If you bother to look into it, this guy wants to fight men but they wont let him.
You hear this a lot: "A thread died for this." While accurate, this phrase generally carries no weight. But just this once, if you would do me a favor and hear me out, it would do all of us a lot of good.
A. Thread. Died. For this. You woke up this morning, poured yourself a bowl of Faggot Flakes, moistened them with your impotent Faggot prostate milk (which /is/ in fact impotent, because you're a fucking faggot) and, within seconds, decided that today of all days would be the time you decide to cut your synapse firing quota by just a little too much
So you hopped online, carved out this uninspired chicken scratch, probably failed the captcha once for every strand of peach fuzz on your half-empty sack, and clicked Submit.
At that moment, a thread died. A thread that could have been bumped. A thread that could have been resurrected with content, or valuable discourse between its denizens. Hell, it could've even been bumped for absolutely no reason. And that would've been okay. Because, had it survived, a few more seconds could have been spent without having had your abortion of a post been born in this world.
Actually this is what you people wanted.
See, the boy was born a girl and the school decided "HURR DURR BIRTH CERT MAKES HIM A GIRL HURR DURR FIGHT GIRLS"
Sorry user, your trollery is bad
We all get the countries we deserve.
This 'thing' would get smashed if they let it fight guys.
wow that migrant is 12 years old for sure
Mfw there's literally only 2 ge ders and there's people out there who believe otherwise
Nah, the black kid is about 15. The two white boys are the same age. Black people just speed through puberty faster overall. It's why you see 15-16 year old black teenages capable of being the fuck out of 10+ white boys at once
why does a girl need to take testosterone
normally, taking it would be doping and she will be disqualified
but now because she feels like a man she can take it
Wow what you said is entirely stupid.
I don't give a fuck Vlad. Don't you have a breadline to be standing in?
born a girl, fights girls. problem? oh but if hormones and that kind of shit are involved, that's doping so ban them. solved
Same reason boys do: to get a dick
Don't worry sonny one day you will grow up and realise that gender is a rich and varied spectrum and it is full of wonderful variances. Nature is a wonderful thing and we are blessed enough to be watching the next leap forward in humans evolution
>out of 10+ white boys at once
tee hee
I couldn't give less of a shit. Nothing about this is even remotely relevant to my life.
He was born a male with a vagina. Deal with it MAGAt
..girls dont magically grow a dick when they take that
they gain muscle and hair growth and body odour and thats it
Only correct answer
>social recluse doesnt care about society
forever virgin
Yeah this totally won’t end in a dystopian future where hormone injections are mandatory to control toxic masculinity.
Some queer in texas isn't society.
thats what they said about gays in california decades ago but look at where we are now
Transgender boy = biological girl
Wasn't this a female to male transition?
So a chick with a mustache won some shitty regional wrestling tournament in some bumfuck town. Somehow, I think society is going to survive. Don't be such a dramatic faggot.
>thats what they said about gays in california decades ago but look at where we are now
Care to elaborate? Your post made no sense.
Yeah, with access to testosterone supplements.
>they start to allow trannies in the olympics
>biological females can never win a medal again
>society gets redpilled
YES, this is the chemo we need
Um, sweety, those aren't illegal ^__^
Or even considered against rules
>decades ago
"who cares about some gays in X state? that degeneracy will never become accepted"
gays are "normal" in popular media and more or less accepted in the mainstream consciousness
>Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking a low-dose of testosterone.
Well, normally that's called doping.
imagine training for years as a girl only to be beaten by another girl taking male hormones
the genders are equal amiright
how dare you question it you CIS bigot
Eliminate Jew propagated degeneracy, nigger worship, deviant behavior, and, Self-Hatred, and life becomes so much better.
I generally feel sad when I see this.
When I was in school there were like 2 transgenders accross 5 schools nearby?
And people were like "that's actually a guy" and you'd go : "ok, cool" and that was it.
Now there are so much more of them and the propaganda to accept them is insane, and that's only in the US.
Soon this will be the norm and every country is gonna go bananas on this hype.
