Dr Tsrange

>no feminists sjw or focus on women at all
>woman actually gets btfo
>prompt action, unique villain, creativity
How were they able to release a movie that pandered to nobody and warned millennials about texting and driving?

Most of all how is this ugly bastards so attractive?

Other urls found in this thread:


>no feminists sjw or focus on women at all


The bald overpowered master is a woman, buddy

A white woman getting the role that according to the comic should be played asian man.

Sounds incredibly progressive.

Because they had a vision & they believed in to trump win and to guide us away from pc liberal bullshit being crammed into our movies with no purpose other than furthering a political agenda

There's a massive SJW with the face of an alien as main actor.
And it's a fucking capeshit so I will still skip it.

There is massive SJW pandering all over the place.

you just convinced me to go see it. Thanks man.

no feminists sjw or focus on women at all

yeah the howargs of nepal and changing the master with a woman is nothing about that.

For god sake there was just 2 gooks in a fucking movie about the beginning of doctor strange, and no the extras don't count.

She was practically a man at that point. She displayed no signs of "female power" and was defeated by a man in the end. She said her time was over and gave her role up to a man.

If you saw anything feminine or progressive about her character then you forced it.

Sounds like a Drumpf-Hitler tier xenophobe sexist movie

>She was practically a man at that point.
That's when you can tell it's SJW pandering, you idiot.


Like I said no female figure can relate to her. She had nearly eternal life, strange was belittling her the moment he saw her and joked about the Asian guy, she died and she showed great weakness and instability.
Nobody honestly portrayed that best then a bald female who has to live their life miserably defending the earth.

Since regardless of gender they would have died anyway we didn't even need a male master.

SJWs love seeing women portrayed as men though. It's their wet dream seeing women turn into men and men turn into women.

There's a different between her being a man and acting like a man but still a woman.
No woman wants to be a man. They want a male position as a woman.

She would have still had hair and have been beautiful slay material if it wanted to pander. No sjw or feminist wants to be a blind utterly responsible and submissive monk.

Don't see how anyone could get angry about it when the movie did so well. Focusing on strange's character development everything was about HIM and not his female heroine who also saves the day.

Wrong actually . stated it here SJWs like female taking over male positions
Not being true to the position
SJWs hate sacrifice and responsibility

Being a woman does not make something SJW whoever spread that is ridiculous. If you compared SJW characters like new wonder woman to the monk you would get nothing in common.

Just imagine this but with magic and sheeeit

would be more amazing than that ayyylmaoo bald woman

>tfw spent 10% of my salary to go see this movie (indian, so make 240$/mo)
>tfw it was shit

'tis the season for it.

Dumb Pajeet. Should've spent it on Hacksaw Ridge instead.

Are we really pretending the female monk was anything but a convenient excuse not to piss of Chinese by being faithful to the source material? They made her bald and all empowered otherwise the leftists would've reigned down on Marvel for white-washing.

>Hacksaw Ridge

Is this a /meme/ ?

You defending capeshit is the biggest meme. Fuck off to Twitter. Your precious Evans is having another liberal meltdown.

>being so triggered

>being a capeshiteater

>he praises himself on an anonymouse cantonise scam site for having good tastes in movies

Movies are meant to be fun, fuck off back to school, loser

>relies on the turn off your brain it's all fun ;) deflection
Case in point. A capeshiteater hates having to use his neurons. Better have some quips lest you get bored. Fucking faggot.

If you seriously believe what you wrote and arent just /meme/-ing, you're the saddest human i ever talked to.

Go back to "turning off your brain", you fucking capeshiteater. You've polluted this board enough with your shit taste. I hope you're happy.

My decisions to watch fantasy shouldnt make you this upset. What happened, user?

He dies anyway literally who cares
All. I saw was cancer when I saw the bald lady

>more than 70% down in a week
That's strange.


I cant keep up with these /meme/sters anymore

hey if you dont like it dont watch it, retord

I liked the ayy lmao.

I don't know why Sup Forums acts like Marvel movies are SJW

>Iron Man movies all accused of objectifying women
>Nothing deemed "progressive" at all about Thor movies, Hulk movies or Captain America movies
>Ant-Man accused of racial stereotyping
>Doctor Strange accused of whitewashing
>Age of Ultron had Slutgate and accusations of mysoginy
>Civil War had accusations of homophobia and fridging
>Guardians of the Galaxy was accused of slut-shaming and objectification

literally anything is nowadays both sjw and promotes x-ism.

wtf i love marvel now

Beta dcuck detected

>Massive SJW
>Played over the top character poking fun at trans in Zoolander 2

>b-but deecee
Noose yourself, company warrior.

I feel like Doctor Strange had a really good soundtrack for a Marvel movie.


mordo was white in the comics


I thought the soundtrack was completely forgettable. Not once was I watching the movie did I stop and say "The music is awesome".

It was fairly forgettable. Marvel doesn't give a shit. They'll keep pump out this generic shit because people's standards are so low.

Darmamu I'm here to bargain