'Member when Sup Forums memed its way into winning the presidency?
'Member when Sup Forums memed its way into winning the presidency?
oooh i 'member
'member pepe the frog?
Sup Forums just used their NEET autism to irritate clickbait journalists.
The real heroes are the ordinary working people across America who got out and voted.
The heroes are the ones who stood at the polling stations all day and night and watched like hawks for shenanigans and.buffoonery. Shaqwanda and Mr. Shekelberg's tricks won't work when good, honest people record every vote that is cast. Them and the ICE showing up at polling stations, scaring off the criminals.
"Heroes"? Yeah right dont make me laugh, dumb ass hillbillies
greatest thing Sup Forums ever pulled of desu
200% mad
i wanna see where all the assholes mocking trump and mocking Sup Forums are right now..... all the reddit and tumblr cunts laughing at trump supporters.
did they all go back?
>Sup Forums will be more normie than ever now thanks to Sup Forums
I hope you faggots don't pretend to be okay with this.
Sup Forums is already the most pozzed board I've browsed on Sup Forums, it can't get any worse, in fact I'd say a few normies might make this place browsable
you can laugh at hicks even when they control government. they're still a bunch of anti-science conspiracy theorists with a healthy dose of white nationalist hillbillies. it's bush all over again
seriously just go back to tumblr, why stick around here? what for?
Because we were here before you contrarian stormfags flooded in after Dubya, and we'll fight off cancerous immigrants forcing their shitty culture on us as long as we need to.
>win election
what did he mean by this
All those Sup Forums cucks who were eagerly waiting for those sweet Sup Forums tears. Who's crying now, bitches?
Robert De Niro
No. Neither do they but when you've wasted that much of your life on Sup Forums pretending to have accomplished something - anything - probably assumes an importance it wouldn't otherwise have.
the Sup Forums types who continue to demand unforthcoming tears
I Sincerely believe no one on this site is invested in politics, no post has presented that notion to me it's all shit flinging at people from inside an echo chamber, which makes fucking no sense
Sup Forums's got fewer Sup Forums neckbeards than tumblr
are you kidding me? were you here yesterday????