Any democrat here?

Any democrat here?

I want to destroy your ass!

democrat here

I said I would mock Sup Forums, only fair you can mock me now.

I'm a liberal registered Independent who does not support Trump. Fuck off.

go ahead, I give up

Democrat here, voted for Bernie in the primaries. I voted Trump for President. Fuck the Clintons, fuck the establishment.

Anime is a right wing platform now. Delete your images now.

This. On the plus side at least now Hillary will fucking slink back into the shadows and never fuck rig another election.

I had a folder full of memes ready to mock trumpfags and I just got BTFO so I guess I'm going to kill myself now.

I just hope the Democratic party realizes how retarded they were, I'm a liberal but I cannot condone anything about how they handled this election

You're too late dude, they already got destroyed by Mr. Trump tonight lmao

Same. The level of complacency Hillary showed nearing the end was unreal.

Yeah I'm here. Still kind of in disbelief. Should be an interesting 4 years.

>Hillary will fucking slink back into the shadows and never fuck rig another election.

Hillary rigged it for Trump to win?

Wasn't stoked for Hillary either.

I guess all I can do is sit back and watch the first two years of his term go clusterfuck as it becomes apparent that he has no idea what he's doing.

Not a Democrat but I was very much hoping he would not win. I sincerely hope you were right about him and I was wrong. This is no joke.

>learning anything ever
Haha, they will blame the progressive branch of the party like they did with Al Gore.

yes, thank you for destroying my brokerage account

it would be funny if it wasn't so true

every jew puppet in the media was shilling on full blast against trump. I think it's safe to say at the very least your fears are a bit overblown.

liberal here, good news honestly. Trump is out of step enough with average republicans he won't be able to do anything crazy, and republicans have full control of the government. When the country nosedives over the next 4 years, they'll take all the blame and never win again

this is exactly why I was slightly hoping Hillary would win. at least we hopefully get some justices to decommunize the SCOTUS for the next 30 years though.