ITT: Your right to life is greater than your right to have guns

ITT: Your right to life is greater than your right to have guns

You realize guns protect life right. Ill never be a home invasion victim. Nor will my wife.

Hell yeah, man, you gotta make sure you keep your hand safe so she can still get you off.

Guns are not the problem in shootings, it's the people involved. If there weren't a second person, there would be nobody to shoot, so it would make the situation moot. Even if the shooter were to shoot himself, there may not even be a gun involved. The vast majority of shootings do not even involve guns. The most famous of recent shootings in Las Vegas, most of the guns found in the hotel room weren't even used in the shooting.

Again: Most guns found in the shooter's hotel room in Vegas were not even used in the incident. It was like they were innocent bystanders. Does that mean they should be banned just because they were there? If you think so you are just crazy. Even the bump stocks that were made so famous in that case, those are usually sold by reputable merchants who own small businesses. But here's the best part: Bump stocks are sold almost exclusively without guns. Without guns! It is just as crazy to assume a bump stock could be used in a shooting without a gun.

People should just wake up and see the facts: Most shootings do not even involve guns.

My right to self preservation IS my right to life

Nah, she'll probably just shoot you one night mistaking you for a home invader.

What possible legitimate reason could you ever need a bump stock?

For making any people aware of how many guns there are without bump stocks for use with guns.

The NRA claims that privately owned guns save over 2.7 million lives a year. Meanwhile the Violence Policy Center, a liberal group, says it's more like 60,000 lives a year and that the NRA is full of liars. Either way you slice it, that's still a HELL of a lot more lives saved than lives taken, making guns a net good even if you don't like them.


>guns save over 2.7 million/60,000 lives a year
and who are they saving these lives from?
oh right, other gun owners.

ITT: gun owners are butthurt because the guns are the only thing they have to live for. Kek. Get a life you faggots. I have 20 firearms, and I’m a good person. You wouldn’t have anything to worry about if you didn’t have skeletons in your closet.

oh right
illegal gun owners
only 18% of gun crimes are committed by the legal owner of the gun

I consider your right to life lower than my right to have guns.

The other guy doesn't have to have a gun. I don't have numbers but I'd bet more than half of those are actually women defending themselves from a hard dick.

this must be why the same people screaming for gun control absolutely celebrate abortion. fuck off with this.

Speciesist shitlord.

>ITT: Your right to life is greater than your right to have guns
Firearms represent tangible power and liberty. The whole body of the people should be armed and practice frequently so you can hit what you aim at.

you can murder unborn babies, but I can't have a gun for self defense?

I don't know about you, but I'm not any kind of badass. Never have been fooled into believing I am, nor have I ever tried to pretend I was.
On equal ground, fists alone, I'm losing pretty much every fight. I don't go looking for them, but there are certainly those that do.
Even beyond that, I'm not breaking my fucking hands mashing them against anyone. But that in no way means I'm willing to accept, at all, that someone's ability to kick my ass means they get to do that, or whatever else it is they want.
Anytime it's possible, I'm going the fucking Indiana Jones route, and physically incapacitating you to the point where your ability to cause me physical harm no longer exists as even a remote possibility. If that means I end up killing you, fuck you, you should have kept to yourself.

Stay mad princess