Anyone feel bad for joji after this vid

anyone feel bad for joji after this vid

did anyone even listen to his shitty EP? It was fucking boring and amateurish

this, nobody would pay it any attention if he wasnt filthy frank

Dude seems like a pretty cool guy, but that doesn't make his music better than mediocre. Props to him for trying his hand at it at the least.

>makes fun of soundcloud rappers
>becomes a soundcloud rapper
Pathetic Frank

His music is decent, but nothing mind blowing. That said it's far from Soundcloud tier.

>i was afraid people would only like my divisive shock humor and not my normie chill beats :c

things he enjoys doing people hate but the things that he hates doing people love
feel bad for the man

>boring ass "waaah im depressed" vocals over shitty "live 24/7 lo-fi hiphop beats for studying" samples
>only popular because its filthy frank

Please stop viral marketing Frank

fuck you, you hate music

I like it, it's good background music, pretty chill

>creates viral trend that the whole world bandwagoned

>creates chart topping parody album

>has legion of autistic fans in love with his shitty "comedy videos"

Poor guy ;_; I feel so bad for him :(((

his favorite pink guy track is my favorite pink guy track :)


>makes filthy frank video about shitty soundcloud rappers
>he himself is unironically a shitty soundcloud rapper

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

i fucking hate this harlem shake bullshit. the harlem shake has been around at least 30 years. some fucking mememan didn't invent it. and the stupid fucking harlem shake flashmob videos are the dumbest, cringest fucking things ever. fuck every whitebread ass mother fucker who even for a second believed it was a new fad. i really don't give a shit about cultural appropriation or whatever but honkies really need to stop "inventing" shit that was invented before they were born and fucking capitalizing on it. fucking mimosa sipping pieces of shit.

Autistic nigger, the original harlem shake isnt the thing that got popular it was the meme. The harlem shake meme has nothing to do with the original besides the name.

I love filthy frank and find the pink guy albums pretty funny albeit the joke does get old
but his "serious" music is garbage

This but ironically

sad to say but this

dont be mean to my boy pls

I really like when he talks about being nostalgic for his childhood in Japan. I would legit be interested in hearing his perspective on it; seems like a big part of him even with the comedy Japanese 101 vids

It was underwhelming. I was expecting a Chloe Burbank style album/EP which was fantastic. A lot of his singles were really good. However this EP was boring, sadly.

Haven't listened to his EP, but every "serious" song I've heard by him sounds nice, and definitely a step above "chill 24/7 beats to study to" or soundcloud fodder. It's a shame I'm not more into the genre.

Dude chill weed relaxation rap tracks :D


ive always hated his music. its the same lo-fi piano sad boring shit every song. not to mention his voice has nothing unique about it, making it that much more mediocre.

Hopefully his seizures will fuck him up until he became the next Ian Curtis so he can actually make good music

Eat shit i like it lmao

>muh white male problems

I'm pickle rick!! *burbbbbb*

>implying ian curtis made good music

>didn't show the fish

>implying he didn't

have you ever been fishing in your life?

I have once or twice. Why would he not be able to show the fish?

honestly I love Joji, I often feel like most of Sup Forums is just jelly because he's doing what he loves.


kys tumblr twitter nu-male faggot

Yeah dude because hating him for his shitty music would make too much sense there obviously has some ulterior motive lmao

good point

go to bed gramps

is he really trying to transition from internet memester into real sadboy musician?
yeah his music isn't really all that good, pretty generic, seems like a cool guy but the only impression his album will leave you with is blank space

Honestly i want Joji to succeed, I always have. Even when he was doing the vlogs and Frank I wished he'd drop the act and just go serious with his music. On that same note however, his recent output is mediocre boring uninspired and just not good. Where's the Thom/YSC/Medicine Joji we all actually wanted? I understand he kinda has to dumb down and pop-ify his sound to stay relevant but even in doing so he still probably won't reach out to as broad of an audience as he might think. When it really comes down to it, he might've just been making average music this whole time but we were so distracted by the Frank part we overhyped it. And now we're seeing that truly he can't survive solely off his "real" music because the entire time we needed that balance of raunchy and funny that Frank/Pink Guy added. I actually feel for the dude, it does kinda suck.

why are people pretending his music is anything more than completely average soundcloud garbage?

I just turned 17???

>When it really comes down to it, he might've just been making average music this whole time but we were so distracted by the Frank part we overhyped it.

This is exactly what happened

he's japanese dumbass

this might be one of the funniest fucking images i've ever seen

The drones that regurgitate the same shit about jojis music instead of just saying they dont like it or giving actual valid critisicm are the same people that jumped on the "dude rick and mortys fanbase lmao" bandwagon who woulda known lol

lyrics are trash
production is trash
music is trash.


dude's videos were never even remotely funny

If he wants to make nu-male music it's okay.

Who the fuck made that image?

I liked will he and one or two other songs. Not bad for his first 'serious' ep

>pink guy is top10 hip hop album

yup, joke genre confirmd

modern rap has been on decline since the late 2000's. not all rap is garbage. Before, it actually took a lot of skill to make rap. Now any idiot can get on a computer, make a generic beat, and get famous "rapping" over it.

yeah, it's sad to express depression and self-doubt for artistic talent through incredibly shallow hurritssarcastic smug retard persona on youtube

And then make a point about how there's not such thing as real music
And then realise you want to make real music

except by then the only people enjoying your bland music is the same people you feel so disgusted by that you diss them in your own comedy album for them

idk but I saved it in a heartbeat

They're really shy



Pink Guy had some pretty good songs on it though. I give him some time to prove that he likewise can do his serious stuff well too.

