Burgers..What have you done..
Burgers..What have you done
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Saved the world.
Supe's probably a Trump supporter.
Ushered in a new age of memes and butthurt
hirohito's servers can't handle all this trump
Sjw's BTFO
elites BTFO
msm BTFO
shills BTFO
BvS is a conservative movie.
half of the voters are racists and or morons
Wtf you on about, he'd believe any pipe dream that hillary would promise in her campaign
Superman is sjw as fuck
Batman on the other hand would either vote third party or trump
From now on I will refer to amricans as cucks.
If man won't kill the west, The Devil Shall Do It!
Superman believes in the old American values. He represents the core conservative values of America.
Superman's from Kansas. He'd probably begrudgingly vote for Trump, hoping he's choosing the lesser of two evils.
and the other half are racist moron minorities
Superman, Batman and Lex would all vote Trump
Really makes you think
>voting at all
Naw, he'd stay neutral and keep saving the world his way.
superman is an illegal alien from space and works in the media undercover.
Lex *is* Trump.
TDKR superman was dr manhattan level pro USA
This Superman is an alien, he is packing his bags.
You just made me curious. Is Superman the first instance in fiction of an alien living among humans?
The blue collar uneducated fucks got the man in.
These fuckers should be sterilized for the good of the human race.
They just saved the world, my man.
Australian here - Build That Fucking Wall, indeed.
This is the first meme president, and we owe it all to Sup Forums. You guys really pulled off the raid of the fucking century here.
you're such a gracious loser, and certainly not a hateful POS
give it up hillshill, the election is over
Reeves Superman would vote Trump he is old school american values as fuck
Cavill's Murderman is a pussy wiped idiot
Who would Lois vote, then?
These are the Demographics that voted for Trump.
>White Males - No College
>White Males - College
>White Females - No College
>White Females - College
Clinton had an overwhelming lead on;
>African Americans
Who turned out in lower than expected numbers.
So, basically you want to indulge in the Sup Forums conspiracy theory of white genocide.
Neocon elites (the non Twitter celebs that Sup Forums thinks run the world in a zionist illuminati power cabal) have won. You dumb faggots are limitessly stupid. George Bush 2.0 at the very least. Deregulation, middle class shouldering even larger tax burden.
nah, it was flyover whites as a whole. should have started off the fema camps while you had the chance.
White people voted for the only candidate that actually seemed to give a shit about white interests. What a shock. The liberal media should learn that people aren't as easily brainwashed to wave their cultures away just for some virtue signalling.
>Neocon elites
Who literally dumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Clinton, who campaigned against the Republican nominee, won?
>Geroge Bush 2.0
No. That was Hillary Clinton. She's gone.
This guy is at best going to be Eisenhower...At worst Berlusconi.
>At worst Berlusconi
You're on to something.
I would have said he's going to be the U.S. Berlusconi, but if you go back and look at a lot of his old talking points and his (vague) policies, they're fairly straightforward and pretty standard middle class protectionism. I don't know if it will work in this day and age though.
But yeah;
>Bush 2.0 (utterly bizarre given who he was running against)
The dude will be a right leaning old fashioned Democrat, or yeah, a fuck up like Berlusconi.
It will be interesting to see what happens. He will probably calm down his rhetoric now and not be so inflammatory as he has been.
I honestly think he cared more about winning than actual policies.
so much legit ass pain on this board every time a Sup Forums or trump meme was mentioned and now silence. I won't lie, I've been basking in the tears of all the people who supported that crooked failure candidate. It's been incredible, like a full body orgasm. Sup Forums was, and remains a Sup Forums imageboard. Feels good to be on the right side of history.
In 2006, I would never ever once imagine that Sup Forums would have a role to play in the Presidential campaign.
what a time to be alive
Clinton would have continued pushing Obama's issues. You can meme and say war with Russia, etc. When Trump gets in he'll be a veritable Reagan/Bush with a cabinet full of puppeteers orchestrating. Clinton was in the pocket of Wall Street because Wall Street is doing fucking great, and the market thrives and dives with speculation, not because she's some Zionist Soros illuminati monster that Breitbart and Sup Forums have convinced you of.
The minority vote went up for Trump
It's actually amazing how hard the Democrats insisted on their least likeable candidate. Like any democrat BESIDES Hillary would've won tonight.
Literally avoided a new Cold War and possibly WW3.
Hiroshima can sell the site now.
trump would have lost if the democratic candidate had been a man. any man. women love to sabotage other women.
Michelle Obama would have had a better chance if she was on the ballot than Hills. Hillary was a bad candidate from day one and when it came out how the DNC conspired to ruin Sanders it was over for her.
No one has ever liked Hilary genuinely, they just forced themselves to out of anti-Donald spite, which didn't work.
If all the Bernie cucks hadn't forgotten to vote for him in the primaries, maybe the SJWs wouldn't be slitting their wrists right now.
I didn't vote, but it was clear that Trump would win based on how sick the average person is of non-specific equality being shoved down their throat.
Tranny bathrooms was a step too far.
I think they're more sick of being poor, umemployed and jobs going abroad. Hillary represented the same, whilst Donald promised the 'rust-belt' jobs
>I didn't vote
You better get out of here friend, before idiots start blaming you for the outcome of this election and start saying stupid shit like "you willingly gave up your freedom of speech".
Great, can't wait to see Trump wrapped around Putin's finger like a ring pop. Way to go, America. You just voted Russia into office.
I would've voted for Trump, had I voted.
I wouldn't trust that old bitch Hilary to make me a ham sandwich, let alone "run" the country.
>Implying Batman doesn't know that voting third party is basically setting fire to your ballot.
>tfw to intelligent too lose to hillary
If they looked a little closer, they'd realize that the jobs aren't just going overseas, they're going away - period.
Manufacturing is increasingly automated and if we don't start looking toward what happens to blue collar jobs in a post-labor society and what can be done about it, we're going to continue to have mass unemployment in non-STEM occupations for the simple matter that that occupation simply no longer exists.
And robot lives matter.
>putin dupes trump into helping him take over half of europe again
Why do conservatives like Russia so much? It's been a thing before trump even suggested he would run. /k/ and Sup Forums have always had a weird boner over Russia? Is that the kind of country that you guys like?
>billionaire celebrity
>not elite
>conspiracy theory
It's really a fantasy of theirs. They WANT to be oppressed so they can use their pre-assembled AR-15s and surplus MREs. They want death camps and breeding grounds and internment camps. They want some liberal pres to dominate them.
Wake the fuck up already.
>Using Zack "Conservative Christian" Snyder's Alt-right manifesto for liberal memes
b-b-but Sup Forums said Trump was going to be humiliated? What happened?
There are all flavors and shades of conservatism. Take me, for instance. I'm really conservative on some issues and somewhat liberal on others. From my perspective, Trump is Luthor - he's selling the public whatever jar of piss he thinks they'll swallow, practicing fear-mongering and the politics of division, ultimately believing in none of it and looking out for no one's best interests but his own and people like him.
This is what I believe. I hope he proves me wrong. I pray he does.