Do we live in a "post-truth" era?

do we live in a "post-truth" era?

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Fuck Dickvid Hogg

you would have to be fucking /retarded/ to pay attention to any information outlet controlled by rich people, period.
the masses are being herded.

That's what Russian political theorists would like us to believe. The stated goals being to undermine credible consensus in reality in western states and surf the chaos to profit. Working well for them so far.


Yes. Created by Trump and GOP for the most part. Propaganda machine like never seen since the fall of communism in Europe. Uncle Goebels and papa Stalin would be proud of Donald.

OPs point = proven

"all sides" are doing this.
absolutely all of this is a show. it's a sham.
wake the hell up.

share us your wisdom, kkker

everything that comes from media and political outlets is a story weaved to try and incite tensions between our fellow man.

these imaginary problems disappear as soon as you stop paying attention to what the rich people want you to hear.

That fucking frog and no viable argument provided and delusional defense of undefendable with daily use of lies on Fox News fabricating information like its 1935 = point proven.

immediately jumps to assumptions and shit flinging

>hurr blame Trump
Fucking retard, this shit has been going on for decades. News has always been about profit and misleading people to make them as stupid and complacent as possible. That's ALL media, not just the news, and it certainly didn't start with Trump. He's nothing more than a pawn for the elite anyway.

getting real tired of that bald bitch milking this




Nice photoshop

But you posted the white power frog, it's obvious.

facebook frog is the best way to tell if someone is a stealth normalfag

That s a local channel though, and yes in theatre so its not surprising.

damn didnt realize she was jewish

>facebook frog

So, let me get this straight, in your world people from California aren't allowed to move to Florida, or even visit California from Florida?

that boy was on dr phil too. he shot a video from the closet (i giggled)
>it was on in my doctors office
they both love milking it

Yes we do, your version of fake news is no different from CNN's. Or maybe it's even a little worse. Shit was debunked within hours.



Well done, Comrade. Putin would be proud.

3000 students only 4 interviewed are DIRECTLY connected to CNN and are anti gun zealots, children of FBI /high ranking democrats

rightt...... of 3000 only those for then you have the staged town hall

Wow! Fucking illuminati. Revealed the truth to the people! Of course it has been but doesnt mean to have to tolerate it. And no, not in a (supposedly) largest democracy/poligarchy.

t. Post-modernism / leftism

all 3/4 of them were on an anti gun skit on ABC just happen intern for CNN, and the only 4 to be interviewed on TV period and constantly


Yeah, they'll pick non-hideous, talkative people to put in front of the camera, and that little gobshite had form for that.

see how does it make you feel

MFW the cucks think the cold war ended.

>do we live in a "post-truth" era?
oh boy...

oh yeah that happened, pretty fucking gnarly

>bitch about lying msm, lying bitches, lying climate scientists, lying politicians
>elect a chronic liar-in-chief

logic has nothing to do with it kid.
once the left understand that they might have a chance to vote someone else in 2020 because right now trump could still sail into a second term without breaking a sweat doing even less work than he did in 2016 which was mostly just re-applying spray tan and yelling at autocorrect fucking with his tweets

LOL Ameritards triggered by a kid

>"holy shit, he's on a beach in California" must be a conspiracy

how stupid can you be?

LOL Eurofag triggered by Ameritards

ignore media, live life how i want. Profit.



what was he a witness to exactly?

>99.999% of people completely brainwashed by mass media
>live lonely life

that's the way it goes bro

You what else is controlled by rich people? The government.

>quality bait

The earth is flat
no one is being shot in massacres
Chemtrails are climate control and or population control
The queen of england owns people in Canada
Vaccines are used to intentionally cause autism

fuckin winning

checked and checked

governments finally clued in that tge internet, like any unauthenticated channel can be jammed more easily than countered

the retaliation will be internet ids and reduced anonymity which is the real game, the constant noise is just half the hegelian dialectic

He is going to lose when a likable candidate is up and the voter supression efforts are corrected


We were post-truth a bunch of times. Remember the dark ages?

Nothing is true
Everything is permitted

video games are part of the problem

>especially revisionist history games that try for plausibility

??? he posted a pic of the leader of the assassins, what's video games got to do with it?


"look at me guys I make bold assertions and when people shake their heads at me it means I'm right because they CAN'T dispute it hehehehehehehe!"
that is what you sound like.




this, been happening even before trump was in office,

The news has always been biased towards whatever slant will catch the most attention and thus make the most money. Cherry-picking facts to suit their interests. At least some journalists were able explore nuanced issues in an intelligent way.

We've reached the inevitable extreme of this trend and Trump is simply the first to get there and really embrace it. Just makes stuff up. Why bother cherry-picking facts when lies work just as well. Exploring nuance is no longer called good journalism, now it's "Fake News". Authoritarians never acknowledge nuance because that would completely undermine the dogmatic "Us vs Them" narrative that they rely on for support.


Lol, get this man some Alex Jones Vitamins!

Maybe they rose to the top because they are the best spoken, comfortable in front of cameras, and knowledgeable of the subject?

No? Oh, it's all fake and planned by George Soros so that he can take everyone's guns away? Cool. Got it.

> they rose to the top because they are the best spoken, comfortable in front of cameras, and knowledgeable of the subject
You haven’t actually watched any of the interviews, have you?

Good journalism doesn't pay. That's the problem.