What is Sup Forums cooking tonight?

What is Sup Forums cooking tonight?

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Food with the correct camera orientation.

I just had a big bowl of capers and salt.


Hamburgers and some veggies, or fruit, if I'm feeling lazy.
What's that in the pan OP? Some kind of Thai curry?

Was gonna say the exact same thing

meat balls

Finished result

Fucking owned

Some veggies mixed with coconut milk and a lot of chili (other spices may include)

Okay, nice. Bon appetite OP.


Probably take out. I'm travelling today and have no food in the fridge.

Looks like diarrhea and kale.

I’m having grilled cheese and tomato soup.

I'm cooking my dick in your moms ass


I remember when anons who posted dubs were nicer and not belligerent assholes just for the sake of it. Better days on Sup Forums.
With great dubs power comes great responsibility, bois.

The usual noodels and nothing



>kids portions
Must be some kind of EU poorfaggotry

Ultimate comfort food.


>monthly protein allowance ration in the EU

Ordering pizza. My desire to save money is FAR outweighed by my lack of desire to cook today.

fukkit dood


Fucking noice, lad.
Pork loins? Mash and fried onions is WINRAR too.

yeah, i'll tell you what i'm not cooking, a big bowl of puke

for your information, it tasted delicious. Vomit can be so satisfying

dubs gets respect

It looks like back bacon and sour kraut

Yeah, I think you are right, user.
Looks like that user went to Lidl.


>being this much of a newfag

Sup Forums auto rotates images that are certain aspect ratios, that's why it's sideways

I was thinking about hot dogs with either chili or sauerkraut... or maybe I'll make some enchiladas.

Make them enchiladas boi

HOW about making faggots?

soy boy detected


I think your mom made plenty

attempted sarcasm detected

I'm going to go to the diner and get a fish sandwich.

hey your living the good life jeez

yuropoor detected

Pasta...Wife bought a couple of Bertolli Frozen Pasta Dishes....

Been making Cream of (Mushroom/Chicken) rice with (Beef/Chicken) and green vegetable with cukes and tomatoes for the last three days... time to downshift to freezer-food so she'll remember to appreciate what I make the usual way.

pic unrelated, potentially tasty

is that a fleshlight?

cereal. am poor. I should quit my job and claim benefits. That way my rent, bills and food get paid by the council and i can just jack it to/gif all day everyday

Fuck i have no milk

That looks fucking gross

im having what i wish i had for dinner

chew ass and kick bubble gum, im all out of ass

use beer dude

sounds good

it is now

You ruined that steak. Rare master race is disgusted

Hamburger Helper, probably the strogonoff, maybe cheesesteak variety. Its quick and easy.

Yeck.. capers

I'm sure once it was finished, it was fine, op, but in this image, it looks like a vomlette

Pancetta fried rice with a fried egg.

only salad and boiled fish cuz my stomach is fucked up fml

same thing


Smoked salmon and turkey

Just finished eating some tortilla pizzas. Pretty good use of leftover flour tortillas.


Intermittent fasting with high protein/healthy foods


It's a way to feel great and that smoked salmon is like crack to me kek

i'll probably just eat tuna out of the package again