What are some films where a senile, communist, buffoon gets blown the fuck out?
What are some films where a senile, communist, buffoon gets blown the fuck out?
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Trump crashed the economy before the sun rose.
That was his plan.
>(((the economy)))
You're still employed right?
I love that he sold out everything he supposedly stood for and lent his support to the warmongering corporatist who had brutally trashed him, and all for nothing.
lol the dip was so fucking tiny if you didnt buy in then you're a dumber libcuck than everyone thought.
Mayumi: Virgin Terrorist
>sell out completely to Hillary and lose the support you had from morons
>all for naught
i don't get the alternative tho? he did what he knew had the best chance of winning the white house. if he didnt endorse she would for sure lose, if he endorsed third party he'd split the vote and she'd still lose. if he ran third party same thing. he tried to consolidate the left leaning vote. it failed, but not through fault of his own, Hillary was just a really weak candidate, and im truly disappointed not enough people went out and voted for bernie in the primaries. The fact that he had so much less baggage alone would have helped tremendously.
>all for nothing.
Dude got a pretty sweet $600,000 house by the lake for bending the knee
>when uve lost everything but the bitch that robbed u got rekt as well
poor commie guy, the funny thing is he won the primaries but Shillary stole him the nomination anyway.
>I'm gonma shitpost so hard on pol when Trump loses
>Americans still believe Bernie is left-wing
the alternative, trump, is obviously a protest vote, and he should have protested with they people
Its fucking hilarious to see all the lefties BTFO
Based A-Jones
>some rathole Yurosemen country thinks we care how communist his country is that takes millions in American aid
joke's on you, my mother died giving birth to me
Friendly reminder that the DNC brought this on themselves.
They had the Chosen One destined to make the Democratic Party great again, but they had to Jew the left out of their candidate.
That's right user, changes in the stock market don't affect anyone!
>Oh no! That guy reaching his hand into my pocket isn't taking enough money from me
Top kek
Trump stands for nothing Bernie stood for. They share literally nothing in common policy wise. Whereas his political preferences closely align with hillaries. nigga you dumb
dam u
>runs for president
>gets millions of dollars in donations from fucking idiots who think socialism is a good idea
>pocket the money and concede the democratic race in exchange for a 3rd house
>never work again for the rest of your life
I think he will do just fine
What are you even talking about? Lulls in the market thrash 401ks.
DOW has barely changed since yesterday
Socialism is a good thing in certain areas, which is why we and literally every other modern nation employ a mixed socialist capitalist system
shut the FUCK UP you commie FAGGOT
You don't have a grand in your 401k yet, fresh.
Your portfolio managers are just taking less money from you.
Nobody is losing their jobs
Is this considered funny on leftypol?
bernie stood for every single fucking college buzzword you could think of. he was a plant. besides you're wrong. trump has been anti tpp from the beginning, protectionist, a non interventionist and wants to get rid of the lobbyists that are running this country. the difference is bernie was a fucking democrat shill who worked for the establishment while trump was the only anti establishment candidate. bern victims are so retarded
>that cheeky smile at the end
He knows he has to play ball, but soon he will be liberated from the witches curse.
Bernie would have beaten trump but he sold out the fucking retard
first of all he wouldn't have because the usa isn't going to elect an actual commie jew fuck. it's not ever going to happen. second of all he was a plant from the beginning. he had no intention of winning. he's some worthless jew fuck who never worked real job in his life. even in government the lazy kike never did anything. guy was an independent who gets paid the democrats yet doesn't have to do any work for them. they finally called on him for a favor and that's why he ran. the dems set him up to rile up the democrat millennial base to eventually vote for her
>Talking shop with these retards
At least let their anuses recover.
>and wants to get rid of the lobbyists that are running this country.
lol what does this even mean? Every industry and interest group in the country lobbies their state and federal governments. It's literally the mechanism that informs lawmakers of information pertinent to these groups when creating legislation. That system will never change, although it could be regulated. To make a blanket claim that he's going to simply throw the rascals out just betrays your total ignorance of how the country works.
I'll continue living my life peacefully in Minnesota :^)
The stock market panics a little bit anytime anything changes.
My stocks have literally only gone down $0.34, try investing in something not shit.
Also holy fuck we beat the Bushes and Clintons
Just like you were during the recession. Doesn't mean the surge in unemployment, stalling of industry and whiped out retirement savings didn't happen. Why are all trump supporters complete mongs?
>the bird on his shoulder
subtle kek
eat a dick, retard. money influencing legislation is done for. you status quo faggots will be roped with the rest of them