I am a femanon, and I wish my boyfriend was that size....I love him and we've been together for 2 years but he is only like 6 and half inches and I just want to be filled up again (fwb I had when I met bf was 10 inch, but I stopped seeing him 6 months after meeting bf)
I am a femanon, and I wish my boyfriend was that size...
Are you really femanon? You've posted that earlier. Post your current bf cock and your tits with a timestamp and we will give you your attention, whore.
fuck Sup Forums sucks now
agreed. femanons posting random penises.
sadly remembering the old good times, when Sup Forums was better and gay male LARPers like OP were SAGEd into the oblivion.
>also, sage goes to all fields
>I am a femanon
>and I have penis pics on my harddisks
You better learn to deal with it because 97% of men are 5.5-7 inches hard
Also that think isn’t much above 6 inches he’s just skinny and has the body of a preteen girl.
Stop being a dumb slut larpers you wouldn’t know what to do with an 8 inch dick let alone a 10 inch
Also this
Get a fucking dildo you slutty pig.
This makes me so much fucking more insecure about my dick :(