Name a better Sopranos character.
Minus Meadow half naked and tonys hot russian whore
Name a better Sopranos character.
Minus Meadow half naked and tonys hot russian whore
Tony Soprano
>Tony's hot Russian whore
How in the living fuck did you find that thing attractive? She is the ugliest female actress o have ever seen. Her face looks like someone was rolling dough for a pie and fucked up,threw it in the trash and someone made a face out of it. Not to mention that disgusting fucking accent. Don't get me wrong,Russian accents can be sexy but she was just dreadful. Svetlana had one leg and she was still 20 times hotter than than puke of a woman.
>they'll be scraping your nipples off these fine leather seats
There were like 12. Johnny Sack was cool, whatever, but he's overrated here.
alle except for maybe janice
how's autism
*answers phone*
The only thing I liked about his character. His daughter's wedding scene was atrocious, what a puss.
Mostly because he reminds me of my opa :(
Junior Soprano was the best imo.
This. To cry like a woman? It's a fucking disgrace.
>yfw you realized he killed tony
>tonys hot russian whore
You fucking pleb.
Svetlana. The one with the one leg. There is no more based a character that in all of the series. I chose my wife by how much she was like Svetlana Kirilenko.
pic related was much better
Paulie Walnuts
It makes so much sense.
Who else could run the Family if not Patsy?
phil leotardo
I fucking hated Paulie, but he's the sort of character you couldn't not like at the same time.
Bobby b
There's literally 10 or more
i like how the established cold blooded killers were the most unassuming, mild mannered guys. probably how it is in real life as well.
Fuck off Philly, fucking Shah if Iran lookin cunt!
rewatching 6A now, one of his best moments is when he angrily corrects his daughter's fiance and makes him call him Dad
>Shah of Iran lookin cunt!
Kek he really does, who says that? I don't remember it.
Phil and Butchie are the only new yorkers who aren't huge fags
this would be satisfying since he killed his brother
his twitter is hilarious, it's probably on fire tonight too
Bobby B was pretty based
>Quasimodo predicted all of this