I recognize them as humans beings, with their original gender, now i get the point mr. Media, but nobody is obligated to accept anyone's lifestyle.
Bit of a lame comparisson, but being into vidya and metal generally had people looking down on me, end.
You just don't associate with them and accept that nobody's gonna lick your feet to make you feel special/accept who you are.
You just live life and try not to be a cunt.
If someone doesn't like you for something that trivial, then this person just isn't worth talking to.
You don't have to change his/her opinion and you sure as hell don't try to get the gvt to enforce it.
Did everyone miss 'humans 101' the last decade?
Wtf is this shit.
You're an idiot. Homosexuality has been around for as long as humans have existed. Of course they're accepted into the mainstream consciousness you braindead twat. Christian fundamentalist baby boomers are dying off and people are learning not to give a shit what other people do with their genitals. Gays will continue to exist long after you and your shitposting have been buried in the ground. Slippery slope arguments are boring, user. You can be some trumped up anti-degeneracy warrior if you want but don't be surprised if most people yawn their way through your alarmist bullshit. Seriously, dude, getting your panties in a twist over a bunch of dudes in California kissing and throwing parades is probably more faggoty than actually being gay. Grow up.
t. triggered homo
dont you have some dick to take up your ass?
In that kids defense, his mother forced him into being transgender.
Like his mother actually went on record saying "we decided our child would be transgender when they were born"
So that's just plain child abuse, user. Stick with using ammo that's good.
>you sure as hell don't try to get the gvt to enforce it.
I think you're mistaken a little. Whether you agree with transgendered people or not the current administration is pushing to make it legal to be able to deny government services, medical or otherwise to transgendered people based on religious principal. You do understand how this is a giant, treacherous slippery slope right? I think we're all down with your live life and try not to be a cunt philosophy but refusing to treat a person in medical distress at a hospital or clinic because you disagree with their lifestyle should not be legal under any circumstance. This issue is much bigger than the shitty clickbait like OP's picture.
Taking dick up my ass would be less homo than all of your whiny shitposting. If you don't like gays then don't associate with them. Trust me, no one will give a shit if you stay in your basement and avoid all human contact. You'd be doing us a favor.
I genuinly fear for children these days.
All these millenials now becoming parents.
>le internetz
>you can shitpost all you want as long as you're PC
>judgemental over everyone who isn't PC
All of these brainwashed thick cunts are sending their kids to school now, with their degenerate ideas crammed into those little heads.
Remember when 80% of the people you know didn't have a computer or internet?
Remember when no one knew what youtube was?
Remember when social media was meant for alter egos rather than your entire personal life?
Remember mIRC?
Remember warez?
I member..
Maybe don't shoot your ammo into crazy would be a better advice.
Don't get me wrong, i want them to be able to live like normal people.
But most of these activists seem to care more about pronouns than anything else.
The loud minority is tainting the voices of the rest.
Isn't Gen Z suppose to be most conservative generation since WW2?
Look at all the fucking hippies in the 60's and 70's. Their kids didn't all turn into nigger dick sucking faggots.
Fuck off racist cuntstump
>The loud minority is tainting the voices of the rest.
If you realize that then why are we even talking about it? You acknowledge that they only succeed in derailing meaningful conversation but then complain about people griping about pronouns. Are you committed to contributing to productive discourse or are you going to fall in line with the rest of the brainlets and swat at red herrings all day?
I keep seeing this "gen z = conservative" meme but I never see a source or any kind of evidence other than someone parroting it.
>deny government services, medical or otherwise to transgendered people based on religious principal
What are some of such policies being pushed?
Because most hippies or their children came to their senses after growing up.
They didn't have the constant influence and propaganda 24/7 right in their pocket.
Their actually became a part of society and realised that sometimes, you just gotta shut the fuck up and do what you gotta do.
These days kids will oppose something for something as simple as a choice of words. And they will keep opposing it just for the sake of opposig it.
kek... he looks like the 40 year old dude who works for the lawn company our company uses
It's just that more and more clickbait is being sent to you.
