So how many Europeans will be moving here when Trump wins?

So how many Europeans will be moving here when Trump wins?

My guess is none.


Probably not many considering you still have the demographic problems regardless of Trump.

None, because Clinton is going to win. America is doomed.

are therre any nigger free areas affordable for white immigrants?

It's called the north
The confederate states make up about 90% of Americas black population

so cities like chicago or something smaller?

>Trump wins

If Trump wins maybe I'll be able to get in. My uncle has a job available for me there but I dont really want to live in Hitlarys USA.

The straws that are being grasped for today tho.

Trump's goals as president are to keep people out

Chicago is a nigger capital you mongoloid. Don't let that retard tell you to go to the commie ass north. The midwest is what you are looking at.

>Trudeau in the North
>Clinton in the South

There will literally no longer be any bastion of hope, we'll be doomed.

Chicago is Jew central. Somewhere around the great lakes, that isn't Canada, Detroit or Chicago if he actually builds the wall.

None. He's probably going to clamp down on Green Cards, as he should. Just for a bit.

politically america doesn't even seem a bad choice these days even though I'm from one of the less cucked countries in EU

Fuck off. Nico is an alt-right mascot. She definitely supports Trump, so don't use her for your lefty shit.
Honestly, if Trump really wins I'll look into getting a green card.

I'd love to! Just get me a job or something. I'm getting sick of the immigration and the high taxes over here.

[citation needed]

The better question is how many Euros will flee when the Iron Curtain descends on the EUSSR? I'll take your sisters if they want a marriage green card once they get tired of the bread lines.

0, because America won't be accepting refugees.

If Trump wins, wich he isn't going to, european immigration will be the same as it was with obama

>tfw poor farmer.

I'd give my left nut to live in a pro white US. I'd sing yankee songs, salute the flag and fap to apple pie like the best of them. Alas, I must live out my days in bongistan.

So when will americans stop with medical tourism?

do u think brexit will succeed, nigel?

Not if current polls are anything to go by.

>war starts
>Trudeau sends troops with flowers instead of guns
>Hillary claims that women are the real victims of war and refuses to spend any money to arm the troops

None, we aren't letting people from muslim countries into the USA.

Meh, I'll wait if he actually comes through with the stuff he said and implied, not to mention all the additional hopes placed in him. What if it ends up like it did with Obama? Even getting some stupid Nobel Peace Prize in advance for all the hype and hope people set in him, and what has come of it? Same old shit. A few wars, some regime change, occassionally flirting with WW3, and adding some barely legal drone strikes in there just for fun.

I'd really consider it if he warrants it, but I'll be afraid that even IF he wins, the media, our cucked governments and the Jews of course will keep attacking everything he does, and he might not see a second term. Who knows. If he actually manages to create a sanctuary for the white people while Europe stays CUBAR, I'm in. But it's really hard to reverse decades of demographic annihilation.

I'll be leaving Australia to serve in Trump's Royal Guard

trump is coming to the uk after the referendum but for now we have to vote leave. its our country not some dirty foreigner who brings war with them

I definately will eventually if the German government keeps fucking up this much.

Trump's goals as president are to keep illegal people out*
Fixed it for you
Nothing wrong with it either, our country needs to enforce its border.

sure m8,
They'll be all over you as a strong natsoc alibi student who needs no art degree with your refined MMO English skills.

North Dakota

Don't live in any of the big three population centers, go to a satellite town within 15-20 miles of fargo/grand forks/Bismarck/Mandan, very few niggers or mudslimes in the small towns. The cost of living is hilariously low, and there are plenty of decent paying manufacturing or agricultural jobs that can be picked up easily so you can make a pretty comfortable life for yourself. The people are fairly friendly, though ND has a weird commie/leftwing streak to an otherwise conservative state.

Also cigarettes and liquor are dirt cheap compared to the rest of the US

>there are people that still think Hillary isn't running just to lose to Trump

don't expect any change

to be fair, would we want white europeans here?

they cucked their own nations, do we really want them adding their cuckery to ours?

plenty of prideful whites left

Daily reminder that Hillary has already won.

See you scrubs in November.

So prideful they would flee their homelands and leave them to the jews and the Muslim hordes? At least the original eurotrash that fled to America actually built the country from scratch. Besides, pride in "whiteness" is an Americuck invention, national pride is far more important.

Whiteness is part of western nationalism, dumb fuck

"So how many Europeans will be moving here when Trump wins?"
why would the cucked europeans move to america if trump won? you are just anti white

Romney was destined to fail. Not even the typical Christian conservative crowd would have voted for a fucking mormon.

The point I'm making is that Sup Forums is full of retards and losers who don't know anything.

Mother fucker, she's not even going to get the nomination.
Nor will Sanders.
Both are damaged goods.
The dems are the ones who are going to end up with a brokered convention.
Watch for Biden.

Nico a shit.

You shouldn't just say the midwest. Central and Mountain timezone areas are where people should look into. Of course there's specific areas of these regions to avoid, but, for the most part, you're golden

Ameticans want you to move so you pay for their welfare.

Reminder that if you're european and you plan to leave your country for USA or another place, instead of fighting untill death for your motherland, you're a traitor to Europe and no different from niggers, arabs and mexicans moving to your country, or all the traitors who left after the war instead of helping to rebuild their motherland.

Also no matter how much you try to prevent it, your descendants will the sooner or the later end mixing with the local fauna, or the mongrelized creatures who inhabit the americas, becoming like pic related.

If you have any respect for Europe, keep fighting instead of escaping like a coward bitch.

I'll be moving to Europe because Trump would be a fucking disaster.

This guy has it right. I'm waiting for the ditch and switch to Biden. The Dems aren't dumb enough to bank on clinton to win the gen election

im moving there anyway, germany is way to shit to bear any longer