Well is this Kino?

Well is this Kino?


Israel is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy

I guess it is. I don't know what's real anymore.

4channit still doesn't want you to acknowledge the triggered kikes who downvote kino, OP. I'm sorry.

trash article; batman v superman is art

Are you sure about that?

>Bruce Wayne against an illegal alien (Superman) who he considers very dangerous for the country
>the opening scene is literally 9/11
Yes BvS is a Trump film

>Yfw Trump will unironically be the most progressive president by focusing improve race & gender relations meanwhile ignoring white straight male problems

Does Trump have to get a gift when his daughter's son is born?

Or are presidents free from doing this?

its a bush film you fool

"I love Africa. My daughter Ivanka is about to have a beautiful black baby."

wtf l love BvS now

That scene moved me to tears when you see him sprinting into the dust. The opening music with the death of his parents etc primed me for it. It's scary how many people say shit like "hurrrr only good scene was the warehouse fight." Audiences were a mistake.

You sound like a fucking fag.

Marvelcucks on suicide squad.



Get a life and you'll be less of a zombie, Pablo.

>get a life
>crying over capeshit

Take your own advice, cocklover.

>I don't immerse myself into the films aren't I badass?!
Let me guess, you don't pay for IMAX either. Do you even go to the theater?

BvS wasnt capeshit for the first two thirds of its duration.

Hopefully all the critics will kill themselves and we can have some good film criticism again.

What did they mean by this ?

Fucking kinohaus

Everyone will close their borders to Muslims and build walls like Israel did decades ago.
The kikes were way ahead of the curve.

the kikes wouldn't have survived if they didn't.

So now the kikes are flooding the west with mudshits to create anti-muslim sentiment so they can harvest their clay

Beat me to it.

Is that why I liked it and the entire media shat all over it?

Good to know.

Based Snyder saw Trump winning and made a film for said culture

Truly an auteur

Everyone hated Superman and didn't see his good deeds, but in the end he stayed true to his convictions, even in death. He saved the world.

Everyone hated Trump, but in the end, who got the last laugh?

Snyder saw it coming a mile away.

>but in the end
He ain't even President yet. Let us see how the Trump's first term pans out.

That DC won, just like Trump