Dead careers general?
Dead careers general?
Damn, Kanye West looks like THAT?
How the fuck do you die in a grease fire?
What kind of kinky shit is Cheadle in to?
>How the fuck do you die in a grease fire?
Do you understand combustion and its effects on the human body?
you notice how the so called peaceful progressive leftist are the first ones to use violence and insults when someone disagrees with them.
Okay just in case there are some kids or people that missed a safety lecture possibly reading this board at this time:
I forgot about that rule one time and nearly lost my face.
well they've been quiet and peaceful the whole election, whereas the right has threatened violence all along.
When do you have enough grease around to burn a person to death with it?
do you know what fire is
*cuckstep begins playing in the distance*
Thanks for correcting the record.
Soak a dish cloth or towel and lay it over the fire.
Back alley of any major town.
>Berate Trump for using ad hominem insults
Will Hollywood EVER recover?
Trump likes to hand shit out but doesn't take it well. Of course you poor assclowns are going to identify with that.
i need to keep track of people that I never assumed were psychotic. I swear I thought he was cool. if denzel starts saying crazy shit I don't know what i'll do.
When what's still referred to as "spontaneous combustion" occurs it's always to lardasses because of the big grease "wicks" they carry in the form of body fat. Cheadle's not being totally unrealistic.
I'm not even American lad I'm just here for the tears and memes
Did you even read the post you responded to? It's not about Trump taking it well, it's about celebrities being so moral and righteous except for when the chips are down.
It's over crybabby, come back in 4 years
Me too. I'm so happy right now. Not just for seeing Hollywood go apeshit, but it's a nice bonus.
>It's over crybabby,
Yeah, like that.
>come back in 4 years
I have complete confidence on Trump's ability to make it two.
And late actors itt to i guess,
michael Fassbender
chris Pratt
tom Hardy
Whats their endgame?
Theyre all like 35 or older rite?
They might as well get in early. It won't be long before it becomes impossible to find anyone who'll even admit to voting for Trump, although you can bet the fuck-ups littering this thread like dog turds in a badly-maintained public park'll blame it on an imaginary Cheka and actually believe it.
please don't make fun of me
>all those buttblasted celebrities
Didn't Cranston say he'd move to Canada?
How BTFO is John Oliver right now?
Glorious times.
For someone professing "glorious times", user, you sure do seem to need a lot of reassurance.
Ian somerhaulder to
"I am seething mad Hillary lost"
Don Cheadle was a mistake,
Fuck off, you Lil Richie math failure
It was like cavils superman,
But cavill didnt have wrinkles before going bald.
And he did movies before 35
I think this is one of the reasons i didnt like the new xmens, it wasnt watchable.
It was so pushed.
I always cringe when late bloomers appear
Goddammit they should've given T. Howard the money.
Yeah, like that.
>sided with globalists in Civil War
>sided with Hillary in the election
fuck this hack
They should have given it to Michael Jai White, both Cheadle and Terrence were/are terrible Rhodes
I hope this nigger dies in a bakery while purchasing doughnuts
>"Die in a grese fire"
Now imagine if a male celebrity said this about Hillary.
It would be "proof of the deep-running problem of sexism in our society" according to all the hot new clickbait articles, after being called "Gamergate 2.0".
>well they've been quiet and peaceful the whole election
On what fucking planet?
They've been violent Nazi thugs for the past 2 years.
It must suck to be rich, and famous, in a country where you can tell your leader that you want him dead.
>but doesn't take it well
He's put-up with the constant beratement of "nazi", "racist", "bigot", etc. for the past 18 months.
He apparently takes it better than you pussified little shits that go running for your Safe-Space when someone commits a micro-aggression.
Well to be fair he wasn't the leader THEN
>he'll never win!!!
>he'll never make the full 4 years!!!
Just give a cry into your pillow bitch
i've only actually see one trump supporter hit anyone, that redneck in georgia I believe. I've seen hillary and bernie people run up and hit people with rocks and pepper spray, and mob violence as well as throwing things at cops etc. dude, it is very documented who is more violent and i'm not white but the truth is not hard to see if you're not a complete mental case.
>you pussified little shits that go running for your Safe-Space when someone commits a micro-aggression.
Is that like when you try to seem confident on Sup Forums but only end up coming across as bitter and whiny?
Kanye West supported Trump
>implying that no one saw it coming
>well they've been quiet and peaceful the whole election,
What's with all these butthurt Avengers actors?
Did Marvel Studios tell them to bash Trump?
>implying I'm gonna watch an Avengers flick ever again
>libs pride themselves with being the "peaceful, accepting, and tolerant" party
>republican wins
He should move to Rwanda and do something useful for once
Thanks friend. I feel like I knew that but a reminder is always nice
in recent history americans under republicans have experienced 4 wars, thousands of deaths, devastating terrorist attacks, widening division of income, recession, repression of gay and womens rights, and a general pandering to anti-science and evangelical sensibilities
under democrats we've had no american soldiers killed, economic prosperity whilst expanding the social safety net, increased scientific funding, insured millions and saved the costs of caring for the uninsured, the ending of recession, saving of the auto industry, expansion of gay and women's rights, and a call for scientific literacy and critical thinking
so why would you ever vote for a republican?
>Satan is a democrat
Big fucking surprise