Sup b. I work at a grocery store, AMA

sup b. I work at a grocery store, AMA

there ever been a robbery?
tell us some stories about shoplifters i guess


Never been robbed
its a busy store in socal
Vons but yeah,

I used to live in socal, had a Vons right across the street from my house

I have decided.. if you work for a grocery store and it's not Earth Fare, you need to find a new job or kys. That place is fucking amazing.

i hope you get shot in the face during the robbery user.

we have a stupid policy that if people are stealing we can't even acknowledge it. We just go up to them and ask if we can help them with anything over and over until they give it up.
Once some black guy came in, broke our alcohol cabinet and stole 1200 dollars worth of whiskey/scotch. He just walked out. We rarely call the cops.

Theyre everywhere man
Stop, youre gonna hurt my feelings
I hate my job, The customers who come are super entitled because its in a nice city. It's across the street from about 4 old people homes and they arent the easiest people to handle.

have you ever done the number 15: grocery store feet lettuce?

How can I get free shit?

If you complain enough we'll just reimburse you just so you go away. I have had to refund people because they said their watermelon was bad when they only bring in one perfect slice. You can steal but that's for scumbags. Some stores like safeway have apps where theyll give you free stuff every week but its usually like 5 dollars worth. To get cash you can find receipts in carts or on the floor, walk in, grab the item and return it. just say that you found the price cheaper somewhere else.

lold, i dont fuck with peoples food because i would hate if someone did that to me.

One time some asian dude came in during a rush and grabbed two foam coolers and loaded them up with the most expensive wine we had on the shelf and walked out. He came back in and did it again. No one noticed him walk out with like 30 something bottles.

San Diego?

You will regret this comment.

Orange county

Don't you just love it when lazy fucking faggot customers leave cold and frozen foods in aisles to go bad? Like meat and big boxes of popsicles, takes two seconds to walk over to a bunker and toss it in. Either that or drop a glass jar of something, create a huge mess then walk away and not tell anybody. Fucking annoying.

You ever see anybody, where you just know that he's on Sup Forums regularly?

Yeah I can't stand it. People will wait till they get to the check stand and say, "I dont want this.." when the refrigerators are 10 feet away. I always call out people whenever I see them drop something, I told some guy, "Did you want me to pick that up or where you going to do that on your way out?" He ended up picking up after he paid.
Yeah, theres a lot of neck beards that come in and they just buy chips and frozen dinners

Grocery store
Three naggers inside
The store ain't open
It's the middle of the night
Alarm goes off
The cops show up
They caught 'em red-handed
Put 'em in handcuffs

Are you listening to this all the time?

Working there is depressing. I have two courtesy clerks that have learning disabilities and bug the shit out of me my whole shift. They can't even give me a price check without me having to leave the check stand. Since you have to buy bags in california, I always say hello to people and most of them just yell I need bags or something totally random other than hello. I just say hello until they say it back or I just dont talk to them the entire time. But The Absolute Worst Thing is Carts. Nobody ever fucking puts them back. I cannot handle it. I park so far back from the store and somehow people still put it next to my car. If I see people do while im on break or lunch, I immediately get out and stare them down as I walk the 30 ft to the car corral.

I'm not sure what you're asking but there is always people in the store unless it's thanksgiving or Christmas eve night.