>RYM down
is it finally lunching?
RYM / Sonemic General
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no, and seeing as how Beta 5 isn't even out yet I doubt it will be anytime soon.
Ahhhhhhhhhh feels good to be the Most Influencial User on Glitchwave, which is a more important and respectful title then most influencial user on rateyourmusic because playing games actually takes skill when on the other hand listening to music just requires you to sit there alone with no friends i play multiplayer games with my friends and my girlfriend sometimes too even and it is alot of fun and more engaing
dead general
>tfw sonemic will be an utter disaster no matter what
Post your account.
riceshoes i liked your remix
did you used to post on the mutracker forum or am i thinking of someone else
do you drone ~brandonsyl?
If sonemic launches, do my reviews get carried over? can someone update me on what's happening? new to rym
suck my dick you fucking faggot
thanks for the help
big if true
Never Ever Forget What Previously Happened on Rate "Your" Music
r8 me, Sup Forums.
My greatest allies: Turkey_Beard, HorseMouth, King_Fahtah, ethacetin, samketchup, deadmellotron, Eskahndor, Akuochi_Hime, SabbathBloodySabbath, FutariSaison, antreas72heep, teninchshrimp, GrindcoreKaraoke (R.I.P.), beecord (R.I.P.), Kojiri (R.I.P.), IronPriest666 (R.I.P.), Lord_Ghoul (R.I.P.)
i didn't like swans until the rape allegations
>hurrr alt-right durrr
sup my pedos
hello john marv
i don't like blood dude wtf
2011 Meme Genre Call Me Onkyo
give her the onk
L "Y" J posters are fiercely democratic: each poster is accorded equal freedom and prominence, yet they manage never to step on each others toes. And the range of posts they conjure is nothing short of astonishing, from deep-throated Bitch posts to intricate lads... posts. By turns tough yet intellectual, uncompromising yet accessible, the comments posted by these hardcore L "Y" J posters ultimately manages to be something frequently lacking in memes: based and hilarious.
not really desu
>I'm Bi but don't hit on me
God, I hate Canadians.
>t. Canadian
boo hoo cry more
these are such trash these days
kill yourself
feel free 2 add, rec, etc
bump for L "Y" J
should i be ashamed of droning lad?
yes his taste sucks
>should i be ashamed of droning the drone of a drone
(not true, by the way)
sean is his own man, user
who does he drone
fuck off sean
"who does he drone"
nobody has ever been able to answer this
L "Y" J, of course
sup sean
I can't even begin to explain how much I hate your online "persona". I absolutely despise your rym page and every single post you have. Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Don't you realize how much of a pathetic loser you have to be to make "le ironic internet funnies xD" WHILE sporting a trip on every thread. I hate you so much you fucking mongoloid cretin and I hope you die from sever cancer.
This but unironically
Report every post of his you see then
jealous of my glitchwave ratings much ?? lol
still feelin spooky
>iloveyou still in the sun
me. it's annoying af i have to beat him away with a broom because he keeps scratching at my apartment door like a dog i let outside
Garbage chart, jump off a high bridge
Post your profile.
unfortunately being a massive faggot doesn't break any rules on Sup Forums, so that would be a waste of time
>tfw sonemic won't let me log in or sign up despite having an rym account
What am i missing lads
did you sign up after july 11?
>iloveyou still in the sun
Garbage chart, jump off a high bridge
what's your criteria for a 5, friends?
personally if six months to a year pass and i still love every track
if that shit slaps
All-time most important music that I've ever heard, permanently changed the composition of my conscious in a major, profound and irrevocable way; shaped who I am.
I demand two things from a 5-star album: invention and that it astonish me.
why did i laugh as hard as i did at this
because it's the most authentic, honest response of any that the question got
Well I might be alone here but my favorite albums don't just slap shit :/
kill yourself
the shit is what's doing the slapping, the albums aren't slapping shit, the albums are the shit that are distributing the slaps.
RYM's userbase and one shitty pseudo-chant album got totally BTFO in one review. Can anything ever top that?
he'd have awarded it a higher rating if little girls were doing the chanting
>muh cultural appropriation
I 100% agree with him even though I dislike jmarvin as a user. I gave that cassette a 2/5 back when it had like 40 ratings or so, now it has 10 times the amount. It's absolutely baffling to me how the RYM hivemind can create such glamour out of irrelevance and mundaneity - not to mention the exact opposite.
t. jmarvin
Oh, really? Explain me why Tetris isn't a 5.0 then.
Tetris is fundamentally flawed and one of the most overrated games in history, design-wise.
I have no idea. To this day, I don't know. It's just what sounds good enough to be a 5.0, I guess? But it doesn't even have to mean anything to me, it just sounds like a 5.0. I don't know.
Ok, flawed, but why? What's the issue?
Oh, and don't believe that I consider Tetris good or anything.
>Tetris is fundamentally flawed and one of the most overrated games in history, design-wise.
it's objectively well designed
i challenge you to elucidate your opinion
Its not a game because you cant win
They forgot to design a win state Fact: you cannot win a game of tetris that is bad design Also the s blocks are point less and ruin the game because of how obtuse they are its like did they even do player testing
It's a game about having the best score possible. There's no intention to make the player finish anything, that isn't the point.
its not a game short and simple All games must have a lose state and a win state tetris has neither therefore it is not a game
See: There's no need to finish anything. The game doesn't tell you that you lose, it tells you that the game is over.