What did they mean by this ?

What did they mean by this ?

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Sometimes it's better to say absolutely fucking nothing..

yes sarah the whole world turned sexist because one man ran for president. kys

That free speech comment is pretty funny considering Obama was defending a Trump supporters right to free speech at a Democrat rally who was being silenced by them.

wtf I hate Chris Evans now

What did she mean by this?

Why is Chris Evans like that?
Was he basically raised in Californian acting schools or something?

wtf I hate Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo now..

Fucking marvelshillcucks

>tfw your jewfu is a hillary shill ;_;

Boston Irish Catholics. They're all liberals, from the Baldwins to the Matt Damons.

>you will never comfort a QT jewess by raking out her insides with your shlong


Mark Ruffalo has been even dumber than most virtue-signalling liberals for a long long time.
I'm sad about Chris Evans though.

>sexuality assaulting tweets
What does that even mean

Meanwhile, Zack Snyder just congratulated Trump.


wtf I love Zack Snyder now

>elections are over
>everyone is still obsessing over them

He's being ironic.


>All actors and actresses live in California.



so much legit ass pain on this board every time a Sup Forums or trump meme was mentioned and now silence. I won't lie, I've been basking in the tears of all the people who supported that crooked failure candidate Shillary. It's been incredible, like a full body orgasm. Sup Forums was, and remains a Sup Forums imageboard. Feels good to be on the right side of history.

Yeah but Trump won, you need to experience this an historic moment, give in

>Thunder Jacket

What, the thing you put on dogs when they're afraid of things they don't understand (like fireworks) and you want them to calm down?

Apt metaphor

I love social media.

>we FIGHT back

actually do nothing but cry on twitter and facebook posting hashtags and achieve nothing.

and now like it has after every election it will swing to the opposite of the government

I literally don't understand how you get to be so delusional. These people literally can't fathom the 99% even exist. It's one thing to be so out of touch with the average folk, but the Hollywood 1% don't even believe the average people exist outside the guy who serves them at Starbucks. Really honestly fires up my neurons.

I woke up early, around 8 am here. I was still lying in bed when I looked up what was going on on my phone. Trump had all but won. Articles saying how Shillary supporters were crying. I laughed out loud. I quickly got out of bed and when I looked outside. The first snow had fallen. In the last couple of hours I've just been laughing and genuinely been happy for the first time in a long time. Thank you, Americans who voted. Thank you everyone on the Internet. Things aren't as bad as they seem.

Because they sit in their little echo chambers all day


me too

I went sleep around 4am yuropoor time and when I woke up I checked a news site and the first thing I saw was "DONALD TRUMP IS NEW POTUS"

I'm still smiling and laughing at the libcuck meltdown

let kek flow through you user, embrace it

The best ones are the ones calling for rebellion

>Shit on the south all the time as redneck inbred hillbillies for trying to secede
>Trump wins
>Want to stage an uprising
>But they are also against guns

The very definition of impotent rage

they're not very liberal are they


>tfw Britain about to receive a talent boost

Eternal Anglo incoming

>neck and neck
they CAN NOT be this delusional

Real life just showed these narcissists are actually irrelevant. Act that way.



>Trump will take away free speech.

No, liberals have been trying to take away free speech for years.


Was just bantz

>Sir David, who returns to screens for Planet Earth II this weekend, said the British public had no way of influencing the outcome of the US presidential elections so proposed an altogether more extreme solution.

>“Well, we lived through that with earlier presidents – they’ve been equally guilty… But what alternative do we have? Do we have any control or influence over the American elections? Of course we don’t,” he said.

>Adopting a hushed tone, he said: "We could shoot him, it's not a bad idea" before chuckling.

>live in country build on democracy
>claim moral high ground because reasons
>promote treason when the vote doesn't go your way
These people are fucking dellusional. They should be deported for being so aggressively un-American.

MCucks confirmed

Do you feel in charge?

who is this based cumdumpster?

What is this fucking meme magic.

This. All they do is annoy people into voting for Trump. Job well done, Hollycucks.

America should be nuked, Trump can't save them.

It snowed here too, and I also laughed when I found out.

I didn't even care who won or not. But Trump winning is pretty fucking amusing just to see all of these virtue signalling crying wolf fuckwits lose their shit.

>mfw buttmad BLACKED spammer has begun

Hey, free porn.


>you can't polish poo

the democrats are extreme hypocrites,
at this point almost every time they accuse their opponents of something you know thats what they do
and their not aware of it for the most part, its this weird disconnect where either they recognize it in themselves and decide that cant be right because their the good guys so they push it onto anyone disagreeing with them
or they cant concieve the fact that someone might not be willing to stoop as low as they naturally seem to go

wtf isn't Chris Evans Canadian?
>our great nation

I'm happy Trump won, he's gonna be 50 times more entertaining than Shillary.

I've actually gotten kind of bored of the Trump meme atm. desu. Its been going on for like 6 months.

Exactly what I was thinking all this time.
I'm not American and it would have been better for my country if Hillary won... but hell, Trump is more fun and I love seeing SJWs lose. Today was a good day, I woke up happy for a change.


Maybe if they weren't so out of touch with the people of America the average Joe's instead of their millionaire friends they would have seen this coming

>What's wrong goy! Don't you love the banks too
>Vote sHillary

>Drumpf won???? How??
Maybe if they took their heads out of their asses they would've seen this coming it was so obvious


Holy shit

Well, we don't call him /ourguy/ for nothing

>As a female, since Trump started running for office I've noticed an increase in sexually assaulting and degrading tweets towards me wonder why
Trump's a retard but damn, that really made me think...

Guess I'm a #CruzMissile!

We don't call him "/ourguy/" at all.

>if they weren't so out of touch with the people of America the average Joe's

But you're a substandard Joe, user.

yeah, fuck those stupid hillary assholes

what a time to be alive

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)


guess we wont be having a planet earth 3

>we finish building what we started
A wall?