What should I do Sup Forums? I never know how to react in these situations

What should I do Sup Forums? I never know how to react in these situations

>Girlfriend used to text me most of the time during the day
>She didnt write me since this sunday. Yesterday I texted her like if nothing happened and she was replying me like "yes, no, ok" and without bringing any conversation topic.
>I know she likes to have "her space" from time to time, but this is getting ridiculous. I always have to take the initiative for everything. Im just waiting for her to make the first move instead of writing again like if nothing happened.

Should I ask her whats happening? I know thats beta and clingy, but I cant help being worried.
Whats worse, she said this weekend her best girl friend has been ignoring her messages and calls and she was angry about it, but she is doing the same to me. (She is 28yo, old enough) I honestly dont know how to react, bet if I ask her directly she will say "theres nothing wrong, why are you asking? you worry too much about anything"

In before chad or cuck.

Let her know your concerns and if she bitches to you about it tell her that if you'd find her sucking another guy's dick you'd curb stomp her and fuck the guy in the ass right in front of her. I'm not even trying to be funny. This will show your dominance and get her wet for your tight leash behavior.

Sorry Ray. She's just not that into you pal.

She will msg you again as soon as she gets tired of screwing around with her new boyfriend!

If people do things all the time and the don t it is a sign that something is going on. How you handle the situation is what makes you Chad or beta or whatever....a true Chad would be direct and get to the bottom of it without to much emotional investment but also recognizing the potential seriousness of the situation....it could be nothing but unfortunately women like to do these bull shit tests sometimes.
But yes I'd monitor and probably talk to her about it

You need to have the strength of character to leave her be and not chase her. Don't ever let girls have you running after them, it's a sign of weakness and they'll walk all over you. I'd ignore her until she messages you then ask her where the fuck she's been

Did you ever think about the fact she clearly needs black dick and is getting it while reading your texts, laughing, showing the black 6'6 dude who's plowing her, then deleting it as he shoots on her face?

It's means she wants you to share her nudes

Im tired of going behind girlfriends. This one was constantly asking me to date her, I had to choose between her and other girl. She end up crying, calling me for hours, talking until 7am, and so on. So I finally decided to be with her and start dating. A few months later she became like this, too independent and basically a jerk.

I think I'll wait a couple days more, if everytime something like this happens I go running for her she'll know what to do to screw me

Did you post this yesterday?

If she doesn't reply properly then she's not as interested in talking to you as you are to her.

This means that right now, you're more emotionally invested in the relationship than she is, and that's a damn good way to get hurt. If you confront her on this, it'll only drive the wedge further - this is because women do not value honesty and directness in the same way men do, and do not react well to it.

You need to consider the possibility that your relationship is already over. It might not be, but beginning to come to terms with that now is going to help you moving forwards. Once you've done that, the next step is to literally stop making any kind of effort with her whatsoever. Don't initiate any kind of contact with her.

At this point either she'll begin to miss you and will approach you (and the relationship is salvageable) or she will never bother to approach you again (in which case the relationship is over).

Without knowing more about your dynamic it's almost impossible to know which is more likely. Also, there are risks involved in everything. Ignoring her is the most likely outcome to succeed but like every interaction nothing is guaranteed, and it may backfire.

Best of luck, and sorry about your shitty girlfriend.

how long yall been together? been with my girl for 2 years and she likes to be a little distant from time to time but so do i, i feel that its normal

She became bored of you. Either she was too secure in the relationship and knew you were more invested than she was, or genuinely she just lost the spark.

If I may be so bold - the likeliness is that she's just a bit fucking nuts, and flip floppy. The kind of girl that wants to cry on the phone til 7am is not the stable kind, and that should have been your first red flag that the bitch might pull some shit.

I agree to a point but sometimes pridefulness hedged against a women's own stupidity can be dangerous. Like you just ignore her and then she's like etc he's ignoring and doesn't even care so it spirals the situation....better to call her out and if she is still being stupid then you just say "okay I'll give you your space but don't wait to long....and then ignore her....like you gotta show sensitivity followed by strength...and sensitivity is not necessarily weakness though it can be

Who is the gorgeous girl in the picture OP?

OP again, thank for your replies

I risked a lot with this girl, the relationship started 10/10 and I thought she could be the one after too many failed long term relationships -last one 6 years-

Im not in the mood to play games anymore, try to guess what she is thinking or what she desires just by keeping quiet. I just want a stable relationship and focus into my job, life and future with someone. Maybe she isnt the one I thought she was.

By the way, after 20+ hours she just messaged me out of the blue telling me a random thing about her cellphone. At least thats something.

I wish I could live alone and be happy about it, but I cant help to getting engaged all the time. Everytime I got single in the past I was looking for girls all the damn time.

Yeah I need more of OPs picture.

yes, thats always dangerous. I know if I keep waiting for her to make the first move and she notices it, it could end very bad.

It happened to me with girls I didnt really care about
>This tinder girl I liked, we've been meeting, having dinner and sleeping together for a month
>I texted her every night, talked about a couple of hours
>Suddenly I decided to not write her one night.

Guess what happened, she never wrote back. Me neither. That was the end.

Of course its different with a girlfriend, but theres always that risk

Dude you can't be a whiny bitch that overthinks everything but you can't be afraid to be honest either. Everyone is different and if this is gonna go long term you gotta be yourself. Don't over think it and talk to her. If you talking to her about her feelings drives her away...Then let's be real, it was already over.

Just ask her what's up.

Thats what I think, I already told her this a few times, but she keeps doing it over and over. She just says I worry too much about this and there isnt any problem at all. But she has changed a lot. Its like a different girl, distant, rude and cold.

I guess I should think more of myself instead of focusing almost everything into this relationship.

Also, don't ask Sup Forums for relationship advice. You'd very seriously do better with your own judgement.

The good thing is you realize that.

Dude, just tell her you're bored ask her to go do something.

If she says no, ask her if everything is alright. If she says yeah, then chill and tell her to shoot you a text if she wants to get together later.

If she says no, that everything isn't alright, then ask her whats up.

Pro tip. Use other social avenues when women do this. Just hit up friends, and make sure you have a good time. Don’t pester her just let it ride. If she decides that you’re being “an asshole” through her magical women’s lens then decides to argue or fuck it up then just walk away and don’t get emotionally involved. I dated a girl like that and she’d do this all the time, we ended up breaking up and I got hurt. We started talking again a year later but I made sure to take the emotional highground this time. I just tell her “Talk to me when you get out of your “ok” funk” then I go out with friends. Takes her about a day or two but she comes around and offers me some great makeup sex for being an ass. Takes a special kind of person to put up with this long term though so good luck.

PS it helps if you have some girl you know you could get with that your girl knows about. The fear that you can just get your fix with someone else if she messes up should help keep her in line.

bro that pussy is so good

Just tell her if she doesn't say what's going on then "bye, the doors that way" and actually be willing to go through with it. I do that early on for petty stuff a couple times in new relationships just to "draw a line in the sand" per se. And it keeps them in check most of the time


I need to know who she is..