She just needed a hug. Why are people so cruel?
She just needed a hug. Why are people so cruel?
She was a whore user.
does fucking her face count as a hug?
you know, if he had actually had sex with her, all of the violence would have been entirely avoided
really makes you think
she was a 30 year old with a big libido she needed a good dicking
yeah and he wouldn't go to prison cuz she is of age too
So what you're saying is, we should rape every loli we see?
Why did she play off being a little kid?
no you just comply when one asks for it
We need an HD webm of the russian roulette scene.
she had already broken a kids leg, murdered a niggress nun, tried to kill the son twice, and burned an entire family alive before she attempted sex with the husband.
maybe if he was a little more active instead of reactive
You mean a fug
that too
that husband must be the best man in the world
>She just needed a dick
She was a horny sex starved thirty something with a disease that made her look twelve. Nothing short of a cold shower or a hot porking was going to calm that business between her legs down.
can the in movie esther (40+ years old) take a whole dick?
She did, I think that's the reason she can't have kids. Her dad was up in them guts from an early age.
but thats not how an uterus works
no man but if they're trying to jump on your dick why stop them
i mean, little girls need affection
I'd hug her.
With my penis.
Was it real lolita shit anons?
She was technicality 30 years old with 30 years old ovaries so no. Real Lolita shit is young girls with young ovaries/eggs
how can he be so mean
You think the actor was uncomfortable at this scene?
What did she say in his ear?
who cares, what do you think SHE felt?
She was 12 so
If she just said she was an adult and brought a birth certificate she'd get the dick easy.
Movie doesn't make any sense.
Girls grow fast. Especially in Hollywood.
she is touching his knee
She was also ruffling his hair. That must be nice.
would any of you have stopped her?
I'm pretty sure i wouldnt have :^)
I'm a buddist so I learned to go with the flow
You know, if she looked like shit under all that makeup, what would her vagina look like? I seriously doubt it would've been a perfect smooth innie. It would've been some wrecked as fuck pockmarked roast beef sandwich.
If he HAD had sex with her, he would've noticed. He has a daughter, he knows how it's supposed to look. Shit, he has a wife. He should at least know on some level that her cunt should look better than his wife's.
I'm ovulating
holy fuck /tv get yout shit together, you even got dubs
ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ᵐᵉ ᵈᵃᵈᵈʸ
No. Ironically.
they dressed that kid up like a whore
what's he so distraught about?
lolis usually smell bad, like vinegar, it's a skin thing
he just jerked off a few minutes ago and he can't get hard
that's good, he'll last longer
u wot
Question to pedos?
If a woman really had that disease ester had and shes 35 but looks 9, do you still get turned on?
kill that thing with fire.
if i show you this and didn't tell you it was a tranny, would you still get turned on?
>Question to pedos?
There are none on this board.
How the fuck did you hide three words in three tiny black bars? It's not even spoiler, it's three black small bars.
The fuck
which browser do you have? it's a spoiler
just a normal spoiler mate
You really don't need to act like "its a man" is some sort of shocking information for anyone.
Pic related.
You're wrong.