That's it, really.
Before you had to fucking read things, like actually read them.
It's fucked because algorithims are forcing biased news and media into people's daily lives. So we're being more and more brainwashed.
Or you know, take kids away from abusive parents
user, it's like some weird mixture of armchair fucktards (rock music is evil, D&D is evil, metal is evil, gamez are evil, etc) and tumblrinas who want attention. Stop feeding them. The kid in the OP wanted to fight boys. Was fored to fight girls and the girlsp arents bitched. The kid just wanted to wrestle boys.
Actually it's the opposite in terms of things.
Because kids that age use social media and the internet as a daily means and were raised on it (not like how Sup Forumstards were raised on it through irc or the days of "hey dial up!") they're already brainwashed into being more accomidating to liberal ideas.
>came to their senses after growing up
That's was not the prediction when they were younger.
The Trump administration is calling it “conscience refusal” protections. Comes straight from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It basically adds an additional layer of federal protection for doctors, clinics and healthcare professionals that refuse to give treatment based on religious grounds. This will legally allow people in both the private and public sector to deny services to anybody they want and be legally protected by the federal government. Here is a brief timeline.
>July 26, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or, implicitly, gender identity.
>January 18th, 2018 - The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Civil Rights opened a "Conscience and Religious Freedom Division" that will promote discrimination by health care providers who can cite religious or moral reasons for denying care.
Now, this may not seem like a big deal now but you have to understand the implications. It will be perfectly legal for health care providers to refuse treatment or let you die because of their religious objections. One could argue, where does this end? Refusing treatment because you're Muslim? Jewish? Atheist? In a relationship where you're having premarital sex? All of these things, technically, fall under the purvey of these new policies. Its all fine and dandy now that just transgendered people are under the spotlight but it could very realistically become a situation in which its legal to deny care to anyone who isn't a Christian.
Hence the term: growing up.
Ya dunce
>they're already brainwashed into being more accomidating to liberal ideas
You think hippies weren't brought up with anti-war propaganda and communist ideologies in universities. Hell, they were building bombs at schools. Shit was crazy even back then, but now we just remember "peace and love, man." Just you wait, they'll turn antifa into a bunch of good willed idiots being oppressed by white nationalist gay Jews and migrants.
But Gen Z won't grow up...?
they should let it fight nothing. cry in the corner.
Difference: hippies were led along by actively seeking out this info, usually via groups, college, friends, whatever.
Kids nowadays have the goddamn internet plastered with "muh immigrants, muh gun control, muh mean russia".
Hippies were actually fucking educated about issues.
Kids now are just reciting hate speech
I know hippies were a problem. Hippies were as much as a problem that actual fucking anarchists are. The difference is they led this life as an adult and chose it - kids cann
Gen Z is capable of filtering everything they see into everything they want to see.
That's the big difference. Everyone can stay in their bubble now and ingore reality
>perfectly legal for health care providers to refuse treatment or let you die
I really need to see more before I can believe that.
I mean, people cried after Net Neutrality, even though under the 2015 act it was still legal for a company to restrict your service as long as it was in your contract (idea being that if you, for example, wanted to buy a phone service for your kid that only allowed certain, family friendly sites, you could have it and the ISP was allowed to limit your access to other sites.
the news america missed is that sweden have already kicked out over 80% of the accepted immigrants
that image makes my blood boil like you wouldn't believe. ive noticed a lot of swedes have grown much colder towards immigrants the last few years, less naïve. so at least something good came of it.
I dont get the problem. Let the doped girl fight males. let her get her ass kicked. Problem solved?
>usually via groups, college, friends, whatever.
Because as we know, the groups hippies hang out in weren't all "muh communism, muh free love, muh vietnam".
>Hippies were actually fucking educated about issues.
In universities. The same universities we have today. So I guess there isn't a problem.
End of the day, no amount of social media control will disapprove reality. That kid has to get mugged by a nigger or raped by a Muslim gang, then get shunned by all their friends for trying to talk about it, and suddenly cracks start to appear in their world view. And nobody can hide on social media their entire lives. Sooner or later large portion of them has to come down and join the rest of us mooks in the shit.
