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Delete it I guess...
Kek, guy in screencap BTFO
what did happen anyway?
I thought for sure Hillary was going to win, and most of the polls seemed to confirm it before the election
A lot of the polls a skewed, and the major media outlets in the USA no longer report news. It's largely propaganda and dumb entertainment.
It turns out that despite their self-importance, celebrities and loud complainers on Twitter don't trump the votes of 56 million + disenfranchised Americans sick of the authoritarian left telling them they're scum.
user btfo
God I hope he sees this
*are skewed
this boards liberal celebrity jew cock worshipping le believe everything on tv faggots tears will be the tastiest of all
But how is he winning is it was rigged against him?
love finds a way
Paul "If Don Wishes They Sleep with the Fishes" Manafort
Trump's campaign staff was actually really talented.
there were so many of these fucking losers
>tfw youll never get to them berate them all tell them how pathetic they are
With his spaghetti method of spewing bullshit, he's already got that covered. I'm pretty sure there's already a sound bite out there where he says it's rigged but he's going to win it anyway.
Canada here.
Just leaving a little note for any of those democrats that were memeing it up about becoming ex-patriots after a Trump win:
Stay the fuck out of Canada.
man, they had everyone fooled up until the very end.
they must have been holding on to their own research or polling or something, because i was looking everywhere for positive trump data and couldn't find it.
maybe it was a tactic so that their own supporters/voters didn't become complacent?
maybe there are a few head-in-the-sand trump supporters who were blindly confident the whole way through, but he certainly took all the data projectionists and forecasters by surprise.
Holy crap this.
I just wish I could just laugh at all of them individually while they have to watch.
Trump will win screecap my post for proof
>he says after trump has officially won
how does Sup Forums's dick down your throat taste?
Not till like 1 minute ago, i won.
He isn't winning. He WON. Done deal.
We're taking our board back, reddit. See you later.
werd, peace
srsly, canada is cucked enough already
There was nothing surprising about this. Both the RNC and DNC had internal polls that showed Trump in the lead for months. Trump and his supporters were constantly leaking that shit on social media. Everyone knew the major news outlets were literally propaganda stations. Literally, as in Obama threw away the law that made it illegal to use propaganda on the U.S population a little while ago.
You can only cheat so many votes. The margin would've been even larger had it been a clean race. Pennsylvania would've been called hours earlier and more decisively and Nevada wouldn't be blue.
Kek happened
Paid Critics.
It's only gerrymandering when the other guy does it?
Seriously, that shit needs to be fixed. All it does is weigh votes in favor of whoever's in charge and eventually people get pissed enough to vote the other side in anyway.
I really wish ancient Egyptian gods would stay out of American politics.
so much legit ass pain on this board every time a Sup Forums or trump meme was mentioned and now silence. I won't lie, I've been basking in the tears of all the people who supported that crooked failure candidate Shillary. It's been incredible, like a full body orgasm. Sup Forums was, and remains a Sup Forums imageboard. Feels good to be on the right side of history.
most people didnt even know manafort was still involved until he was pictured in wisconsin meeting union bosses
I am bathing in tears.
It's very likely the rig was called off, they were getting a bunch of flak for rigging the Dem primaries and Trump voters were having none of that shit, they were volunteering to observe polling areas to assure no fraud took place.
It's also possible it just wasn't rigged hard enough, too much of a rig and it's too obvious.
It's also possible the riggers were incompetent, they city polling places are black women, the most incompetent group on the planet.
But we're talking straight up rigging, they get the dead to vote and get people to vote multiple times by busing them around different locations.
Also, a bunch of states reported the voting machines "glitching" and voting for Clinton rather than Trump.
It's only a coincidence goy.
Honestly, the fact Soros owns a major share in the voting machine companies is just a coincidence.
The fact democrats do better in states where the voting machines fail security tests is also just a coincidence.
Pure coincidence.
>Sup Forumsspam is actually worse than star wars spam or gore spam
really makes me think
they probably rigged quite a bit of votes, but trump in the public opinion is for sure 70-30 over hillary
same with brexit, tons of votes rigged there too but still a massive victory for brexit
LA times poll was the only accurate/honest one
>Meme magic won the US election
What else can meme magic do?
my dubs predicted trump like 10 times, but I was always banned and didn't screencap
Crash planes with no survivors.
>maybe it was a tactic so that their own supporters/voters didn't become complacent?
it's this
it's absolutely this
same thing happened here in australia
Its only rigged when he loses
The final battle should've been Trump vs the Bern. I'm sad democrats rigged the primary.
I think he would've done even better, less media outright biasedness and most older Americans would refuse to vote for a commie.
>he forgot about flight 4u
>less media outright biasedness
why would the jewish media be less biased against a jewish candidate?
women like to sabotage other women. it's an evolutionary thing.
Less biased for, because they aren't outright being paid by him. Besides, isn't he a self hating jew?
He meant rigged in the sense the media would constantly make a big deal out of inane shit he said while on the other hand spouting that Hillary dindu nuffin can we just stop talking about the emails haha
Did he keep his promise?
The thing is that Bernie had some of the same messages that Trump did. The anti-establishment crowd would have been split a lot more between them.
Can someone summarie what Hillary is being accused of?
Is there proof? I rooted for Trump all the way but I couldn't find definite answers.
Holding classified emails on an unsecured server, deleting said emails and deleting said emails after being subpoena'd, is a start.
That's just her being retarded though, the true stuff comes with her charity the Clinton Foundation.
tl;dr version is she and Bill gave a number of countries/companies very beneficial deals (arms, mining rights, uranium, etc) after sizeable donations were made to their foundation or they were paid retarded amounts for speeches. There's leaked emails proving she knew one of them were funding ISIS, so taking money from them is a big no-no.
Since this is Sup Forums, have a movie.
this lol, they must be so fucking upset right now.