Enjoying metal or any of its subgenres after age 16

>enjoying metal or any of its subgenres after age 16

how is this possible

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By laying off the soy.

By being an 80's kid or teen, or being the child of an 80's kid or teen.

This picture looks so familiar, what the hell is it?

when your metabolism hasn't slowed to shit or you can enjoy music with energy..

usually dipshits get hung up on the "evil" facade

every school shooter whos music taste i can find liked some kind of gothic metal

I literally stopped enjoying metal after age 16 funnily enough

Well to be fair, most gothic metal is pretty fuckin' gay and kvlt at all.

yeah its great

so you blame the music then

>being this insecure about your embarrassing numale tourist metal tastes that you go full autist when you turn 17 and desperately fail to appear above it all


xavier renegade angel

its a odd coincidence your welcome to look into it



By consuming soy, increasing estrogen and decreasing testosterone, so that they feel the music compensates for their lost test. Ever wonder why metalheads are the faggiest looking subculture?

I am a manchild!!!

>this level of insecurity in one post
So this is the power of soy

gonna list em
1.the rodg
2.columbine obvi
3.iconic pic of a fat kid in a MM shirt
4.the one that put it in a dating profile
5.that kid you knew that didnt do it but made a threat and got busted

Examples plz - they tend to prefer Industrial Metal

industrials associated with it. the reason PC goths try so hard to distance from all black trench coat kids

2.everyone knows
4.the one on the wikipedia

>enjoying metal or any of its subgenres

he liked mudvayne, industrial-ish nu metal like korn

>enjoying things
how is this possible

Metal is as diverse as punk.

you grow up realizing that you don't really give a fuck what other people think. still blasting metal but also other things.

Did you turn 17 yesterday


compared to synthpop

Metal is more diverse than punk

punk influenced metal more than metal influenced punk.

Marilyn Manson older stuff is Industrial Metal.

Yeah that is true but metal is still more diverse due to higher autism per capita in the community

hardcore was metal influenced punk

and after hardcore all these thrash & death bands started to show up, cuz metal in the early 80's was softcore

i think you are forgetting all these -core genres.

first iron maiden album was punk

but not hardcore punk, its still softcore

Even I as a "soy boy" enjoy metal. OP just has shit taste

I like gothic metal but I don't think I'm gonna shoot anything up anytime soon.

good same
