a few good ideas on how to get my hands on it and delete the ones i have stored on there will update how it goes if or once i do but ill keep the ones i have on imgur to keep my blackmail pics so she cant fuck with me without paying the price
Haha that's nothing. I gave my cousin my laptop with MS Paint photoshops of her head onto lisa anns body.
you mean back up on 9001 flash drives and post here, right?
Underage & ban.
Quit being manipulative cunt
ofc hahah why the fuck not shes a bitch anyway
have a rare @clairesneeringer
she started this shit by blackmailing me into doing her bidding first