I dig this idea, that might actually tie his whole persona thing together.

> Suffering from stress-related epilepsy
> hurr durr prevaledged wypepo furst world problum
> boohoo why dosnt nobody lieks me????

Slit your wrist in a parallel motion, you self-loathing marxist swine.

>Steals an entire sketch from MDE World Peace
>Completely unoriginal with his whiny bullshit that comes out of his mouth accompanied by epicly chilled beats
Into the trash he goes

>make money for acting like a retard
>get so stressed out you have seizures

>white male

pick one

>the fucking gif
do you guys not realize what an absolute parody of yourselves you are

>anyone feel bad for this rich internet celebrity that gets to make mediocre music to massive praise

don't engage them

>just cover your eyes and ears and go "LALALA" as loud as you can
kys my boy

This but unironically

Was he always that chubby? His hips are massive

I can't stop looking at the black guy's hair. he's like a black version of Paul from Tekken.


>We have all this (beautiful natural world), why am I getting heated on the internet?

Words to live by t.b.h.


I recognize that it's not revolutionary

But damn, decent original vocals over lo-fi beats is basically what I've wanted someone to do for a while. So I'm here for it

>falling for obvious bait

It's not his first serious ep

He is right. The Filthy Frank shit WAS his pinnacle.

I don't really see why I would feel bad... I don't like his music and I don't find him particularly funny, but he's extremely creative, and he's earned a good amount of success. If anything, I kind of admire him even though I have no inclination to do anything like what he does.

This. It's wasn't outstanding in the least, but I like papa franku so I'll be interested to see if he can improve from here instead of staying locked in mediocrity.

cringey vid

I do enjoy some of his music, but is nothing out of the ordinary.
I imagine I would never even discovered or care about his music if it wasn't for me watching FlithyFrank before.

He's a hack. Always has been. Worst of all, he's a gigantic attention whore. When he wanted to release his cliche and tired memerap, he should have just done it. Instead he makes a scene about being depressed and whatever so the focus isn't his music, it's him bitching about the bed he's made for himself.

I honestly feel bad for Joji seeing this because I feel he is trying his hardest to progressively distance himself from the impurities of his character and live life happily, but his internet presence will follow him forever regardless. Sad, but my advice to him is to ignore everyone who wants to limit him to comedy and do his own thing no matter what.

Absolutely all of this.
That doesn't even touch the fact that he will look like a gigantic faggot if he goes back to Frank and Pink Guy, considering the statements this interview puts out in the open. If he does, he'll backtrack and moan "I only said I didn't like doing FF because I wanted the normies to like me," just in time for everyone take an ever bigger shit on him.
Joji's put himself between a rock and a hard place, with two identical rocks and hard places behind and ahead of him.
Pic related

Imagine being so resentful and self-hating that you fail to understand everyone, including celebrities, have their own problems. I bet you believe in bootstrap mentality and wear your MAGA hat daily. I don’t hate Trump or anything, but you’ve such a pathetic patina over yourself. Get real.

Nigga has a point though, you're the one being spicy about it

Duh, but I’m simply advocating having a brain.
The guy has a condition.

Why are people so munipulated by their fanbases these days?

>Oh no I better not do this because my fans are going to write mean comments and unsubscribe to my channel!

Big fucking deal. So what? He's done with Filthy Frank. So? What's going to happen? His characters are going to follow him around for the rest of his life? It's the exact same as every professional actor. Minkus will always be Minkus from Boy Meets World. This guy will always be known as filthy frank. It's what happens when something becomes popular.

Why is he such a pussy? His videos where a project that ran its course. If he was a true artist and not a complete coward he would just move onto the next project. Honestly, if he's this self conscious he needs to quit completely and work a regular job.

>feeling bad for some pretentious fag

>anyone feel bad for joji after this vid?
I feel bad for his illness, it's not something he controls, or deserves for that matter, but do I feel bad for him not being le accepted for his "lofi chill hiphop 24/7 radio" beats? Hell no.
Why should I? It's more than enough that he's even a topic of discussion on this shitty Vietnamese manga forum, let alone accept him and jump on that trend that's consisted of 16 year old kids who communicate strictly through memes. My taste in music might be shit, but it's not THAT bad.
Attention whoring about "being le serius artiste" is only gonna make people hate him even more.


Not really, he's a shit tier 'rapper' Rich Chigga did everything he has but actually did it well. George should have stuck to making shitty memes for kids instead of trash """lo-fi trap""" shite.

He would literally have no fans of his music if he wasn't Filthy Frank with an army of autistic kids watching his youtube channel.

>tries super hard
>hides behind durr I am being ironic
>is shit
Hmmmm seems like he should still to being francis of the filth because he has no musical talent. Literally doing the same edgy shit other soundcloud rappers do but much worse.

Let's be serious, he did this to himself. You can distance yourself from your creation but he started with "filthy" and no one will ever take him completely seriously. He's a decent musician, but he wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for his previous fame. Honestly though, he did this to himself.

> like X musician
> you hate music