What did they mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


really makes you

holy... I want more

so progressive


Waldo won.

cucks on suicide watch

what did he mean by this?

Cringeworthy pretentiousness.

this guy needs to buy Sup Forums fuck this chinese piece of shit

He made an offer to buy Sup Forums.

>tfw based Trump buys Sup Forums and gives us the best servers of all time

wtf, I love Shkreli now

>he hasn't always loved him

He literally did nothing wrong.

he's sad the market for big black bulls isn't lucrative enough to keep his show going

he exposed a system that allows abuse, but he's the bad guy? baka senpai

WTF I hate Black Mirror now

lol, stay salty cuck

Social media was a mistake.

Serves you right

S3 was insanely bad

Nu males btfo

>we have truly become Black Mirrorâ„¢



Daily reminder Black Mirror unironically thinks a 16yo masturbating to 12yo girl photos is to be considered pedophilia

It was Cucked Mirror long before that.


So deep. This dude is like the next Rod Serling!!

He was 19.

oh thank god he posted it. for a second I really did wonder if the whole US presidential election was just a marketing stunt for some shit show where they blame technology for everything

What are some.actual 'racist' thinga Donald has done or said? As far as I remember he has not once said anything derogatory to black people, and labeling some illegal aliens as rapists and murderers isn't an incorrect statement that the liberal media loved to misconstrue

The Waldo Effect.

he's buying favor with Sup Forums for the inevitable renovations


>What are some.actual 'racist' thinga Donald has done or said?

There aren't any.
It's literally a meme from the Left to slander their opponent.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.

They wanted to create a situation where if they told the lie enough times, people would think it was true.

what happened in august?

what happened november 9th/

Who said they were 12? They could have been little kids.

lmao it's funny because that tweet IS marketing ahoho

Why are they so butthurt? If anyone should have predicted this, they should have. National Anthem is mainly about how powerless the mainstream media are at constructing the narrative and stopping the tide of information freely exchanged between regular people thanks to the internet. So, Hillary's dirty laundry is out there. And Waldo moment is all about how people are sick and tired of the empty suits that run the country, to the point where voting for a cartoon seems like a viable option.

They're trying to get attention on Twitter because they didn't get attention for their latest season of Black Mirror because it turned to shit when Netflix got hands on it.

its like they ran out of ideas.

>please send your hit squad, I'm about to "suicide"

He's offered before. Think he was just fucking with us though.


>American celebs move to Europe
>Europe votes in governments further to the right than Trump
>American celebs have to either move to third world dictatorships or go back to Trump's America

Precisely why I have no interest in waching the new season

Netflix and Cucky Brooker don't help

these ungrateful scumbags just got saved from getting drafted into a war with the russkies, no amount of self-diagnosed mental ailment or a hurting back that magically doesnt show up on any scans would save you from dying pointlessly for hillary you fucking cuckold fags

Looks like you've got your sphincter all lubed up and ready for that Russian cock, you fucking traitor.

>not wanting to fight for kike interests means you are a traitor

you tell em goy.

Go to bed grandpa, the Cold War is over and we're not invading Iran.

kek stupid penguin


>my face after reading that

I thought Paul was incredibly FOR Trump?

>Bryan Cranston

Sigh...really dude..

Twilight Zone is better anyway. Fuck them.

I hope you're happy with yourselves Drumpflets. You brought joy to an old white man


Tila is based.

the absolute wadwoman


>pornstarts are now smarter than the average American


>its a this isnt an episode episode
>its a not an episode episode

>your a patriot

I was unaware that TT was so based. When did this happen?

for fucking years

I just had NPR on in the car and they were talking to some democrat senators who seemed willing to work with Trump, but then they went to this white sounding niggress who writes for the Empire TV show, and holy fuck she was mad. She called everyone that was a white Trump voter a racist and blamed everything about the election on whites. Fucking interviewer was just like "W-we should point out that not all Trump voters would consider themselves racists... OK out of time."

worst episodes desu

MySpace gook whore

she can suck my peepee anyday of the week

I thought Clint hated Trump.
When did this change?


I question the authenticity of this.

she's just high and ecstatic over a glorious day

This is just becoming mass hysteria now. Everyone on social media rushing to post platitudes and meaningless statements about 'loving each other' to the point that it's just agglomerating into this absolute fucking mess of performative virtue

And I live in the fucking UK, so it's doubly stupid.

Why do people like Black Mirror?

>Hey look its normal lif
>technology is bad
>here is twist

Every fucking episode.

I fucking love this dude more and more every day. If he actually releases all the music he said he would, he will be forever based

Pretty much the entire of season 3 was DUDE SOCIAL MEDIA LOL

people are gonna wake up tomorrow and wonder what all the fuss was about and go about their usual mundane lives like the pieces of shit they are.

You know what? Good.

They don't have any social guidelines to follow for this, and it's coming out as a clustrefuck on normie sites.

People are posting pro Trump and against him in Norway. People are yelling at each other and screaming at strangers in the streets.

My sister told me that she's already lost two friends over this.

It's perfect.

>My sister told me that she's already lost two friends over this.

They meant this election mirrors the episode the Waldo Moment where a cartoon media personality runs for president and wins because people find it funny

Most episodes are pseudo-intellectual shit for normies to lap up. Some are decent though like the pedo episode from S3.

I've been meaning to watch it, but the past 24 hours have made me lose interest.

Are there any good bits to it or is it just anti-tech 24/7?

best one of the night

90% of it is "TECH IS BAD" but there are some good episodes.

Its a short series either way.

>make a show about dystopian America
>it becomes reality

They'll move to Canada though.