Now Family Guy's canceled, too. Great

Now Family Guy's canceled, too. Great.

this day just gets better


That is great...

greatest day ever

hala trump!


>Trump wins
>the world starts becoming better minute by minute

it all came true

see, america is already getting great again

Family Guy ending would be a good thing. It had a good run but its shit now.

Thank god

American Dad can take the spotlight again it was always the better show because sethmcfaggot had nothing to do wiht it

>not even officially elected yet
>already making america great again

Wouldn't supposes have been enough?

English is not my first language so please advise.


today was a good day

>I use big words therefore I'm better than the guy that runs a farm in the midwest

Guys come on you're just being mean. Remember that cowboy movie he made? Five stars.


>funny trump references

sounds like a hoot

seth is a zilch

The word "presupposes" just isn't used that much, and seems pretentious coming from the guy who writes Family Guy.

his movies are hilarious. the shows are getting old.


Seriously though this is the same fucking faggot that made so many crude, crassful jokes on Family Guy and he gets butthurt about Trump, what gives?

Omg I knoooow. The talking teddy bear one is literally my fave.

I'm glad he survived the plane for this moment.

Making fun of Trump only works for like, 3 people. Otherwise it just ends up fucking your ratings

This year just keeps getting better and better. Brexit, Cubs, Trump and now Family Guy gone. What wonders does December have in for us? Black flight back to Africa?


Family guy is still airing?

>tfw the entire entertainment industry is going to collapse
He's really going to MAGA isn't he lads?

Do you understand the difference between jokes and real life?

I have no idea I wouldn't use presuppose in sentence.

>Family Guy's canceled

That's awesome news!

I feel like I'm in some bizarro world or alternate reality, I love it though.I fear I'll wake up tomorrow and it was all a dream and Hillary was the president, also you can thank us for Brexiting and influencing your vote like Pailin said it did. Without Brexit there would be no Trump.

Can't spell triumph without Trump.


Does Seth McFarlane?

But your image is a joke, not real life.

It's just him stating his actual opinion

this is the power of kek



it was a funny throwaway comment made to briefly explain why everything was so much more advanced.

i'm sure seth macfarlane appreciates that the catholic church was actually one of the few institutions that retained and expanded on knowledge in the dark/middle ages.

No he doesn't.

tfw no one in history ever killed each other until religion was invented

No, supposes is speculative opinion, presupposes is more like assuming as a given

Last I saw it was airing on tbs? What if he just pulls a Conan?
Also... doesn't he still do most of the voices?

Crassful, really?

Go to bed Seth

shut up

>waaaaaahhhhh wahhhhh

hahaha macfarlane cuck

Animals kill each other all the time and they don't know Christ from shinola.

Loving Every Laugh


only roger and stan

Steve smith and Patrick stewart own that show anyway

Fox broadcast is completely different from Fox News... Rupert Murdoch is a fucking Hillary supporter. Christ he's a retard.

when the fuck are these pissy faggots moving out of america? hell i'm willing to buy them their one way ticket if they could just fly right now



can u buy me a ticket to canada RIGHT now actually? paypal?

>Steve smith and Patrick stewart own that show anyway
Ya god damn right. I haven't watched in ages. Should I go back? It literally got to be a "lolsorandumbXD" show...

fuck you paco you're going over the wall

Didn't know it was still running. Delicious delicious tears

Sort of i mean it depends where you stopped watching.

Last 2 seasons have been pretty good and S12 had some fucking hilarious episodes

I can't wait for the next Episode of Last week tonight

Fox was never all that gung ho for Trump tbqh.