Mein Fuhrer, you've just won the election

>Mein Fuhrer, you've just won the election
Why aren't there any movies on this topic?

There was a TV series, Hitler: The Rise of Evil

Funnily enough, they must have saw how just depicting him and his struggle and rise to power actually made him look not that bad, so they had to add scenes of a bunch of random made-up events to demonize him like one of him abusing animals and kicking a dog.

>trying to demonize hitler
>implying you need to make shit up


nice meme


It's a very simplified version of what really happened.

>believing commie kike propaganda
Lol what a pathetic """person""""

Because he never won the presidential election.

hitler was a good man. He only wished for each country to have its own culture preserved. He believed the Jewish people deserved their own culture to be preserved but not in a country that wasn't their own.

Iranian education?


Unlike America ... Germany wouldn't let a racist win the election.

even jewish people themselves admit they are devourers of native cultures. More jews were massacred in russia than they ever were in germany for this very reason.

>more jews were massacred in russia
By Germans and Russian or Ukrainians collaborators. Yes, the earlier pogroms were tragic, but they weren't as bad as the final solution.

And why are you mentioning only Jews? What about Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other Slavs?

it wasn't 6 million killed in the holocaust. this number is blown massively out of proportion.

It's not. And it was more. At least 12 million civilians of all ethnicities were murdered by Germans.

But...what about Hitler?

Trump winning is ridiculous, peopl here inn Paris are baling their eyes out cause that hitlerlike faggot won

this the first hour or so makes you see that actually hes right germany WAS CRIPPLED then they have to make him seem much worse so its the whole jews jews jews then a bunch of random "artistic liberty" to make him seem even worse of course we know eventually he did start to go mad but it seems starting out he had the best intentions guy got the iron cross ffs you dont get that for being a faggot and tried to get back to the front lines multiple times.

shame about the whole madness,jews,aryan race etc

No. Hitler was wrong about everything. He was a no one, a shitty "artist" with terrible taste with delusions of grandeur. Giving him power was the biggest mistake in Germany's history.

still managed to turn germany around even if ww2 fuck things up

>even if ww2 fuck things up
And who was responsible for WW2? Hitler destroyed Germany.

I don't get how people are so opposed to saying literally anything positive about Hitler at all, it's ridiculous. He was hardly the only crazy megalomaniacal fascist anti-semite around at the time he was just the only one who managed to take over one of the most powerful countries on the planet and almost take over the world, he obviously had something going for him other then his bigoted political beliefs.

>anything positive
I guess he loved his mother.

>And who was responsible for WW2?

In what way?


so he gassed them

You are stupid. Hitler's goal was to start a big war.

but you wish it was true right?

t. (((educated))) guy who has never read a biography of hitler

Nah man, he just wanted the Sudentland... then Czechoslovakia... then Poland.

He was probably going to stop with Poland if those pesky Britishers and frogs weren't such war mongers.

Neville Chamberlain was right.