>Miley Cyrus
>Amy Schumer
>Chelsea Handler
>Lena Dunham
>Whoopi Goldberg
>Keegan-Michael Key
>Samuel L. Jackson
>Barbra Streisand
>Bryan Cranston

Who else am I missing?

Other urls found in this thread:


I wonder how Robert de Niro and Feet muncher Tarantino feel like at this moment

All those Sup Forums cucks who were eagerly waiting for those sweet Sup Forums tears. Who's crying now, bitches?

I forgot Al Sharpton and Alec Baldwin

Seems like I won't be posting on Sup Forums any more guys. Not for long at least

Hope you're happy. It's been fun
Packing my bags before they come and get me. I won't give them the satisfaction


>Alec Baldwin

What? Why? He literally gave birth to Gamergate.

You can always hook up the internet wherever you are, it wont be as fast but this site doesnt draw much data anyway. We'll be here bro. Godspeed


Are you retarded? He's been a hardcore Democrat for years now.

De Niro must feel like a real bozo right now for posting that video

Thanks, that means alot to me. We'll always be together in spirit

Good luck to you guys too

You mean Adam Baldwin, right?


I hope people bully them on twitter to leave.

Kill all the SJWs and Femnazies!

What did she mean by this

Feeling bad about celebrating atm. I'm actually having second thoughts about all this, it's not fun anymore.

they may or may not stick a nice bow on the box she's shipped overseas in

I mean they're all millionaires who can just buy a place at some tropical island, I don't get why they haven't done that sooner

I love you, user.

Today is going to be glorious.

I'm going to be making screen caps of twitter meltdowns all freaking day

Get a life.

hi Hillary

Why? This is all a form of entertainment.

Do you know how greatly America would improve if even a quarter of that list committed



Good riddance. But gee, who expects privileged rich celebs to have backbone and keep their word?

too bad they won't do shit but make up some excuse
liberals are the real racist

Add Madonna and Lady Gaga

>who expects privileged rich celebs to have backbone and keep their word?

We will remind them through social media.

Every. Single. Day.

goodbye, pedro ;-;

>yfw role of Zordan was last in Crancston's carrier

I wish people left.

I wish this starts a movement where all the expats go back home and make their shitty third world countries better.

Then the US can become a shit country and the rest of the world can move forward.

I know I'm out of this shithole as soon as I'm done getting my masters.

>literally no one of value
Whew I almost though this was something serious.

>But that *is* my life.

I don't grudge you the temporary emotional satisfaction, user. Fuck knows it's the only sort you'll get.

>Are you retarded?

based trump we won amirite bros
Hope that helps.

Good afternoon, ms.Clinton.

(((Barry Diller)))

Melissa McCarthy?


Sup Forums and Sup Forums have a very strong cross over though.

I got you senpai


>bryan crantson
and I thought he might have been a smart type of guy. I guess I was wrong.


Jennifer "Hey Trump - fuck you" Memlawrence

even chris evans is a stupid hillshill

hollywood is not a safe place


Probably threaten by his fellow Marvel co-stars. Goddamn I am so fucking smug right now.

I would like to see RDJ get on a box to threaten Chris Evens

>Don't you ever vote against me or my wifes sons role model again

Apart from Samuel L. Jackson I really don't care.

Not even President yet and already Making America Great Again

He would still come back to work, like all the others would.

literally the only good thing from tonight will be her outrage

>it's extremely hard to get citizenship to Canada

I swear to fucking god, if any of these faggot celebrities actually manage to move up there within the year, I'm gonna die of an ulcer.

Nobody will leave though. They will say something like " we should stay and fight for rights bla bla"
Nobody of them will just abandon all that money

I expect they have the millions that makes it easy to do senpai


Please, we need to do this.

matt damon

jon stewart
neve Campbell
al sharpton
possibly rosie O'Donnell
barbara Streisand


and Renner?


They'll all change their minds when Trump makes sure their tax havens are even safer.

enjoy mexico, piglet

She's gonna stick a bow up her toddler sisters vagina.


/ourgal/ Chloe took it too far


too bad so sad


>tfw your waifu was smart and didn't say anything about Trump

Perfect as always.

she is already fucked, shes in the superman movies

a curse worse than death


Literally who cares

Spam her twitter

Jackson is the only loss

lol, sore loser

Liberals say this shit every election.

my sides

Miley has her job in America and is engaged to an Australian and will just move to the place where Chris Hemsworth lives

She already stayed with then for weeks earlier in the year and Chris wife loves Miley

Miley on the right
Chris Liam on the left
Pic taken in Australia

cher said she would move to jupiter. leave the old lady alone

I felt the same way when i heard about her tits


>and someone about to be sucked into a black hole

you have to go back



What did you mean by this?

Still got based Tom Cruise.

Like someone else said in another thread, you bitch on and mock a majority of the people for years it will comeback to bite you in the ass. Calling a group of people racist/bigots and at the same time heralding against racism just makes you look foolish

I think a lot of what Trump said was just to get elected, but Hillary and the far left can go fuck themselves off a bridge...including the celebrities

These celebs are celebs because of us, not them


Pretty sure the whole country woke up this morning like "welllll... we're actually doing this, huh?"

They have pretty good internet in Mexico.

Go home and make Mexico great again.

A smart actor is a rare thing, and they usually don't do well. Intellect isn't really helpful when your whole job description is "do exactly as the director says"