>its a Trump wins the presidency episode
I think this seasons finale went really well
>its a Trump wins the presidency episode
I think this seasons finale went really well
nah season finale will be murricans getting their asses kicked by china and russia
then germany rises from the dead and safes everyone
>boatload of sobbing celebrities leaving the american shores as the credits roll
Can't wait to see what they open with next season.
>Hillary is the one provoking Russia
>based Trump is going to cut her ties with Isis and assist Russia and Assad rooting out their cells
>the dawn of the Eagle and the Bear as allies begins
>Dat last sentence
Trump Hillary and Bernie should all just become presidents at the same time and work together lol. Now everyone is happy
You suck at this.
Best webm I have seen for the past decade. Thank you CTR.
>women crying over loss
>all those facebook/tumblr posts from women
After such things i wonder, can we really allow women to vote, maybe it was a mistake.
Republicans are a cancer
>people in the first world actually cry if their candidate doesn't win
Really? I understand this in third world countries when that could mean death, but in America? for real?
>maybe it was a mistake
hehe you're funny user
We clearly shouldn't allow men to vote.
>People saying Trump won because uneducated people voted for him
American Education at its finest
It was just babbies first election. The result was unexpected but not completely divorced from reality.
How he was able to grow the white vote was interesting, I can't wait for the books.
Also kellyanne conway just became the most in demand campaign manager
Who's we? Who's gonna stop men from voting?
Men are strong, tactical and can't be stopped. Shut up faggot, before I put you down like the worm you are.
53% of white women voted Trump
You know, women wants a dominating man, you insufferable baby child. So when you're weak, and you're licking their feet, deep down they despise you, horribly.
Maybe you shouldn't have been so smug about how you were going to laugh in Sup Forums's face when shillary wins, this wouldn't be happening.
Praise Kek.
It really was like a movie.
>tfw we are all just extras in the Donald Trump filmography
>hurr let's insult and belittle the biggest voting demographic in the country
>ohshit they became a bloc
They have nobody to blame but themselves. Pander to Americans not a group of fractured identities.
implying liberal arts counts as education.
Working people voted for him.
So is him entering the white house in Season 2?
What do you think about the idea to have a giant "TRUMP" logo at the top?
>based Trump is going to cut her ties with Isis
jesus christ can't you people just pretend to not be fucking retarded for even a second?
>They have nobody to blame but themselves. Pander to Americans not a group of fractured identities.
I agree the democratic party is a mess, they should have stuck to an economic message.
The problem is trump has made promises that are impossible to make happen. Manufacturing jobs are not going to return.
What happens after 4 years and everything is the same, no amazing change. Will he be able to duplicate his success.
Even congress is going to be interesting, watching everything play out.
we shouldn´t allow most people both men and women to vote
that way we would have never gotten into a situation where we needed somebody like Trump in the first place
That's the joke, user.
Whatever is the reason, "American education, am I right?" fits perfectly
If actual uneducated people voted him: American education, am I right?
If that's a false statement said by art mator's liberals: American education, am I right?
I don't doubt anything anymore. He achieved the impossible, he is a living legend.
Fuck, he says he will build a wall, watch it get built.
And watch Mexico pay for it.
Nothing Trumps Memes.
eh, more like uneducated white christian males. working people is a rhetorical term
>He achieved the impossible, he is a living legend.
But he didn't he used known successful techniques . The failure was in our ability to model reality.
It does say something fundamental about our country and how we see ourselves. We are more white and more isolationist then believed.
How this will effect the way we have maintained peace around the world will be interesting, and possibly damning
it's funny when a somewhat reasonable post is responded to by a frothing idiot.
Liberal sensationalism at its finest.
Whites are not the only people who respect Trump and voted for him! This is coming from a Johnson voter.
CTR ain't giving you overtime m8
The episode where Republicans assassinate him and then blame liberals was too unbelievable
Trump swept every white demographic except young women with college degrees - and he only lost that 54 to 46
Also for some mysterious reason he did at least seven points better among Hispanics and five points better among blacks than Romney managed.
>Whites are not the only people who respect Trump and voted for him! This is coming from a Johnson voter.
If you don't think this isn't a referendum on whiteness in our country you are being obtuse. He used very specific language in his campaign.
Either he told the truth or he lied and people believed him. I am not sure which position is worse.
The white poor have gotten fucked and he spoke to their fears. He did not put together a reasonable plan to do any real fix.
Technology is fucking a large portion of the country and no amount of trump is going to bring manufacturing and mining jobs back.
How do you deal with that rage? He blamed the other and it worked, it always works
Seriously though, who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What a twist at the end, the writers made it seem like she was gonna win and then came the upset!
Every poll, every media article pointed to a hillary win.
Were hillary supporters so sure of themselves a lot of them didn't bother to go vote? lmao
When your biased media backfires, fucking hilarious
See Trump certainly didn't win minorities but for some mysterious reason he did better than a Republican has in decades