>I really need to see more before I can believe that.
Seriously, look it up. Its real. Look up conscience refusal protections. America has done all kinds of crazy illogical shit under the banner of "religious freedom". These kinds of protections was the reason that bitch from Kansas or whatever got away with refusing to give marriage certificates to homosexuals even though she worked at the county clerk's office and gay marriage was legal in her state.
>with vagina
Something doesn't add up here user
>that bitch from Kansas
Kentucky. And she was jailed and there was a court case, after which she was ordered not to interfere with issuing licenses.
But this doesn't show me where it says it's 100% legal to let someone die because your religion tells you they shouldn't live. I'm sure there are laws that trump other laws.
I'm always confused. Transgendered boy means doesn't have a dick right? Wrestling others without dicks? Wants to wrestle folks with dicks but they won't allow it, and ends up dominating the dickless wrestling division. What's the problem here? Sounds like a bunch of wrestlers with dicks are afraid of getting beaten by this dickless wrestler.
Maybe it's just a ruse to legally hit women?
Gonna be a weird moment for you guys to look back on, I hope here in England we kick out all the paki’s soon, but considering our London mayor is one I might aswell just leave myself
Nature would anhero if it was possible.
Fair enough if you want to be one of the genders but it's a fucking joke that they can cross over into sport classes made directly for each gender with physical abilities considered.
If this continues steroids should be made legal.
What if he slaps ur ass in da club then kicks the shit out of your girl because he is female, so the assult charge on his side wouldn't be as harsh then you hit him back and then you are labelled a woman beater and get beaten by white Knights and jail time?
not trying to advocate this faggot
but sometimes it really can happen when male is born with undeveloped genitalia
then let it get smashed as a lesson to others
I'm a professional law man person and can back up that this happens every single day. This is definitely not a ridiculously absurd situation.
He doesn't care about anything so nobody cares about him. He aint never going to no club
>boys and girls are equal in mainstream media propaganda
>boy wins girls' race
>girls rightfully lash out
i just hope the hate hasn't faded enough for SD to not get a bigger chunk of the government this year. SD is our biggest anti-immigration party.
what a sad little cunt you must be
>so what do you do?
>i am a professional law man person
No we don't.
OK different scenario
Minding his own business walking through mall or anywhere with people around an altercation happens between the two fagots the man who's a woman hits him first he strikes back.
Because the man is a woman he gets charged with hitting a woman.
Then the guy who is a woman posts black eye on social media saying a man hit 'it' triggered fagots create a page for justice.
The law has to treat it has women beating his life is ruined and gets jail time.
Birth defect /= vagina
equal? not even close. girls are always portrayed as just as strong and capable as men but they rarely die if it's for example a war and if the movie have a clown for comic relief it's always a man.
i really think mainstream media is causing so much damage to today's girls that it's insane: no longer are you required to look pretty but apparently you now also need high education, a career and the ability to compete with men in a ton of areas. most of them dont even realize that the closer you get to acting like a man and the less you want to take care of children and the household the less chances you willl have to actually get a man before it's almost too late to have children.
women need to realize that they are on whole different clock than men, you cant spend 10 years of your life on education and a career and then suddenly think youll land a good husband and that hell immediately start a family with you even though there are other fish in the ocean that actually act more like a good wife.
Yeah it's almost like it's a difficult complex situation that our current society needs to figure out how to deal with properly. But nah, seems too hard, lets just ignore it and treat/classify everyone based on if they were born with a dick or not.
That's not a boy
Kill it with fire!
do u not recognize their buldge?
Do they even think about the nonsense they dribble?
WTF am I looking at here?
lol look at all these easily-triggered snowflakes
ofcourse it's a birth defect. but those are actual vaginas, that function and look like perfectly normal vagina. Cuz male genitalia develop from homologous female organs.
Many times parents and doctors made an actual mistake assuming 'gender by genitalia'.
When in fact those kids were actual boys by xy sex-determination system.