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I'm pretty happy rn; I don't even care about the election. I'm just here for the butt hurt
Moore is just another one of those liberal shitheads that will benefit from this.
It's another 4 years of slanted documentary bait for him.
No. But I'm pissed off he was right.
I almost wanted Hillary to win just so he couldn't gloat.
I blame fucking lazy Niggers who are too dumb to vote.
Trump won the county Detroit is in. WTF?
>tfw I called Moore an idiot for predicting this
I guess the egg's on my face, but I'm still happy in the end ;)/
Who the fuck still lives in Detroit, sem-functional car building robots can't vote!
wayne county is way blue
imagine without the shitskin vote, what a landslide Trump would have won in.
That fatass will make many more millions selling his videos to pissed off liberals.
Trump’s victory is the best thing that could happen to him.
I think his talks about bringing manufacturing jobs back to America won big with Detroit and voters in that area.
Cinton lost ground on all minority groups compared to Obama
ouch, my butt
clinton is a black hole of charisma. a wet sock could have done better
Well no shit Obama was a minority.
No, but he's maybe the only other rich person aside from Trump to spend time in Middle America and realize how big and passionate it is.
If you wanna see some real butt hurt check out the Dow Jones.
The critical flaw in her campaign is that women stupidly think of themselves as a minority (while also talking up that they're 51% of the population).
maybe now there'll be a flood of movies about how dumb and bigoted the flyover states are
>being surprised that the Rust Belt voted for Trump
What exactly was Hillary promising disenfranchised blue-collar workers?
Smaller paychecks thanks to higher taxes and increased competition from mass legal and illegal immigration.
They tried so fucking hard to manipulate this through the media. It all crumbled when they actually started counting the votes.
he was right all along
H-Have we finally crossed back over into the Berenstein Universe?
We entered the BLOODSTAIN Bears universe
Is he the human opposite of Scott Adams?
>these people bitched at 538 since nate gave trump a 25% chance
so why were the polls so wrong?
Only the state polls were terribly wrong. Clinton won the popular vote after all.
I think the issue is that almost all the undecided people were people who didn't want to admit they were voting for Trump. There's a stigma.
Black men have zero respect for women, despite all the worship feminists shower them with. Is it any wonder they would never vote for an ugly old white woman?
the only poll that mattered was the day break poll. It was also the most accurate in 2012 obama election
>he called it months ago
is Moore /ourguy/?