What has been the best reaction to Trump winning so far?
What has been the best reaction to Trump winning so far?
Saltiest one out there wins the thread.
You'd think in this current year you'd get a funny video of a roastie or cuck hanging themselves over the results.
celebs are holding back but every Who is playing everycard they have
>Kills herself just drinking one beer
fucking kek, women are weak
with the unfunny "I wish I could die right now because I'm depressed" meme I thought they would be intending to vote trump enmass to speed along the process
how can a single guy be this based?
Shkreli is savage as fuck
Based Shrek
daily reminder Shkreli did nothing wrong
Isn't that RayWilliamJohnson's gf? What happened to him?
I wonder if people like this ever go back to reflect to the insane shit they've said. Like a fucking nuclear war obviously isn't going to happen because of this, so will this person ever admit that it was kind of retarded of him to say it is?
With how extreme Liberals have gotten in the past decade, I legitimately will not be surprised if we're going to see a headline within the week where a Hillary-supporter hung themselves.
what did he mean by this ?
too late to win my love
>Avatar is gay anime porn
Can't make this shit up.
God I am loving this shit
He posts on this board for sure.
I love how he covers everything from the usually muh racism and sexism to "There will be interment camps and global nuclear war"
motherfucking savage
I wonder why they did not win
>internment camps by next week
Obama won't manage to put gun owning Americans in those because his party lost the vote, or does this faggot not even know when the new president takes office?
this like wtf
the wicked witch just disappeared
after talking shit that Trump wouldn't concede
How presidential of her. Either she's an emotional woman or she's a sickly sicko. Either way she's weak.
In my fedora phase I made one status on Faceberg of some leftist shit.
Still regret it 7 years later
And here's Hillary, too fucking devastated by counting her chickens before they hatched to even talk to the public.
felt sorry for her supporters she abandoned at the arena. really just a sad lot of people.
Fucking saved and gonna retweet to my normie pals on Facebook tomorrow morning.
Holy shit
she looks pretty qt
hopefully one day she will see the light
I feel sorry for whomever has to put up with them
I can't wait for Lena Dunham to start whining hahahha
she's leaving the country not killing herself
I'm imagining her with red bloodshot eyes with Huma sucking the snot from her nose and cleaning up the spat up phlegm from the floor as Hillary cries and cries and lays on the couch in the foetal position with a bucket of ice-cream in her claws.
do you think ivanka and trump fucked?
>check twonker
>radio silence
>im sure she is a strong independent woman who needs no president
god, have some self respect girl
it's perfect
Hardly I'm the only man she;s ever had sex with
The abandonment was such a typical scumbag move from Clinton. Hopefully something snapped in at least a few of their heads that maybe she didn't actually give a shit about them after all.
Nobody even looks offended, they just look surprised and mildly annoyed
Jesus Christ, I didn't know my lungs had the capacity to laugh this hard.
What do you call those glasses?
Quintessential butthurt feminist glasses?
remind me to never forget the poem of our lives
look at the blond woman. Im sure she changed some minds, just no in the direction that she expected
>'where have all the decent men gone?'
But I thought a concession was an integral part of American democracy?
That's what the media said about Trump...
shkreli is a fucking badass
Is there anywhere online to see national suicide rates?
Seriously curious if there's going to be a spike in the next couple days.
holy shit im ded, even if im canadian and hes sending them my way at least he recognizes who is garbage tier
That is now how any of it works.
If you have twitter then tell her if multiverse theory is true than there are billions of universes where trump won
Another stroke or whatever she has?
Is there anything worse than Asian SJW's?
How could I have been so shallow and pathetic to hate this guy, when it turns out he's magnificent?
Why would anyone kill themselves over this?
sasuga "Im better than you" anna
>implying there are no self hating men
based shrek
Why would anyone CRY over this? People are fucking retarded.
ask reddit
It's another brick in the wall.
Liberals have been making complete asses of themselves for the past 18 months.
Nothing they do is really shocking any more.
people like this should unironically be gassed
if you kill yourself over this, you don't deserve to be alive in the first place
Must be bizzarro universe where not establishing a no fly zone in syria as an act against Russia causes the apocalypse.
Did Schumer leave? Please tell me she left. And like when they leave they're not going to release shit here right? I never have to see these people again?
nah, just salty
do people actually believe that any of this shit is going to happen? this is delusion beyond comprehension
I dunno but SomethingAwful, reddit and NeoGAF have all had to have their admin staffs make posts with suicide prevention hotlines
>This is the same crazy bitch who invaded the F1 Grand Prix at my city
She was protesting against sex workers and strip clubs
Why would any woman care what this girl thinks?
Honestly, I fucking hate Trump but I'm interested to see what all those celebrities who said they were moving to Canada will do now. Probably nothing
I wonder where she got those frames they're really nice I would like a pair
dignity is very important
because they are emotionally weak. along with rage posts I have seen many of my liberal friends post the "Im here for you, don't kill yourself" posts. claims that suicide hotlines are very busy right now
Is it a Drowning Pool parody? Post the whole thing (I don't visit Sup Forums)
This will turn into a big bag of nothing, just like "Brexit"
Just social media faggots latching onto something because nothing else is happening in the world right now.
Exactly. That's the one downside of trump winning is the amount liberal portlandia hipster cucks that are gonna move here now. Canada is already a PC shithole, now its gonna be even worse with hilary's leftovers migrating over here.
Love reading their threads. Tonight has been especially sweet c
I think she might actually just be an exhibitionist who gets a sexual thrill by exposing herself like that
We literally memed redditors into committing suicide
holy shit
>She was protesting against sex workers and strip clubs
I don't want to say meme gender since I know all women are not like this but meme gender
Praise kek!