You go outside and see this what you do?
You go outside and see this what you do?
Run away from that trans whore just like the blonde
360 and walk a dog
Dude, I am from Serbia and I have dealt with this kind of shit.
> be in beautiful hometown of Belgrad.
> see Romani whores in street presenting themselves.
> tell one of em we should do sex
> she says it's 40€
> go into building with her.
> go into room with bed, looks not to shabby
> she gets naked, pulls out condom
> proceed to fuck, notice movement in corner of my eye
> another girl tries to pull out wallet of my jacket
> I am filled with rage. Not smart to rob a serb.
> punch the whore unconcious
> run after other whore.
> she goes down and out the backdoor of building
> deadend at dumpsters
> she starts to cry and babbles in her subhuman speak, with little defiling of my beautiful mothertongue.
> hands me my wallet, and cries on
> tell her to suck me and punch her in face
> she gets down on knees and starts sucking
> I cum and she swallows and sobs
> beat her face to bloody pulp, to remind herthat stealing is bad.
> pimp comes out back with baseball bat and shouts at me in incestspeak
> throw 30€ at him as excuse for damaging the goods
> still shouts at me as I pull out phone and dial police
> he realizes what I am doing and goes all no no no
> he picks up the money as I leave.
You can basically do anything to these fucks in eastern europe. They have no insurance, are not registered and nobody cares.
Deport them back to romania
Start yelling that Transylvania has always been Romanian.
>we should do sex
Swefag here. The gypsies are almost worse than the nigger-problem, Not even joking
Seriously, Sweden is a third world country now. Even Serbia is now better than Sweden and we used to play with metal piping and gunpowder in building ruins when I was a child.
Sweden is a niggerproblem.
You know that is the only thing they are good for. And some of them can be really beautiful and wild in bed, if they are under 25.
And you can fuck them raw and cum inside. They cant make paternal claims, but I wouldnt recommend it because of STD.
To be honest, we still have pretty decent living standrards, I´ve been to the balkans and you guys still live fairly primitive, But I´m not gonna lie we have a problem with the gypsies, negros and the arabs