How much is this jew making from his gay podcast? and how does he manage to fuck that twig named hila

how much is this jew making from his gay podcast? and how does he manage to fuck that twig named hila

You have alot of hate in you. Go be happy man. Life is too short to hate so much.

you are totally right.
also op is a jealous fag

ethan did nothing wrong
hila is a qt3.14

get meme'd, idiot

Hila is cute breh, hold your horses

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but Hila sounds like a man, and well... looks like a man. I'm pretty sure Hila is a man, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a collassal closeted faggot.

Hate is like holding fire yet expecting the other person to burn.

im jelous, id wanna suck off ethan

get outta here with that gay shit

Coughing is not funny.

Vape nation

He makes like 20 k per podcast. Plus all his merch so probably like 1.5 million per week. Plus his disability check so like 1.8 million

they seem like the adults that try too hard to appeal to kids

me too. also >911

She looks like her brother.

I’d fuck hila, she’s cute , skinny and funny

she's just israeli
and she's one of the better looking ones

gay. get out of here faggot

id rather fuck a skeleton, it be the same thing

Except the awkward silence. Im sure a skeleton would show more emotion

I think thats the point. But they appeal to anyone with a short attention span.

he's probably doing 1 mil/ year from all his stuff rn

Stay mad and jealous op.
Go back to watching your paul bros garbage.

he's from a jewish family and does not practice judaism, for the record. if my parents are christian that doesn't make me christian.

also he's fucking hilarious and a really nice guy. in my book he's one of the top 5 inspirational content creators. if everyone was as good as him we'd all be very lucky.

TLDR fuck off OP

lole ur a fag
Seriously though, go outside once in a while.

go back to jake paul also this board is for 18+ only

p 5 inspirational content creators.
god i thought i was sucking dick the most but then this fag comes along.

TO STOP posting, OP

>C O N T E N T C R E A T O R

he shits on other's content for a living, whats original about that lmaoooo

But his content consist of him talking about others content. So how original is he? What he coughs? Is that the originality?


he doesnt even make videos anymore, he makes all his money from the podcast

's plan
step 1: say some lies
step 2: Sup Forums flips about this and gives attention
step 3: ???
step 4: profit
step 5: repeat

Calm down faggot ur talking about a YouTube star not fucking James Joyce. Pop his cock out of your mouth

commentary has a long tradition. sometimes it's fun to listen to someone talk about things which reflect and expand upon the way you think. you really think youtubers were the first people to make a living reacting to things?

>he doesnt even make videos anymore, he makes all his money from the podcast
you have to admit it's just like apple they are so well known they only have to say new shit $9999 and everyone will buy it lol

wtf that was meant for

Sup Forums a place for love and acceptance

Unironically liking this fat greasy kikel manchild

how am i flipping out? and i'm not sucking his dick. i legitimately enjoy the youtube platform and it's basically dead. i'm happy people like h3h3 have made it a success or else they'd have been killed by the algorithm long ago

>Sup Forums a place for love
hahahahahahahaha omfg this is funnier then most YLYL threads hahahaha

yeah, but they only comment to hate, never to love

pls say more your funny

they should go back to sell drugs

your posts are cringeworthy

i'm not sure we're talking about the same person anymore. hate? just because you critique something/someone doesn't mean u hate.

Hate all you want, it only hurts you.

Your such a faggot.
Stop posting

Hila makes me cum buckets. Wish she had an unsecure nudes folder on the cloud.

How are they able to charge for other peoples faces as emoticons on twitch . And not get sued?

Who gives a shit?
This guy used to be OKAY but ever since he's been making videos with that jew woman was put on the screen, everyhing they make just sucks. The worst thing is, he knew it, he knows it and he doesn't care because obviously he's a CUCK.

Fair Use Protection Association


it's YOU'RE**
Your retardedness
You're retarded


But he talks shit bout these people and then goes on to use their face.

Greencard marriage, making enough money just being on camera despite not learning to speak english properly when she hosts a video series for a english speaking audience. all she has to do occasionally fuck an unfunny fat man.


Fair use, my dude
those people made public videos


This fupa doesnt even exist anymore. Ethan used up all the money for it

one of those "your"s doesn't need fixing, you assblasted canuck

>assblasted canuck
do you come from Sup Forums??



did I call you a niggerfaggot?

Don't call me Ness


Tobe fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand H3H3. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical comedy most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Ethan's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike H3H3 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ethan's existencial "Tourrettes Tics,& Cpughs" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hila's genius unfolds itself on their YouTube recommend lists. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Papa John tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

Tldr *cough*

Excuse me, my fat fingers knew what they were typing, and if *you're IQ was as high as mine, then *you're would understand that





It's a podcast so all of the money comes from the advertisers he lists off. I'd expect each pays maybe 10k since they're relatively long shout outs and most have long working relationships with him across channels.

But that 30-40k (tops) per week has to pay his studio guy, the rent and utilities on the separate studio they use just for podcasts (I believe it's separate at least) and then at the very least the travel arrangements for guests.

Most people he has are friends, so it's likely done for free or for promotion. But no one is going to spend hundreds of dollars out of pocket, he would cover those costs.

Still a nice living, but it isn't as insanely cushy as it first seems.

He mentioned in a recent podcast that he makes around 10-20K a month.

your ad hominem only proves previous user correct moreso