Who will replace him as /ourguy/?
Who will replace him as /ourguy/?
Zach Snyder
He was neve our guy you gigantic faggot.
Mel Gibson has always been our guy even though he shuns Marvel and DC alike.
>elected a man through a democratic process
>this is somehow an embarrassment
James Woods
>Mel Gibson has always been our guy even though he shuns Marvel and DC alike.
Change "even though" for "specifically because" and you're right.
Allow me to explain:
>it's an embarrassment when my agenda isn't the winning one
So who will replace him as Captain America in the biopic?
The other Chris Evans faggot that presented Top Gear.
who does trump hate? aside from islamic terrorists and illegal immigrants?
>captain """america"""
>hates the chosen president
really makes you think
he was always Sup Forumseddits guy
will trump make a board for you capeshit scum?
is he roleplaying as captain america outside of the movie set??
Reminder chris pratt was always our guy
>the only mcu actor who didnt shill for hill
>gun owner
>faithful to his aryan waifu
>starred in Jurassic World, an openly conservative movie about the dangers of progressivism
>check out his twitter
reddit tried to coopt him but he was always one of us
"even though"? We hate Marvel and DC here.
And yes, who here gives a fuck about Chris Evans?
People Sup Forums seem to like:
Nicholas Winding Refn
Viggo Mortenson
Keanu Reeves
Elle Fanning
Michael Gira
Mike Stoklasa
Donald Trump
Jill Stein
Mel Gibson
Sigourney Weaver
Mads Mikkelson
Kirsten Dunst
Martin Shkrelli
Varg Vikerness
We've all heard him say things about grabbing pussy, but people keep calling him homophobic which I never saw. They also call him a racist, but I only heard him talking about keeping people from entering the country illegally and importing tons of refuge Muslims.
Did he say more racist and homophobic shit that I missed?
>even though he shuns Marvel and DC alike
>even though
Only redditors and underage faggots like capeshit.
You forgot cute.
trump never made homophobic remarks
pence on the other hand is a christian fundamentalist who is anti gay marriage and pro-life
i dont think he ever said anything racist either.
i dont even see how talking crudely about women makes one sexist either
oh well he won so its over
Is this /ourguy/ now?
>Jurassic World, an openly conservative movie about the dangers of progressivism
Explain. I might watch it.
no because andrew lincoln is /ourguy/
>even though
Kill yourself, manchild.
Isn't he fucking a jew?
The original was the same m8
i didn't think a white cis male would be so blue pilled
Refn is inauthentic cancer
worse than Malick and PTA combined
I don't get it. What's wrong with what he said?
Never been our guy. He's just been a reaction image.
Mads and Viggo doesn't support Republitards though.
as someone who's had to endure 8 years of Obama's bullshit, it's so nice to see the left keeping an open mind and extending every courtesy to the president-elect
stay mad libs
Kill yourself, Korinefag.
In ter comics he beat up Nixon and ran as a third party candidate.