Anons i need help

Anons i need help.

since yesterday, when i shit, i have some blood on the toilet paper when i'm cleaning my ass... there's no blood in the shit, no blood in the toilet... just in the toilet paper... what could it be?

You hear this a lot: "A thread died for this." While accurate, this phrase generally carries no weight. But just this once, if you would do me a favor and hear me out, it would do all of us a lot of good.

A. Thread. Died. For this. You woke up this morning, poured yourself a bowl of Faggot Flakes, moistened them with your impotent Faggot prostate milk (which IS in fact impotent, because you're a fucking faggot) and, within seconds, decided that today of all days would be the time you decide to cut your synapse firing quota by just a little too much.

So you hopped online, carved out this uninspired chicken scratch, probably failed the captcha once for every strand of peach fuzz on your half-empty sack, and clicked Submit.

At that moment, a thread died. A thread that could have been bumped. A thread that could have been resurrected with content, or valuable discourse between its denizens. Hell, it could've even been bumped for absolutely no reason. And that would've been okay. Because, had it survived, a few more seconds could have been spent without having had your abortion of a post been born in this world.

anal fissure probably

Wash your dirty ass more often. Take a shower after each time you take a shit. Seriously.

And sit on a pillow at your computer.

my shit is like this, i don't do so much strenght

Anal worms, go see yer doc asap to check and remove

Clear indicator for AIDS

Wiping your arse too hard.
Can someone track this guys IP so we can kill the dumb cunt

It's piles. probably internal, nothing to be too worried about.

just don't spend so long sitting on the toilet and try not to strain too much when you shit. if it persists, go see a doctor or get some pile cream.

How would you get rid of worms if you have them in the gut ? Do they give you something to flush it out ?

Give you something to kill them then something that helps flush you out till your done shitting dead worms


Drink bleach. Does wonders

While you sleep micro ass goblins attack your ass to gain entrance to the cave of plenty.
Hacking and slashing with there tiny blades.
That's why your asshole bled

stop getting fugged in the ass for starters

you have a paper cut on your ass, dumbass.

If you were bleeding internally, you'd see it in the water, OR your shit would be very dark, black even.

It’s a hemmerhoid and completely normal. You can buy preparation H at any convenience store here in America. These occur when you push too hard, a little blood vessel sticks out and when you wipe too hard it causes small or large patches of blood. You can use wet wipes or preparation H to get rid of it. Major cases require medical attention though, user. Lots of blood and you should prob go to hospital.

>Can someone track this guys IP so we can kill the dumb cunt
Honestly! The banana bois are fucking better, and that's saying something!

>Anons i need help.
>since yesterday, when i shit, i have some blood on the toilet paper when i'm cleaning my ass... there's no blood in the shit, no blood in the toilet... just in the toilet paper... what could it be?
Could be aggitated hemroids. Should see a doctor either way. Also if your stool looks black and or you vomit what looks like coffee grounds, you should go to ER as it is often a sign of internal bleeding

What could it be?
It’s blood.

I ate a whole pack of oat cookies once.
Had to push out a monster turd next day. When I wiped, there was blood on the paper.

Never ate oat cookies after that.

>eats an entire package of cookies
>blames problem on cookies rather than his own gluttony

I know you probably hear this a lot because you're a loser but nobody wants you here. Go post your copypasted prewritten drivel somewhere where the people are autistic enough to be amused by it.