Transcripts of a few portions of J.J. Abrams's audio commentary for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS. Has some nifty stuff, I guess.

>"The character of Kylo Ren was one of the most challenging characters because he sort of embodied what this movie was. It was a new story, a new personality created from the DNA of what had come before. But because he was the villain it meant that he was in the shadow of Darth Vader, one of the great villains in cinema history. So we embraced Vader. We made our bad guy aware of Vader, as he would be living in a post-Vader time and made him the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo. And in doing so, continued another STAR WARS tradition of having really screwed up families. We actually used to have more dialogue in this scene where he referenced his father and his mother. But it ended up seeming too soon. But we wanted to show how ruthless he is, which we do here. Not just in the killing of Lor San Tekka but also in his freezing of the blast. We wanted to show that he was the real deal. That he was incredibly Force-strong."


>watching audio commentary of a childrens movie

>"But something we’ve not seen before in a STAR WARS movie is a stormtrooper acting with compassion. When we were talking about the characters that we wanted to tell the story about, we had Rey, we had Kylo Ren, Poe and Finn. Larry had an idea early on, “What if there’s a stormtrooper who went rogue?” And I just loved this idea. And so having a character that was marked. I figured if we had him marked in the blood of someone he’s lost… Which immediately tells you, “Oh, they’re all humans in there. These aren’t robots.” Because I remember as a kid thinking they were robots. And to have body language and a stormtrooper behaving in a way that showed there was something else going on."

>We wanted to show that he was the real deal. That he was incredibly Force-strong."
yet he has one (1) force push in him during the final battle and gets wrecked by a fucking girl

>"But this is John Boyega who was wonderful in Joe Cornish’s ATTACK THE BLOCK. If you haven’t seen it. I recommend that you do. But John is an amazing actor. He’s a wonderful guy, incredibly versatile and really funny. Super funny."

>I thought they were robots.
>luke and han wear their suits.

JJ's retarded

I'm sorry that you sold out for $4 billion, i would have done the same, but talking shit after that fact is not ok.

>"The idea here was that Rey is this desert scavenger, solitary and resourceful. And Daisy Ridley, who came in to audition, blew our minds the second that we met her. And she came in again and again doing different sometimes more intense scenes. She came in, I think, the second time and read the torture scene. And she was just, every single time, remarkable and reliable and the greatest at taking notes. And I can’t tell you how much I love her and love working with her. She’s just spectacular."