>South Park taught that Shillary was gonna win
>their new episode preview Bill Clinton as first lady
Back to your wife's son, Parker!
It might be kind of cool if they lived in an alternate dimension where she won and cucked their shit up.
>Implying this wasn't a double gambit by Matt and Trey, in a master stroke to prove for once and for all that TFA is the greatest film in history
No one actually thought Trump would win because the majority of people actually speaking out about the election were Hillary supporters
Based silent majority, loudmouth lefties BTFO
They animated two episodes
>their new episode preview Bill Clinton as first lady
Eric's bad dream
I am so shocked to see that Trey Parker is a legit cuck. I always loved that guy but holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you
This whole thing really shows the loud and aggressive minority make up most of social media posts
It's ironic because Bush said about Trump "The strongest person usually isn't the loudest one in the room".
Yet throughout this entire campaign we've had nothing but lefties kicking and screaming.
I doubted the silent majority. I accept my mistakes now
It wasn't really a majority being loud. It was the news and, lets be honest, we're young and mainly city dwellers, so a lot of it was our friends.
But look at Trump rallies vs. Clinton rallies.
They weren't really actively campaigning in big coastal cities, yeah? They were out there in the boonies. In the whole centre of the USA that decided this election. Clinton couldn't fill a carpark and Trump could fill a stadium. Fuck, even with Beyonce and Jay Z announced weeks in advanced, Trump still managed to get bigger crowds at impromptu events. Sure, she'll narrowly win the popular vote, but that's only because of the major cities. The majority of towns and cities and states wanted Trump and republicans to represent them.
Hillary will win, fuck the world up but then outta nowwhere Cartman will teleport in from the real universe where Trump won and will bring his friends back to that universe.
Or something
Why the fuck would they have Hillary winning? Even if that's what happened, it doesn't make nearly as much sense from a story POV. We'd get 4 years of President Garrison, Cartman would probably snap back to his old self, Wendy Testaburger would have a meltdown, etc. Fucking idiotic, the Clinton on the show isn't even a character.
the reason they took a break last week is to make two shows
member about last night
I have extremely high hopes for tonight
This is literally the only thing that could possibly work they wrote themselves into a corner. Garrison as trump just isn't funny
Garrison meeting Putin when?
you mean sucking his cock
It's their entire story line about Garrison and Randy teaming up to find a way to stop him from getting elected seems to be derailed now.
Did they remove the clip from youtube? Can't find it anymore.
trump tried his hardest not to be voted
drops down and then surges back up immediately.. that's their main storyline
garrison just failed in not getting elected here
didnt hillary win majority of popular votes?
South Park has turned into shit ever since season 16
Just looked, she did
proving again electoral system is fucking retarded
Still butthurt about being kicked out of Russia, Shlomo?
>look at old photos of him and his QT Asian wife
>full head of hair, seems genuinely happy
>fast forward a few years
>now a balding cuck married to a half black stripper with a retarded name
At least he gave us some GOAT episodes to remember the good times
member the good episodes? member?
Not even that user but earlier in the season garrison claimed he was unfit for presidency because he'd probably get drunk and suck putins cock
I honestly think this whole thing is some weird kind of meta humor going over my head. Is this season intentionally bad or what
>system that protects most of the countries voice from being drowned out by highly populated areas
The electoral college is one of the founding fathers greatest ideas. Ask Bongistan how UKIP getting millions of votes only to have one dude in parliment is going for them.
If the popular vote was all that mattered you'd just have to pander to big cities to win
gerald trolling to boston and then enjoying his day to steal my sunshine may well be the best thing matt and trey have done in the past10 years
Buckle up, Buckaroos!
>I don't know who he is, but he must be one sad pathetic man
>cuts to Gerald strolling down the street to steal my sunshine
It's a pretty shit season, but that scene made me kek pretty hard
>yfw Clinton wins and has a happy life with hedi cartman wakes up and realizes the whole season was a dream
the entire Gerald storyline has been gold though
also, I think they have to be building up to something involving cartman
>token's life matters
>danishes for denmark, but token's life still matters
You guys keep saying this even though Trump is a massive kikelover
>It was all a dream episode.
>their new episode preview Bill Clinton as first lady
They can just make Bill divorce Hillary and marry Mr. Garrison.
There's a pretty dandy fucking idea. Probably won't happen though
I thought they waited on airing the new episode because they made different episodes, one for each outcome; I thought it was a pretty clever idea.
Now I'm just disappointed
Are you retarded?
The 20 biggest city don't even secure 20% of the electoral votes.
>He's probably so pathetic and full of self-loathing that he's just lashing out
*popular votes
Now that the election is over would you mind clearing one thing up for me? Why did you call her shillery? all of the shilling I saw during this election was for trump.
Probably because of virtually every media falling over themselves to support clinton and bash trump
Says the kissless basement dweller, etc
>This whole thing really shows the loud and aggressive minority make up most of social media posts
ah I don't watch that shit.
The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers
Donald Trump's campaign is definitely absolutely positively not predicated on whingeing and screaming about non-issues.
God how sad is this? They've officially been cucked.
arguing that voting system is great while comparing it to an equal shit one, well done.
playing the women card, while in fact most people hate clinton because of corruption and her arrogance.
Is Garrison still a woman?
Not since "Eeek! A Penis!"
>these are the same guys that made team America, political humor done right
What the fuck happened? You can practically feel the butthurt
No they fucking didn't.
>a million illegals voting for hilary in california alone
Yeah no.
The British election uses the a similar FPTP system to America. The only difference is that we have more than two parties.
The reason that UKIP only got one seat was because they lost out to the Conservatives in most areas. It had nothing to do with them being drowned out by highly populated areas.
Did South Park ever fail to deliver?
>political humor is only right if it fits my agenda
fucking mongoloids all over the place smfh tbqh
yeah, pretty much every episode since "You're Getting Old"
I thought the way the plot was going, was that clinton planted member berries in order to get people to vote for garrison. I think she's just like him and doesn't want to win.
>implying team America wasn't mocking the war mongering right
Did we watch the same movie
that episode is fucking noice
which was more about their libertarian values and not liking america playing world police.
That was the point, I think you mixed it up
I figured that they had two scripts or drafts for the election episodes, and animate the appropriate one.
I'm pretty stoked on South Park coming up with Mr. Garrison as president. Shit like this will hopefully pass once the butthurt settles.
I swear to christ though, it's like the left of the country never even considered that the Republican nominee was capable of winning the election.
For the last few weeks even the Republican nominee didn't think he could win.
I think you're lost, please don't post again.
Member calling his daughter R2 D2?
I'm pretty sure nobody expected a Trump victory. Why do you think the Dow Jones dropped? The market was adjusting itself.
that's season 2 for us oldfags
Parker & Stone have never really been good at predicting the future, I remember the console war episodes where Xbox (literally) beat the shit out of PlayStation.
that's a pretty retarded thing to say user but typical of a conservative
show me the preview
They probably just wrote the Clinton one and now are half-assedly trying to make a new one to fit in with what actually happened.
are you retarded?
california has 1/5th of the votes needed to win